Chuck Wright Layout and Design, Frog God Games |

Did someone say Grab Bags?! This year there will be two types of grab bags for sale. They are quite different from one another, so make sure you read their descriptions and select the one that is right for you. Get yours while supplied last! Why these grab bags? Well...
Mama Frog, you see, has finally came completely unglued when she realized that the tadpoles and I had five actual buildings full of war game stuff. I cannot even walk into my upstairs office right now without climbing over boxes of stuff. In light of that, and based on last year's hugely successful sale, we have decided to offer two types of grab bags this year...
$100 Grab Bags
This grab bag consists of Frog God Games and Necromancer Games overstocks and back stock that we need to move out. There will be 200 of these for sale until they run out. Each box will contain $300 minimum value. The boxes are packed at random and full of great titles and rare items!
$150 Grab Bags (Bill's Collection)
This grab bag will contain items out of my personal collection. Ok, I won't lie to you-my Vampire Queen, Pharaoh, and all my Judges Guild collection is not in these boxes. Mama is letting me keep most of my Level 4-5 rares and my JG stuff. That being said, there are many items from the 1980s, 1990's and 2000's, and maybe even a few from the 1970s'. Many of these are Level 3 rares, and some 4-5's might slip in if I have 2 copies.
Anyone who has seen my collection knows it is quite vast (and I often forget and buy 2 of something). These boxes may also contain painted GW miniatures (many painted by professionals-I was a ranked player in the 1990's) and use by me in GW Grand Tournaments. This may not sound that cool-put most are metal, and my worst paint score at a tournament was 29/30 points.

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For their Black Friday deal (Through Midnight Sunday) 25% off everything on their website (Gran bags not included)!
The discount code is BLACKFRIDAY14.

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Quick Question.
I just got my First Box it was $100 Grab Bag. There were 2 boxes in it with the same number. Does that equal 1 Grab Bag or 2?

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Yes. We shipped you 2
2 in one box and the other in the box that has not arrived yet?
Still a bit confused. I Ordered 2 of the $100 and 1 of the $150.
The reason I am asking is because if that 1 box held 2 Grab bags it seemed a bit smaller then last year, though I can be mis-remembering.

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Ps. Each grab bag is in its own priority box
That makes more sense now based on what I got.
I ordered 3 Grab Bags, 2 of the $100 and 1 of the $150. I was only sent 2 and only 1 has arrived so far. Still no shipment email on the other Grab bag. Not sure which one has not been sent, will know when the other box arrives.

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Sorry Bill, tried to track down you phone number, but I seem to no longer have it, Only Skeeter's.
I got 2 Grab bags in, 2 of the $100 level.
I have still have not gotten a shipment notice for my $150 Grab Bag (Bill's Collection).

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The Hall of the Rainbow Mage
2x The Diamond Fortress
The Six Spheres of Zaihhess
2 x Shades of Gray
Elemental Moon
The Tome of Horrors III
Razor Coast
Heart of the Razor
One Night Stand - Curse of Shadowhold
Hex Crawl Chronicles - The Pirate Coast
The Hidden Citadel, Part 5 - The Mind of Chaos
Sword & Wizardry
Razor Coast
Heart of the Razor
Freebooter's Guide to the Razor Coast
Razor Coast Character Sheet Pad
2 x Hall of Bones
One Night Stand - Scorned
Hex Crawl Chronicles - Beyond the Black Water
Saturday Night Special - Ice Tower of Salka
Saturday Night Special - The Mires of Mourning
The Northlands Saga - Beyond the Wailing Mountains
The Slumbering Tsar Saga Coloring Album
2x Sword & Wizardry Coloring Album
Rappan Athuk Player's Guide
TSR Books
Isle of the Ape
Gamma World Adventure Booklet (Booklet I think from the Box set)
Dungeon #13
Wizards of the Coast Books
Zeitgeist Games Books
The Dungeons of Castle Blackmoor
Temple of the Frog
Alderac Entertainment Group Pamphlet
Iron Crown Enterprises Books
...And a 10-Foot Pole
Pirates of Pelargir
Fiery Dragon Sword & Sorcery Product
Counter Collection I: The Usual Suspects (Limited Preview Edition)
Steve Jackson Games Books
Gurps Player's Book
Gurps Magic
Flying Buffalo Book
Mongoose Publishing Mag
Painted Miniatures
Catapult with Goblins as Ammunition and 3 Dwarves
Alarums & Excursions #137 & 139
Tabletop Pirate cards (unpunched, all early sets) #s 30, 31, 50, 51, 52, and 63
Edit: I just ordered another Grab Bag (Bill's Collection)

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Bill when you get the chance can you review what I am being Charged for Shipping? I am being Charged more for the 1 Grab Bag then I did for the First 3.

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Ps. Score on the goblibber catapult. I think that model goes for more than $150 straight up now. Long oop workshop medel
Not quite the full set but it is nice none the less.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |
A nice haul there Dragnmoon. Lots of Razor Coast, Blackmoor stuff is somewhat rare I think.
Everything in the $100 Grab bags I own already so they are going to make good presents and prize support for local gaming events.

Melkesideck |
I got....
DCC #51 Castle white rock
DCC Saga of the dragon cult
DCC #35: Gazetteer of the Known Realms
DCC #1: Idylls of the Rat King (levels 1-3)
DCC #3.5: The Haunted Lighthouse (levels 4-6)
DCC #10: The Sunless Garden (levels 6-8)
DCC #30: Vault of the Dragon Kings (level 10)
A box of painted miniatures.

Melkesideck |
Thanael wrote:A nice haul there Dragnmoon. Lots of Razor Coast, Blackmoor stuff is somewhat rare I think.Everything in the $100 Grab bags I own already so they are going to make good presents and prize support for local gaming events.
How rare are the DDC box sets and modules i got ?

Melkesideck |
I ordered a $150 grab bag (Bills collection)
I received...
DCC #51 Castle white rock
DCC Saga of the dragon cult
DCC #35: Gazetteer of the Known Realms
DCC #1: Idylls of the Rat King (levels 1-3)
DCC #3.5: The Haunted Lighthouse (levels 4-6)
DCC #10: The Sunless Garden (levels 6-8)
DCC #30: Vault of the Dragon Kings (level 10)
A box of painted miniatures... (Which i still sort and find out what they are)
Wizkid’s Tabletop Pirate cards (unpunched, all early sets)
How Rare are these items ? :)

Thanael |

Ask the guys at the acaeum, there are a few d20 collectors there, and a few threads on DCC on their forums.
Apparently dcc3.5 is a rarity and worth quite a lot (>500$)! Do congrats, you lucked out.
Also there's a dcc51 up on eBay right now. I'm watching it to see what it's worth too... I'm guessing $50-75.
If you sell them make sure to post a link to the auction on the acaeum marketplace forum. Or you could advertise there and make a deal without the horrendous eBay fees...