Hawkmoon269 |

Zaister |
Is there actually a definition what is a combat check?
Is a Melee check always a combat check? If it is made against a barrier such as a chest? If it is made to acquire a boon, such as a weapon?

Joshua Birk 898 |

No, a Melee check isn't always a combat check. Only cards that list "combat" are combat checks. If it just says "melee," it isn't a combat check.
"Most monsters and some barriers call for a combat check. Weapons and many other cards that can be used during combat generally tell you what skill to use when you attempt a combat check; if you aren’t playing one of those cards, you must use your Strength or Melee skill."

Hawkmoon269 |

To follow up on that, what makes a check a combat check is that there is a card requiring a combat check and you are attempting that check. Technically, that is true of any check. "Why is this a Diplomacy check?" Because there is a card that requires me to make a Diplomacy check.
You often have Combat checks to defeat monsters. But you can also have a Combat check to defeat a barrier. Or even a Combat check to acquire an ally (maybe they need to be impressed by your combat skills).
So why is the Skeleton a combat check to defeat? Because the Skeleton has a check to defeat of "Combat". Why isn't the Siren? Because it doesn't have a check to defeat of "Combat".

Dave Riley |

Yeah, this was something that really confused me for a while. I'm fighting a monster so it MUST be a Combat check, so I can't use this Sage on my check against this Siren.
What clued me in, I think, was Combat checks against locked door barriers. For me that was kind of the "ah ha" moment that had me reexamine my RPG preconceptions.

zeroth_hour |

It's a little weird, but it makes sense.
A combat _check_ is a check that has Combat in its check to defeat. A non-combat check is a check that isn't a combat check.
A monster always deals Combat _damage_ unless the card says otherwise, even if it's a non-combat check to defeat.
A Siren deals Mental damage instead of Combat damage. It can't be reduced regardless, so the only case where this matters is if other things trigger on Mental damage. (which I believe don't exist atm)
Just separate the concept of combat damage with a combat check, and you'll be okay.
-Valeros encounters the Villain Nefti Unwesha, who has a check to defeat of Charisma/Diplomacy 13. He uses a Blessing of Sivannah, which allows him to add 2 dice to any non-combat Intelligence or Charisma check. Even if Valeros uses Diplomacy, which is based on his Charisma skill, he can use the blessing to add 2 dice to his check.
-If Valeros rolls a 12 on those 3 dice, he can recharge a Chain Mail to reduce the Combat damage by 2 (which is 0).

Hawkmoon269 |

This is how we have understood it. What we can't get our heads around is how you could have a "combat wisdom" check or a "combat charisma" check. Isn't this impossible and so "non-combat wisdom" is redundant?
Kyra playing Holy Light is making a combat Wisdom check. Seoni playing Force Missile is making a combat Charisma check.

kldonnelly |
Thanks - now that you say it, it seems obvious. But we were really stuck on that question, and one player was using that to try and convince us that the Siren's check was a combat check (since it was a monster) and so he could use a weapon. We didn't let that fly, but he wasn't satisfied since we couldn't tell him what a combat wisdom check looked like.

csouth154 |
This was another question I had. Probably should go in the FAQ.
Honestly, the FAQ page for this game is more for errata and wording changes than it is for answering Frequently Asked Questions. There's no need for errata, since there's nothing in the rules that says, or even suggests, that any check to defeat a monster is a combat check. That is just a preconceived notion that some bring to the table.

zeroth_hour |

It doesn't need to be in the FAQ, because it's in the rulebook (see page 12):
"Most monsters and some barriers call for a combat check. Weapons and many other cards that can be used during combat generally tell you what skill to use when you attempt a combat check; if you aren’t playing one of those cards, you must use your Strength or Melee skill."
Note the word most, not all.
If it doesn't call for a combat check, it's not a combat check.
A combat X check is also defined on that page:
"...For example, if you’re using the Arcane skill on a combat check, and your character card says that your Arcane skill is Intelligence +2, the check counts as both a combat Arcane check and a combat Intelligence check."
Also note page 13 for the definition of Combat damage:
"If you fail a check to defeat a monster, it deals an amount of damage to you equal to the difference between the difficulty to defeat the monster and your check result. Unless the card specifies otherwise, this damage is Combat damage."

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If you have questions about how to play things, the best thing is to check the rulebook first then look at the FAQs.
Like, zeroth_hour stated, the non-combat check to defeat is described in the rulebook.
Each bane card has a section called Check to Defeat. This section indicates the skills that can be used in checks against the bane and the difficulty of the checks. If you succeed in defeating the bane, it is usually banished. If you fail to defeat a bane, it is usually considered undefeated, and it is shuffled back into the location deck. If you fail to defeat a monster, you are dealt damage.
That doesn't say just combat. So that player trying to say that all checks against monsters are combat checks just needs to see this passage.