Are dwarves racially proficient in light and medium armor?

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

I have no reason to believe that a dwarf is racially proficient in armor, let alone medium armor. There is nothing in its racial description to suggest otherwise. Nevertheless, I notice that in the NPC Codex, the Storm Prophet on page 212 has both the Arcane Armor Mastery and Arcane Armor Training feats, but no listed armor proficiency feats.

Armor Proficiency (light) is a prerequisite for Arcane Armor Training and Armor Proficiency (medium) is a prerequisite for Arcane Armor Mastery. Neither a sorcerer nor dragon disciple possesses armor proficiency as a inherent class ability.

So, either NPC Codex has a typographical error (and two wasted and non-qualified feats) or Paizo left armor proficiencies out of the dwarf's racial description. I'm suspecting the prior. Help?


Is it this one?

Because that one has the mentioned problem. It's odd, though, because the build isn't even using armor. Just seems like a mistake.

What is the class of the storm prophet?

He's a Sorcerer7/Dragon Disciple2, and has no armor proficiencies. This is a screwup in the NPC Codex.

On the other paw ... he has no armor listed in his equipment, either.

If dwarves were intended to be racially proficient in armor, I'm sure they would have said something by now.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's not in the racial description of dwarf, so no.

Liberty's Edge

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So, basically, we have two dump feats that we can replace, or alternatively, dump the arcane armor mastery, replace it with armor proficiency (light), and give him armor. To do it that way would free up a spell instead of the mage armor he casts.

Sounds about right.

It's not a typographical error, that would imply that a mistake was made in typing the word.

No, the answer is that the person who wrote that entry didn't do a good job of being familiar or remembering all the rules while writing that entry. It is not the first example of such, especially in the NPC codex.

In any event, no Dwarfs are certainly not racially proficient in armor.

Also, instead of having him buy armor have him buy a wand of mage armor if you're really interested in saving spell slots. Of course, this is a 1st level spell slot so not much value at 9th character level. Also by this level armor would be magical and quite expensive, but a chain shirt would give the exact same AC as mage armor. A +1 chain shirt would give 1 more point of AC, but would cost substantially more.

And if neither of those fit, haramaki or silken ceremonial armor has no spell failure chance and has no armor check penalty and can be enhanced. Keep in mind with no spell failure chance or armor check penalty you don't actually need armor proficiency to wear it.


You'll notice the NPC Codex is riddled with errors.

Sean K Reynolds, one of the contributors to that work, has admitted he made mistakes on some of the entries.

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