Kevin O'Rourke 440 |
To be clear I'm going to do one, possibly two Starfinder Society scenarios but we're not abiding by the SFS rules. But it shouldn't be too long before the adventure path comes out.
We'll use the standard points buy (this is different in Starfinder than Pathfinder).
Themes from in and outside the core rulebook are fine.
Races from the core rulebook including the legacy ones are all fine. Races from the other Starfinder books can be discussed with me just remember large size characters might have difficulty fitting in places for one! If there's a race from Pathfinder you'd really like to try in Starfinder we can consider converting it. So yeah if you want to try a Gnoll Soldier that might be doable.
As for starship combat, as I've said I think it's not all that well suited for PBPs, I'm not going to ignore it completely but I'll file off starship encounters that seem tacked on. With the current adventure path I've been left with the impression they just shoved a starship fight in some of the books to make sure there was one.
Elthaeron |
Hey everyone. Funny to say, but I fell in love with the elven Background. So I’m going to make an Elf Arcane Assailant Soldier. Still new to the rules so my apologies if I don’t optimize this character.
Basic idea is that he is an exile. He lost an important historical artifact, and cannot return home until he finds it. He has intelligence pointing to the kidnapped colonist, as an individual who at least knows where he can find the lost artifact. He is willing to fight the entire Azlanti Empire, if he has to, to get what he is after.
Anyways, that’s the basic concept. He’ll be a ranged soldier, who uses magic to enhance his weapons
Elthaeron |
Character is almost done. Took the theme “Death-Touched” to represent the punishment placed on him for losing an artifact of his people. I’ll write up full background later, but in short, he was exposed to negative energy and left for dead, being told that if he survived he was exiled until he returned the Macguffin.
If anyone would like to look over my sheet and make suggestions (such as on Equipment) it’d be appreciated
Arika Ladd |
We're gonna want a pilot and engineer for sure. My character has high dex, so I can drop into the pilot slot, otherwise I'll take the engineer space.
@ Elthaeron: your HP should be 10, not 11, as you don't add your con mod to them (they are just your race mod plus your class mod), although you do get to add your class mod to your HP every time you level.
EDIT: since it looks like Elthaeron has piloting, I'll take engineering (unless our 4th is a mechanic or something, in which case I can take Diplomacy and fill the captain role.
EDIT 2: This is Vrog's character.
Elthaeron |
3 soldiers, yes! That’s what I want to see :)
Thanks for the Hp catch! I’ve also changed Dex to 18 and added the Glamered Fusion to both my rifle and knife. I figure that for an elf who is traveling nonstop, being able to hide his weapons would be a plus. So when he walks around, his knife will look like a canteen (nothing wrong with having that on your belt) and his rifle will look like...I don’t know? Any ideas? I’m thinking an instrument at the moment. Something non threatening.
At lvl4 I’ll upgrade to tattoo fusions.
I figure that with his Mysticism he can always transfer the fusions later, so they’re an ok investment
Looks like we all have dex18 now too. Trosvod, are you going heavy weapons? I’ll be using longarms, and Arika has a sniper rifle.
I’m kind of hoping our 4th also goes soldier and decides to be melee. :D
Elthaeron |
Was having trouble thinking of a good Glamer for a rifle. Then realized something even better. Called.
Elthaeron will carry his rifle in a locked carrying case on his back. Anyone can see that it is safely locked away, so it isn’t a danger. But when combat breaks out? Swift Action to teleport it to his hands.
Very arcane assailant elf, I would say. :)
It had seemed like such a good idea at the time, Elthaeron reflected. He couldn’t move, which was worrisome. Even more so, was the reason why he couldn’t move. The pilot had been found guilty of the most heinous of crimes. He had lost it. There really was no point explaining what it was. It was that important. And he had lost it. A relic from his people’s past, from before the gap. To call it important would be a vast understatement.
Elthaeron reflected about how he had ended up in his predicament. He and his crew had been hired to take the relic from it’s stasis to the capital, where it would be given to the hierophant and his retinue. They would take it from there. Real hush-hush. Apparently someone didn’t want anybody to know the relic was being moved. Some religious nonsense that he didn’t fully understand. But a job was a job, and truth be told he had been looking forward to seeing it. The relic hadn’t been out of stasis in over two thousand years. He thought it would be exciting.
It was simple enough, really. Put it on the ship, take off, and fly to the coordinates. Take it out, say the holy words, and pass it off to the hierophant. Easy, right? Well...he did it. He flew to his coordinates, and landed just outside the capital city. The heirophant took the relic and walked away. A job well done, right?
Elthaeron tried to turn his head, and failed. No, it hadn’t been that easy. The REAL hierophant hadn’t even arrived yet. And because of the two times his crew had MINOR misunderstandings with customs, nobody believed them when they said they were innocent.
