VrisKCa |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

basically what the title says. I'm in the mood to GET CREATIVE.
If you have any Original Characters, I'd be willing to draw them, since I need the practice.
No guarantee what order I'll go in, but I'll try to get out at least some sketches.
If I have the time, I might paint a few portraits, too. :D
- Nothing NSFW, please
- Post detailed descriptions or pictures, not just 'he's a tall elf with brown hair and a sword lol'
- I might take a while to produce, pls be patient >.<
portrait example of my friend's OC, Alas

Oladon |
Nicely done!
Ever drawn a (Paizo) goblin? ;)
I imagine her as one of the greener goblins, instead of the grey or other colors... but not a green that turns her into a cartoon or a joke. She dresses modestly and practically, preferring fairly loose-fitting clothing in dark colors: browns, a bit of black, and dark greens. She dual-wields (magical rapier & magical adamantine dagger), or wields her rapier and has a wand in her off-hand. She is garbed in mithral celestial armor, but usually wears it under her outer clothing so that its shimmer doesn't give her away when she's trying to be sneaky. (I leave it up to you to decide whether or not to portray the armor.)
Her only decorative jewelry is a forest green Elven broach worn at her throat, her only connection to her childhood. She generally wears a billowing cloak to conceal her goblin-ness, but the portrait could be with or without that. The character sheet has boots of speed, but the last artist and I thought that bare gobliny feet worked better, and instead represented the 'boots' as ankle-straps. Either works.

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Neat! I'd love to see a try at one of my characters. My most original (and high candidate for favorite) is Kara, halfling courtesan slave turned fighter after earning her freedom. As much a geisha as dervish dancer, she leads both by force of will and graceful blades.
Kara is a slender, graceful halfling in early adulthood. She has smallish, clean shaven feet covered in simple shoes, and could easily pass as a gnome. Her dark eye makeup upon tanned skin draws even more attention to her large blue eyes, and she flashes her long eyelashes just right to lock your gaze. Jet black hair is cut short at her shoulders, save for a long braid that extends down her back.
A revealing yet simple brightly colored gown with bits of leather discreetly sewn in serves as both costume and armor. Once clean and beautiful, it now bears the mark of countless battles and long treks through desert heat. Simple copper bracelets adorn her wrists, and a beaded necklace draws your eyes down the plunging neckline.
She travels light, wielding matching Kukris in her deadly dance, blades flashing as she spins like a desert tempest.

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I would like to take up this offer as well.
I'll pick Nesod, former slave turned archer monk of pure destruction.
He wears a simple cloak with numerous dirt stains on it. Gold buttons sewn into the right sleeve, which are now tarnished from neglect. On his head he wears a simple silver headband which is strikingly shiny compared to the down-to earth appearance the rest of his clothes give off. A Razmir mask hangs from his neck.
His sole weapon is a bow, as evidenced by several quivers he carries across his back.

Jason Lillis |

My Legacy of Fire character, Kelyun of the Wastes, as he appeared at the end of our adventure
- He carries a mighty longbow, enchanted to bring extra pain to fire outsiders.
- He has one battleaxe crafted from adamantine - it has a single edge and an opposing spike
- He has a second battleaxe that has a single edge that appears to be a hardened crystal.
- He wears a breastplate carved from the remains of a felled magma dragon, and enchanted against fire
- He covers himself with a cloak that he took from the elemental plane of fire, woven out of lightweight brass threads, and enchanted to hide in the sands of Katapesh
- His horns are more like rams horns than bulls horns
- His eyes are pure brass - no whites or pupils

Andostre |

Holy crud! I would love to be able to get even a sketch of my longest-running character! I've had this guy since 2006, and as you may see from the description below, I'm far too attached to him. :)
Emus Graymullet comes from a small, backwoods community of humans and dwarves. Early in his life he was dedicated to his community's dwarven god of fighting and drink (e.g. he was a berserker), but he eventually grew out of that chaos with the help of an oder druid from the area. He now balances the chaotic and stoic sides of his personality by using both his rage and his druidic arts to serve the community and the land surrounding it.
He has a slight squint, and when he talks, it's hard to tell if his expression is trying to convey grouchiness or sarcasm.
Emus' gear is a soldier's gear. He takes care of his equipment so that it stays functional and will last a long time, but appearance is never a priority. His armor is often slightly stained, as is the rest of his clothes, but a close examination of things like his boots and cloak will show even the smallest rips and tears attended to.
Emus carries most of his possessions in his backpack, and it's not uncommon to see a spare club and a couple of torches sticking out. His biggest distinction, however, is the greatclub that he carries against his right shoulder.
Emus has begun carving symbols and shapes into his greatclub. At the thickest end of the greatclub, a supposed likeness of Emus gritting his teeth in rage has been carved on one sie, with a growling bear on the opposite side. The end of the club and the areas around the two visages are carved to look like Dwarven hair and bear fur that flow into each other, connecting the two. The beard and fur below the visages is cleverly carved to mold into thorny ivy, which is interspersed with blooms and vegetation of plant life common to the area around the community. Below that, a band of carved kobold scales surround the club. There is still room below this band of scales for future carvings.

