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1st question: as an Archeologist bard, did your gm let your luck power to increase by level like the normal abrid perfomence or not.
(in the rules a normal Archeologist bard get 4+ cha rounds per day and never get more unless he takes feats to increase that).
if he didn't let yo uget more then 4+cha, then lingering performence let you treat every 1 round of luc kas 3(is a swift action to pull a new one after the 3rd round) and extr aperfomance will increase the normal rounds by 6 (so 18 more round per level with the 2).
also a must have for Archeologist bard is the faith's favored trait. it add +1 to any luck bonus you get.(get the lucky ginse head gear and you get +2 luck to ac and 1\day ignore critical attack or sneak).
dervish dance is a nice feat to max your dex output into battle. at level 5 with +3 dex the fath favor and dervish dance your will get +6 to attack and damage not ncluding bab and other item\faet mechanics. and with a scimiter's igh crit range every fe whits should double that to +12. i think you cna do what the monk do and better if you focus a bit on what you have. don't forget that bard also get nice buff spells not only illusions. you can buff yourslef to do a lot mroe damage. we had a nArcheologist bard in a party that was the main nova (tank do les damage but suc kup a lot of attacks. nova deal a lot very fast, but tend to be less defended)