The captain got it worst, Elthaeron knew. He was still being questioned. And his poor crew (himself included) weren’t getting off much easier. Elthaeron grimaced in pain. It was so cold in the pod. The priests said that this was to teach him a lesson. He and his fellows were facing exile, until the relic could be retrieved. And while they were being transported off world, they were to be stuck in these pods. Infused with “negative energy”, whatever that was, and unable to move or sleep, the mystics said that this was so that they could meditate on their sins.
That had been twenty years ago. For the first two years, Elthaeron had been furious. So had his fellows. But the anger had faded, and with it, he had come to a realization. He really, really, wanted to go home. His fellows had wandered off over the years, going their separate ways. Nursing their bitterness against the homeland which betrayed them. Or they had just given up, figuring that it was a big galaxy and a small relic.
But Elthaeron wasn’t willing to give up. Not yet. Not when he had a lead. There were rumors of an “ancient xenos artifact” up for auction on one of the pact world colonies. It’s description more or less matched that of the relic.
So here he was, posing as a colonist. Rather poorly, he figured. What with the mask and all. But what other choice did he have? He knew that if he found the relic, and returned with it, his exile would be over. He might even be able to leverage it into being a payout big enough to live off of for a millennium. The mystics were harsh, but if he could prove to them that their punishment and exile had been a mistake on their part...yeah. With the relic, he could go a long way. All he had to do was find it. And kill whomever was in his way.
Trosvod "The Wyrm" |
I think Trosvod is there mechanically. Armour Storm soldier, athletics, bluff from Space Pirate theme, intimidate. Big armour and a big gun, but with some melee ability thanks to being a Vesk and having Armour Storm
For background, I have notions that he has raising hell with pirates for the last few years, but left his old crew after they got smashed up and went their separate ways.
Elthaeron |
@ Elthaeron: your HP should be 10, not 11, as you don't add your con mod to them (they are just your race mod plus your class mod), although you do get to add your class mod to your HP every time you level..
Hit Points: 7
Stamina Points: 7 + Constitution modifier
So HP is 7 (class) + 4 (race) = 11
SP is 7 (class) + 1 (con) = 8
Kevin O'Rourke 440 |
Our fourth player Erkan has accepted, I think he's asleep since I gave him the link but I expect he'll post here tonight. He hasn't got to try Starfinder before so if I haven't responded to a question you know the answer to then please do your best to give him a hand.
I'll start with one or two of the Starfinder Society Scenarios. Since it's releasing late in August I think if progress goes well we might launch into a second mission.
Baedjrak Bloodeye |
Good morning all! This is Chris/Wanderer82/Erkan dotting in @ Kevin's invite. Looks like we have a crew of highly capable soldiers, and are in need of both some skills and healing. I am thinking either a Mystic or a Mechanic, both using the Ysoki race. Mystic would cover healing as well as a good range of skills (xenotech theme to get engineering), but I would still lack Computers, which I am guessing would be useful to us. Mechanic build would hit all skills (engineering, computer, medicine through class), picking up social skills through Steward Officer archetype, but healing would be drastically slower. Any thoughts from people? As Kevin mentioned, I am new to Starfinder, so any character advice would be welcomed.
Oh, and this is a working avatar for the character, as I am planning on going Ysoki.
Elthaeron |
I’m new to pathfinder as well.
For healing, there is always
“Choose two 0-level mystic Spells and one 1st-level mystic Spell. You can cast the 0-level Spells at will and the 1st-level Spell once per day for every 3 character levels you have”
Until then, if someone has medicine as a skill I think we can get by without a party mystic?
So I’d vote for mechanic. That said, I’d say play whatever you like. I’m new to starfinder as well, but it doesn’t seem like the kind of system where we need a “rounded” party.
Kevin O'Rourke 440 |
Go with whatever you find more interesting. You don't need any class.
If there's any skills you want to get as class skills consider the feat skill synergy. You pick two skills, if the skill is not a class skill it becomes one. If it is a class skill you get a +2 bonus to it. I find it great for customizing a character. I have a Mystic character that got engineering and computers with it.
A word of warning on the medicine skill, it's not great at getting back hit points at lower levels. The DC is based off your gear, so the advanced medkit (a level 7 item) is DC20 as opposed to the one ye can get now that is DC25...
Mainly you healing by spending resolving and a ten minute rest to get back stamina. Stamina is lost first. Mystics can't actually heal stamina, they can only heal hit points which are quite difficult to get back.
A word of warning to all, get in cover when you're in a firefight!
Elthaeron |
So, I’ve decided to drop Stealth in favor of computers. Arika is the sniper and should have scouting covered quite well. Also thematically, with Elthaeron being a pilot, having the computer skill sounds like it would fit.
And at lvl5 he’ll get the Spell Comprehend Languages. This will let him read any computer code that he doesn’t know (1x day per 3 lvls). And that sounds to me like it would be downright useful.