VrisKCa |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Nicely done!
Ever drawn a (Paizo) goblin? ;)
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Oladon Full Color Sketch
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Oladon wrote:Nicely done!
Ever drawn a (Paizo) goblin? ;)
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Oladon Full Color Sketch
And he delivers! Well done!

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Alright, could you draw either of these? (Doesn't matter to me which one.)

VrisKCa |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

VrisKCa wrote:And he delivers! Well done!Oladon wrote:Nicely done!
Ever drawn a (Paizo) goblin? ;)
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Oladon Full Color Sketch
heh, thank you c:
[PS: I'm a girl, actually. xD]
Orthos |

Awesome stuff! Sure I'll make a request =D
Gender: Female
Build: Athletic
Appearance and Clothing: Gwyn is a female Naga - not the standard Pathfinder Naga, with just a humanoid head on the snake body/tail, but rather the Lamia version, with a human torso and the snake tail only replacing her legs. Though she has the ability to disguise herself as a human (and usually does, in game) I'd like this picture to show her in her natural form.
Gwyn has an athletic build, with moderate curves and very little excess bulk in either fat or muscle. She appears to be in her late twenties, but her hair - which hangs down to the middle of her back, and is tied into a thick braid - is stark white. Her skin is surprisingly pale as well, but she is not albino as her eyes are a dark navy blue. In her natural form, her pupils are reptilian slits, but her irises remain their normal shape and color around them. She wears squared glasses and small, crystal ice-blue earrings. A scarf in the same dark blue as her eyes is tied around her neck, and a black wide-brimmed hat rests on top of her head.
She wears a grey vest with several pockets containing supplies (including a pocketwatch, flask, magnifying glass, lockpicks, and other tools of the detective's trade), a bodice and dress in earthy red tones with a black leather belt, and all is covered with a long duster coat that drapes down well past her hips (think Harry Dresden). The sleeves extend all the way to her wrists; her hands are covered in pale white reptilian scales and her fingers are tipped with small black claws.
Her tail - a good seven feet in length just on its own - is the same pale white as the scales on her hands. About a third of its length is upright, keeping Gwyn appearing to stand the normal just-over-six-feet of her human-form height, while the rest coils around or behind her.
Gwyn is a Frost/Ice Linnorm Crossblooded Sorcerer, so having some ice magic going on in the area would be a plus =)
Thanks muchly! Let me know if any of that is too much and I'll trim it down =)

Alzrius |
I'm glad I'm not the only one asking for a Pony character.
In my case, it's my character Lex Legis:
While the base of his horn is the same color as his skin, the rest of it is a bright, blood red, with the change in color being abrupt (due to that horn being a graft). He also wears a plain, silver circlet on his head. Like most ponies, he doesn't wear clothes, but does keep a few small bags (filled with gemstones, as spellcasting aides) slung across his back.
His cutie mark - that is, the tattoo on each flank - is of a podium in front of an amphitheater.
He's fairly dour, more prone to scowling than smiling.

williamoak |

This is quite cool. I am so asking for a few things later.
Here's a quick one:
Barbarella Goldstein: Barbarian (invulnerable rager) 11:
I have literally nicknamed her "barbie the barbarian". The idea being, since barbie is a doctor, a jockey, a vet, a hairdresser, heck all the jobs, what would she be like as a barbarian? So classic barbie look, maybe worn/scarred by battle experience, wearing a functional (non-sexy) heavy armor & wielding a falchion.
She is really showing hypercompetence as well; last game, she crit every single attack on a full attack, dealing 240 damage in one round. While absorbing most of the enemy's attacks.
If you decide to do so, thanks a bundle!

Oladon |
Oladon wrote:Nicely done!
Ever drawn a (Paizo) goblin? ;)
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Oladon Full Color Sketch
Sweet, thank you!

The Archive |

Love the art. :D
And taking up the offer:
She dresses for the cold, wearing furs and thick clothes. Nordic sort, browns and grays. Though, she doesn't wear boots. Under the heavy clothing she wears mithral scale mail for protection. She wears a multicolored scarf and two steel bracers. For combat, she carries a bow, longsword and boar spear, generally preferring the spear.
Even if you pass her by, thanks for offering this to everyone!

