Not sure what feat to take.


Silver Crusade

I'm going into level 5 (Sorc1/Wiz4) and I'm already not sure what I'm supposed to prepare for. I am your run-of-the-mill blaster where all I do is focus on doing tons of damage.

Feats I already have:
- Spell Specialization [Burning Hands]
- Spell Focus
- Varisian Tattoo's

Things I've considered:

- Greater Spell Focus, helps makes my evocation dc's harder to overcome but that rarely seems to be the case.

- Spell Penetration, I have yet to come across a creature with SR and I'll be thankful when I have it but at the same time it's a dead feat until needed.

- Empower MM, while I'm only carrying an Intensifying Rod, my current traits only cater to Fireball which I don't have yet. So I will leave my 5th level in wizard for that.

- All other MM's, have to wait. Correct me if I'm wrong. With a heightened spell, I would have to make a CL check?

Also, I have the option to buy this:

Acrimony Veil
Acrimony veils are ancient magic devices created by Alaznist, the Runelord of Wrath. They are normally composed of several types of interconnected metal and human bones, each etched with complex designs. The device covers the wearer's entire face (forehead, cheeks, and jaw), but provides no benefits to AC. The mask functions as a lesser empower metamagic rod, but only affecting spells of the Evocation school. Additionally, the wearer of an acrimony veil may cast rage on himself once per day.

Slot: Head
Cost: 13,500 GP

Should I even invest in Empower MM if all I'll be doing is Fireballing?

Grand Lodge

Well, the Veil only will work with level 3 or less spells, the feat will work with any level spell.

As for feats, GSF is a must for a AoE blaster, as well as the elemental focus and greater elemental focus feats. MM can be bought via rods, and you also need to prepare those wizard spells with the mm at the start of the day.

If you are taking your next level as Wizard, look into Quick Study Arcane discovery. It reduces the time needed to prep spells to 15 minutes.

Improved Initiative is never a bad feat, and neither are the trio of save-boosting ones. If saves aren't problems for you, or if initiative isn't, then look somewhere else -- but it's useful to consider not just ways of slaying your enemies but ways to keep yourself alive.

As for offense, Greater Spell Focus is well worth your while -- foes will get better saves as you get more powerful.

Consider Intensify Spell, as it breaks the damage cap on spells, which will keep your lower-level spells viable longer in higher-level slots.

Spell Penetration isn't useful now, but it will be in a few more levels. I'd wait till 7th-9th level to start that tree. Most evocation spells allow for spell resistance.

Need metamagic feats at this point. Without them a blaster has no chance at scaling properly. What you need at this point is to optimize fireball (that you don't have). If you can I would retrain varisian tattoo for extra traits (metamagic pair) and then at level 7 take empower.

This would allow you at level 7 to be flinging empowered and intensified 8D6*150% to AoE 3 or 4 times a day and still having burnin hands in reserve. And this math isn't including your sorcerer dips.

Alternatively go empower scorching ray and mow down mooks. Not that great long term though.

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