Devilkiller |
I've always wondered how Black Tentacles knows which things in the area are creatures and which aren't. Regardless of the answer it seems that they can unfailingly "detect" any creatures in the area and attack them. I think this would apply even if the creatures were under some sort of non-detection effect. I suppose the easiest explanation is that the tentacles writhe around and grab anything they bump into.
Something which I've just begun to wonder about is whether you'd be able to know which square an invisible enemy is in if he is being grappled by Black Tentacles. In other words, would you be able to see that the tentacles are grappling "something"?
TriOmegaZero |
I've always wondered how Black Tentacles knows which things in the area are creatures and which aren't.
I've always thought that everything in the area takes the grapple damage. Hardness can usually resist it enough not to have everything destroyed.
Something which I've just begun to wonder about is whether you'd be able to know which square an invisible enemy is in if he is being grappled by Black Tentacles. In other words, would you be able to see that the tentacles are grappling "something"?
Well, that is pretty easily answered.
A grappled creature cannot use Stealth to hide from the creature grappling it, even if a special ability, such as hide in plain sight, would normally allow it to do so. If a grappled creature becomes invisible, through a spell or other ability, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus on its CMD to avoid being grappled, but receives no other benefit.
Since it can't use Stealth, I'd say it is pretty easy to spot.
Howie23 |
Nonsense. A very literal reading of RAW tells us that "Concealment is not always effective."
Concealment affects vision only. Creatures that have no vision target by other means; in such a case concealment isn't effective.
Concealment is only effective 50% of the time at best. In the other cases, it isn't effective .
These are just a couple of ways it isn't always effective.
DarkPhoenixx |
_Ozy_ wrote:Gah, wrong spell. I meant Blink.They ignore displacement because they aren't 'visually targeting' any of the creatures in their area of effect.
Would you allow a casting of darkness to give everyone in the area a 50% miss chance from the tentacles? Fog cloud? Do the tentacles get to make perception checks against stealthed characters? Do the tentacles have darkvision? Low-light vision? Normal vision? Can they be blinded with spells other than darkness?
Treating the tentacles as a creature using vision to make attacks seems pretty silly, IMO.
Didn't you ment Blur? :)
Tentacles do not rely on vision tho, so they dont care if character is invisible or this is area of mundane or magical darkness, they just thrash around trying to wrap around anything they collide with.
HangarFlying |
HangarFlying wrote:black tentacles don't have eyes.Source?
And even if they don't, that doesn't mean they can't see.
(What? See without eyes? Are these supposed to be some kind of magic tentacles?
(a) yes
(b) Skeletons don't have eyes but do have normal vision.)
Is there anything in the rules that indicates that Black Tentacles have any type of vision like it does for Skeletons?
_Ozy_ |
HangarFlying wrote:black tentacles don't have eyes.Source?
And even if they don't, that doesn't mean they can't see.
(What? See without eyes? Are these supposed to be some kind of magic tentacles?
(a) yes
(b) Skeletons don't have eyes but do have normal vision.)
How about the fact that black tentacles are not creatures, but are a spell effect.
Do you need a source telling you a wall of iron doesn't have eyes?
Do you see a stat block? A perception skill? What modifier would you add for a perception check?
For reference, here is a skeleton
XP 135
NE Medium undead
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
Here's an Ochre jelly
XP 1,600
N Large ooze
Init –5; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception –5
Anything like that for black tentacles?
Devilkiller |
The spell description only mentions creatures, not objects. It also describes the tentacles as "reaching for any creature in the area". That's one reason it always struck me as a little weird. It gives the impression that BT can magically detect any creatures within its area regardless of whatever methods they might being using to hide and possibly regardless of whether BT can actually grapple them (for instance, maybe it would reach for incorporeal creatures - whether it can actually grapple them is sometimes debated)