VrisKCa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Holy crud! I would love to be able to get even a sketch of my longest-running character! I've had this guy since 2006, and as you may see from the description below, I'm far too attached to him. :)
Emus Graymullet comes from a small, backwoods community of humans and dwarves. Early in his life he was dedicated to his community's dwarven god of fighting and drink (e.g. he was a berserker), but he eventually grew out of that chaos with the help of an oder druid from the area. He now balances the chaotic and stoic sides of his personality by using both his rage and his druidic arts to serve the community and the land surrounding it.
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Done! c:
sorry if I got a few details wrong. deer god, this took 2 hours.
Teatime42 |

Second What Archive said. Art is hard for a lot of people, sharing like this is incredibly kind and generous, considering the time you put into it. :)
Gear wise (Not that it's important, but hey, never know), she may have a problem when it comes to being prepared. "Utility" belt, a few pouches, a quiver on her right hip, a second one over right shoulder, as well as two bandoliers across her front. And of course the ever present handy haversack. Her theme is a mixture between the classic ranger, and the classic rogue. Which makes sense, cause hey, Slayer.
Those are some nice sketches btw, I love when someone doesn't just make art, but makes art that actually has character and life to it. (Not just saying that to butter you up XD)
Wouldn't normally do anything like this, but, Rin's grown on me quite a bit.

Carter Ma'Anubis |

If you could get around to it, I'd love some of this character, that is of course if you can do what most people would call Furry.
He's a skinwalker(watered down lycanthrope).
Picture an anthropomorphic Jackal. Like Anubis. He wears fully mummy body wraps from the neck down, some fancy gold armor, a black sleeveless trenchcoat, and an Ankh necklace.
If you're feeling like a challenge, he usually has alchemist bottles in strap in the coat, and a curvy Khopesh sword.
Whether you get him or not, I appreciate the offer. :)
It's hard finding people to do character art when you have no money. :/

Teatime42 |

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yellowdingo wrote:this guy please even DMs have favouritesdone c:
sketch of 'THIS GUY'
Thanks V.

Alzrius |
Alzrius wrote:I'm glad I'm not the only one asking for a Pony character.
In my case, it's my character Lex Legis:
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This is my first time ever drawing one of those MLP ponies. I hope he looks enough like the ones in the show.
Awesome! Thanks so much, V!
I'm definitely going to repost this up on my blog later (if you don't mind).

Irontruth |

Trollbear Thundersnow
He also invented the Dwarven Door Game.

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Azdalin: Varisian Fetchling Arcanist, CG, always wears a robe and veils his face, fights with a glaive-guisarme, starknife and shortbow, has been through many disturbing experiences and focuses on shadow illusion magic. Has specific hate reserved for kuthites but is otherwise merciful.
Please draw this character

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I have two requests, please:
1.) Allie "Cat" Calico - a rogue cutpurse with knives and other assorted items hidden on her person.
Allie is a pretty young woman in her late teens. Her eyes are a blue-green hue and her hair is strawberry blonde. She cuts a compact, but clearly hourglass figure that is accentuated by her attire.
She wears an open-topped, long-sleeved blouse with a bodice, a pleated skirt that falls just below the knees, and soft doeskin shoes that cut off at the ankle, leaving her legs bare.
2.) Chumtooth - a Kuru fighter currently in a Skulls and Shackles PbP Campaign here on the boards. He wears studded leather armor, carries a buckler made from a tanned human face, and carries a harpoon, morning star, and a kukri.
Chumtooth is tall, with a lean, but powerful build. He moves with the animalistic grace of a predatory cat. His teeth are rows of pointed canines, and his breath reeks of blood and raw meat, newly rotting. His skin is a dark, sun-baked brown and his eyes are deep brown, with large black pupils. His black hair hangs in tight, twisted braids.
The stats for both are listed under my aliases, if you need any other information. Thanks in advance for your fine work!

Petty Alchemy RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

Very cool work.
My request:
Deepbelly the Grippli Monk/Ninja.
He's a green-skinned grippli (tree frog variety), and kind of on the chubby side. He wears handwraps that flow loosely off his wrists.He wears a red cloak (improvised from someone's carpet), and wears a small crudely-made crown (naturally, as he's a prince). Otherwise he has a pouch for minor gear and shuriken.
He generally has a happy-go-lucky expression, or when he's deep in thought, he tends to lick his eyes.

VrisKCa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Awesome stuff! Sure I'll make a request =D
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I hope you don't mind I rolled her sleeves up and forgot her hat. :P The whites are now more blueish shades to make them more visible.
If you have the time, I would really appreciate feedback on what I did well and what I need to improve on. Hope you like!