And for his at-will Spell, I’m thinking Token Spell. Keeps him clean, and can remove finger prints, block security cameras, etc. Also seems quite useful.
I’ve also dropped acrobatics in exhange for engineering. So now with Mysticism, Elthaeron can disarm both mundane and magical traps. The character is now complete, and I’m quite happy with him.
Nazkrit, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t lick mechanic or have that skill. From what I’ve read, computers sounds like it is really important in starfinder. So if you do go mechanic, please don’t feel like this is pushing you out of that role.
Baedjrak Bloodeye |
My sincere apologies for the delays, I've had an insane week at the restaurant and my desktop computer died. The chaos has been sorted, and I've replaced my desktop. Along the way, in those moments I had to try to debate between playing a Mystic or a Mechanic and figuring out wish would accomplish all the skills focus I wanted, I accidentally flipped to the Operative page and realized I was going about things all wrong. So, without further ado, I am pleased to introduce Baedjrak Bloodeye, tech specialist, negotiator, and recon agent for the Starfinder Society.
Baedjrak Bloodeye |
Good morning ladies & gentlemen,
I would like to apologize for my extended absence. Play-by-post games are a communal storytelling endeavor, and when one member disappears, it can adversely affect the flow of game. I hope you can all appreciate that was never my intention. A couple weeks ago before my posting stopped, you may remember it got a bit sporadic. As mentioned at the time, this was because of working long hours during restaurant week while battling a bad chest cough. I thought I had “toughed my way” through it, and was starting to feel a bit better. It turned into pneumonia instead, with severe complications because of my asthma. As such, I have spent the past two weeks in the hospital, on a heavy dose of several medications. I am happy to say I am back out and feeling much better, with functioning lungs. I am truly sorry for detracting from everyone’s gaming experience, and hope you still have a place for me at the gaming table, as I would most certainly like to rejoin the game. If not, I totally understand and wish you all the best.
- C
GM Kevin O'Rourke |
Consider your actions and mission. It's been a little while since you got it so I'll copy paste here.
"Anyway, it could be some lunkhead screwed up the wiring, but that’s a pretty big system failure for a simple electrical short. I’d prefer to send in some people with combat training to scout it out, just in case someone or something is sabotaging the ship. If it’s nothing, great, get the power back on if you can."
Baedjrak Bloodeye |
I have power again! Florence ended up being less than expected in my neck of the woods, but still gave us some trouble and stole the power/interweb. I know plenty of people who didn't fare as well. Hopefully none of you were troubled by it.
GM Kevin O'Rourke |
So now I'm transitioning things into the mini adventure path. Obviously I didn't have the PDF when we started but there's some background built in reasons based on theme how a character knows an NPC called Cedona. I've got ones picked out for each PC but this isn't set in stone. If you really don't want to take it on board let me know but having that connection will help the character feel more invested in the adventure and it's stakes. Feel free to make counter proposals! exactly are all of you unwittingly friends of Cedona? Surely that would be a big coincidence? Perhaps its all part of someone's design!
Despite your back-alley dealings and efforts to avoid legal entanglements, you kept running into an android named Cedona. You might have thought she was a bounty hunter or a police officer, as she so frequently seemed to know where to find you, but she didn’t seem interested in capturing you. She was more interested in finding out why you were charged for your crimes, and whether you had done illegal things for the right reasons.
Cedona seemed to actually like you, when so many others were willing to cast you aside or turn you in, and you struck up a friendship with her. She once showed up to provide you a transit pass and fake identifcation documents when forces of the law were closing in on your home, and you feel like you still owe her for that.
You attended a short series of lectures a few years ago about the business of religion, but you found the presenter’s conclusions ill-founded and lacking in intellectual rigor. You met another attendee—an android named Cedona— and struck up a friendship while complaining about the lectures. Cedona was primarily interested in learning about AbadarCorp colonies; she hoped to join one of those colonies once she retired from her current job, although she didn’t mention what that job was. When she was approved to join AbadarCorp’s colony on Nakondis, Cedona asked you to come visit her when you could, to see “religion and business in the feld.”
You chafed at the confnes of civilization in the Pact Worlds, fnding your center in remote gardens or little-traveled wildernesses. On these journeys, you occasionally encountered an android named Cedona. She never told you what she did for a living, but she talked often about how she was looking forward to retirement on a wilderness planet far off in the Vast. When she was approved to join the colony on Nakondis, she invited you to a going-away party to celebrate her good fortune, and she asked that you look her up some day.
You were Cedona’s neighbor for a few months while training to become a Starfinder, and she was the only person in the neighborhood you really considered a friend. She had a pet named Cubber—a vulpine creature known as a squox—that she occasionally asked you to feed while she was away for work. You never learned what Cedona did professionally, but she seemed glad to retire from it. She was happy when she told you she’d been accepted to join an AbadarCorp colony on Nakondis, although it meant she’d have to find a new home for Cubber. Whether you now own Cubber is up to you.