Teatime42 |

Orthos wrote:Awesome stuff! Sure I'll make a request =D
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I hope you don't mind I rolled her sleeves up and forgot her hat. :P The whites are now more blueish shades to make them more visible.
If you have the time, I would really appreciate feedback on what I did well and what I need to improve on. Hope you like!
Not much of an artist myself. Anything I would say would be largely complimentary, not very critiquey. I dunno, anything that you need to work on is mostly something practice would take care of, which you're already doing. Maybe proportions? In the humanoid images they look slightly off, but that could be just your style.
Btw, love the sketch look. :)

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Azdalin: Varisian Fetchling Arcanist, CG, always wears a robe and veils his face, fights with a glaive-guisarme, starknife and shortbow, has been through many disturbing experiences and focuses on shadow illusion magic. Has specific hate reserved for kuthites but is otherwise merciful.
Please draw this character
I forgot that his eyes are visible through the veils

Alzrius |
VrisKCa wrote:Alzrius wrote:I'm glad I'm not the only one asking for a Pony character.
In my case, it's my character Lex Legis:
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This is my first time ever drawing one of those MLP ponies. I hope he looks enough like the ones in the show.
Awesome! Thanks so much, V!
I'm definitely going to repost this up on my blog later (if you don't mind).
And the promised blog post is up!
Thanks again, KC, and I hope this draws some more eyes to your thread!

VrisKCa |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If you could get around to it, I'd love some of this character, that is of course if you can do what most people would call Furry.
He's a skinwalker(watered down lycanthrope).
Picture an anthropomorphic Jackal. Like Anubis. He wears fully mummy body wraps from the neck down, some fancy gold armor, a black sleeveless trenchcoat, and an Ankh necklace.
If you're feeling like a challenge, he usually has alchemist bottles in strap in the coat, and a curvy Khopesh sword.Whether you get him or not, I appreciate the offer. :)
It's hard finding people to do character art when you have no money. :/
Here you go :D
Carter Ma'Anubis Colored Portrait Sketchtell me what you think!

Andostre |

VrisKCa |

Yay! ^_^
I love it!
I'm glad you gave him hair, even though I forgot to mention it. XD
I can't really think of much for critique. I like the style.
Only suggestion I can make is that you may want to include an artist's signature.
Also, am I correct in guessing the name is a homestuck reference?
Glad you like c:
and yes, my username is a homestuck reference.My goodness!
Are you only doing fantasy genre, or do you have other options available?
And have you got room for one more character on your list?
Sure, I don't mind drawing outside the fantasy genre, show me what you've got!

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Count Buggula wrote:VrisKCa wrote:And he delivers! Well done!Oladon wrote:Nicely done!
Ever drawn a (Paizo) goblin? ;)
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Oladon Full Color Sketchheh, thank you c:
[PS: I'm a girl, actually. xD]
My apologies - SHE delivers! I'm enjoying your work - hope you manage to get to mine at some point.

Neongelion |

Aw man why am I always late to threads like this, where awesome artists take requests? :(
Well if ya got room for one more, here's my character. She's a hacker in the cyberpunk/fantasy Shadowrun setting.
Hope that's enough deets. Also could you draw her with having this cocky grin on her face?
Thanks much if you manage to do this!

Voadam |

Very generous offer VrisKCa!
He is a tall hulking man with blue eyes and brown hair, his short beard streaked with silver. Scars from claws, arrows, axes, and rope bindings mark his body. He is currently suffering from schizophrenic delusions of grandeur after facing significant mental trauma and is usually smiling confidently in the face of demon armies.
After a recent encounter with acidic object- and clothes-eating termite demon swarms, Voadam is much reduced in gear. He has scrounged a pair of pants, wears a magical glowing sun symbol amulet, and wields a ranseur polearm (triple bladed spear) with a red knight's war banner. He keeps books and miscellaneous components in a satchel on his side.
He often wards and empowers himself with magical runes before leaping joyously into hand to hand combat.
Sometimes the little spectacle wearing winged quasit demon familiar he recently acquired can be seen giving the good hearted viking terrible advice. Or not seen as it often hides invisibly.
Voadam is an Ulfen monk/fighter/wizard I am currently playing in a Wrath of the Righteous Pathfinder game.

VrisKCa |

Hello friends, I hope you like the work I've done so far.
I'm going to keep drawing for free on this thread, of course, but if anyone wants to give me an origin game key for Dragon Age II, they'll get top priority for the drawing being cleaned up with full color and shading. I've wanted that game for a while, now. xD [PM me if interested]
Aw man why am I always late to threads like this, where awesome artists take requests? :(
Well if ya got room for one more, here's my character. She's a hacker in the cyberpunk/fantasy Shadowrun setting.
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Thanks much if you manage to do this!
Ooh, sounds interesting. I'm not familiar with Shadowrun though, so could you give me a bit more info about what a shadowrun is and how one uses a cyberdeck? Is it like a keyboard? thanks. c: