Need 2 players for Way of the Wicked!


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Exactly as the intro says.

The game is a gestalt campaign, very high powered on both sides, with mythic ranks coming later in the campaign. Obviously, enemies are ramped up as well and there will be no such thing as 'puny bosses'.

The group is not very far, only about 1/3 of the way out of the prison. If you join, you will be one of the new prisoners processed and will be able to escape in the chaos to come.

I am mainly interested in seeing basic information on the character right now, so class/race/gender/fluff, ect. Information on how to build stats will be sent to those who are accepted, I just don't want people to completely build a character, then have it not be accepted, because it kind of sucks for that to happen.

The gameplay thread is HERE, so look it over and see if you like things thus far.

I will leave recruitment open for a week, after which time I will make my selections.

EDIT: As a note, I had several health and technical problems, which is why you see the game shut down and start up so erratically. Those problems are pretty much fixed, so don't worry about it affecting the campaign any further.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them!

Posting to vouch for Blade, this is without a doubt one of the most fun games I've been in. Being able to play an updated version of one of my RL PCs has been a total blast!

I would like to apply with my monk, Esan. He was created for a WotW game, so I hope he has all the info you wil need. If not just ask and I will provide whatever is missing

Dotting for interest. I'm not sure yet if I'll be busy with other games or not, yet.

EDIT: Actually, a question I've been wondering: Does gestalt work with prestige classes? I am forever looking for a game to plunk a Red Mantis Assassin into, but I have no clue how gestalt and prestige would work. Swap out one of the classes for the PrC at level 6? I may just go with an Investigator/Slayer with the concept of an RMA if PrCs don't work out.

EDIT EDIT: Also, are betrayal feats allowed?

I offer my anti paladin. will change stats if selected.

for gestalt will add either fighter/rogue/ or sorcerer levels.

I am about 90% sure about my character concept. If I change anything, it'll likely just be the race (I'm considering human or fetchling as well):

Elara Brightleaf, female half-elf, Investigator (Infiltrator) / Slayer (Executioner)
Elara is a fledgling Red Mantis Assassin with one major flaw: she enjoys the thrill of combat. She feels the most alive when fighting a worthy opponent, and this has led to her prolonging enjoyable assassinations rather than simply killing the target. Her battle lust built until eventually it led to her doing the unthinkable. She left a witness alive after a job.

The assignment itself was easy enough: a simple merchant needed to be put down, and Elara completed the task with ease, even as the man's son watched. Elara responded with an amused disbelief as the boy picked up a small dagger and attempted to attack her. She easily disarmed him, and without thinking, said,

"Today, a seed of hatred has been planted within you. Grow it. Nurture it. Train until you can find me and take your vengeance."

Elara disappeared back into the black of the night, excited at the concept of someone training specifically to destroy her. The act of leaving a loved one at her crimes as a witness became something of a habit. Unfortunately, one of her "seedlings" was a wealthy noble who could afford to pay for a proper scrying. He immediately turned the information over to the authorities of Talingarde, who were able to apprehend the assassin.

Since Elara was at least smart enough to make her killings appear the work of a crazed serial killer, rather than a paid assassin, the Red Mantis decided to take no action to outright seek her death, but neither will they make any attempt to free her; she has essentially been disowned by the order, the closest thing to a family she has ever known. The half-elf plans to escape from prison, and redeem herself in the eyes of the Red Mantis.

I also think that an investigator/slayer should mesh well with the current party without really treading on any toes. If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to ask 'em!

Are you looking for any specific roles for the group?

I am working on an idea for a Ratfolk cultist of some sort. Maybe Witch, Alchemist, previously just a minion of his overlords worshipping demons. (witchcraft crime).


1. The campaign is set in a modified Golarion, where Talingarde is off the coast of Taldor.

2. The 'mysterious benefactors' of the PCs are not solely Asmodeans, so any type of evil is fine.

3. Monsters and monstrous templates are allowed. One character plans on becoming a Half-Fiend, whilst another is contemplating either lich-hood or vampirism. Don't worry about balance, I'll handle that. I've been playing TTRPGs based on the 3.X/PF systems for around 14 years, so I know to balance things. My only caveat is don't pick anything too powerful right off the bat, unless you can justify it to me and I decide it's doable via level-delaying, penalties, or something like that.

Esan, what would his gestalt class be?

Calvin/Elara, you can dip any number of levels, as per the normal rules, but once you place a class on either side of the gestalt, you cannot move it. For example, if you are a Rogue3/Wizard3 and you add another level of Rogue to the left side and a level of Assassin to the right, you always have to take Assassin levels on the right side. Get it? It's mainly to prevent a rarely-seen problem that would take a few paragraphs to explain, with lots of numbers. Also, Betrayal Feats are allowed, but any PCs must be fine with their use, because inter-party conflict is bad even in an evil campaign. As for any followers you may have, however... that's quite permissible.

Cedric, sounds good to me!

HighonHolyWater, no specific roles, just do not overlap too much on existing PCs. Veldrin is the party necromancer (Oracle/Wizard), Jaq is the deceiver and blasphemer (Inquisitor/Summoner), Vincent is sort of a 'nonmagical ranged expert'(Alchemist/Ranger), and the 4th member is creating a character, type unknown. If the party lacks a key facet, they are always recruitable minions, such as the Ogre named Grumblejack, who has already been 'scouted', so to speak.

Would like to submit a male elven fighter (lore warden archetype)/oracle, wind mystery (ancient lore keeper archetype), tongues curse. Some fluff to come tomorrow when I have some free time to work on it.

Cedric was designed with becoming half fiend or even whole fiend, in mind as well. so that works well!

I'd like to submit an female kitsune. Rogue(Trickster)/Sorcerer(Raksasha)

Face of the party so to speak :)

I love the idea of a Worm That Walks made of mantises rather than worms, but I have no idea how to even slightly make that work. I really can't see it as a thing that Elara would want at this point in time, either. Maybe somewhere down the line?

Alchemically Invisible, on the other hand...

Ok, I think I have fixed it as a Monk/ninja character.

I would like to submit for consideration: Zobmaggle, Fang of the Shadows. Goblin Alchemist (Winged marauder)/Rogue.

Zobmaggle was abandoned as a young goblin in a failed raid on a small city. He was saved by Nathan Blackrain, an aging criminal who intended to use him as a pickpocket and disposable resource. However, Zobmaggle's skills surprised the old man. Not only was Zobmaggle quick on his feet, he was also incredibly intelligent even by human standards.
Proving himself in the ranks of Blackrain's small organization, Zobmaggle was allowed a measure of freedom. He used this freedom to steal knowledge instead of just wealth. Acquiring skill as an alchemist; he added bombs and rare extracts to his bag of tricks. Soon his criminal escapades became the talk of the underworld due to Zobmaggle's theatrics and daring.
It was during these days, that he acquired the assistance of Zagrev, a dire bat who serves him faithfully. Zobmaggle believed he was as close to the top of the world as a goblin street urchin could ever reach. This pride was of that precipitous nature that always speaks to the height of the fall.
Zobmaggle was supposed to teach a carpenter a lesson, the man had taken a loan out and his payments were overdue. So Zobmaggle made his way into the mans house as quiet as a playful shadow in the moonlight. The man was still asleep in his marriage bed when Zobmaggle found him and began to make his preparations. By the time the young goblin was done the entire house was a wick just waiting for the touch of flame. He dropped the torch into the window as he escaped, laughing silently to himself as the roaring flames began to lick the sky. The next day five bodies were found in the house: the carpenter, his wife and their three children.
This multiple murder woke up the city watch to the crime infestation in their city and Nathan virtually threw Zobmaggle into their laps as a sacrificial lamb. Now Zobmaggle waits for his death, hoping against hope that he rises, a vengeful specter to chew the throat out of Nathan Blackrain.

Very interested.

Thinking of playing a Half-Orc Two-Handed Fighter/Demon-blooded Sorcerer

I made this character for this campain that fell thru he was built with a 20-point buy.

Rauven Denar

Dark Archive

I really shouldn't, but dot.

What are your opinions on Dreamscarred Press' stuff? Because the first thing that came to mind was a two-headed Oggr beatstick-type with aspirations of becoming a Graveknight. Maybe a Warlord/Oracle? I'd need some time to throw stuff together.

Obviously this is a lot of templates and 3pp stuff, so I understand if you'd rather I work on something a little more 'core.'

Cedric will go antipaladin/fighter tanky beat stick

Captain Woodes Rodgers for your consideration. I'm thinking Swashbuckler/Stygian Slayer (but I might go for fighter or something of the nature).
Probably going to re-write the backstory, but I already had one for a WotW campaign so I figured I would put it up here in case you wanted to skim through and tell me what you think.

Woodes Rodgers grew up in a small coastal town with a single mom that honestly did her best to raise him right. She was a good mom, she bathed him, fed him, and cared for him, but she never won his love. The real problem with Woodes was something that happened when he was barely out of the toddler stage. He had an abusive father who frequently beat Woodes and his mother. What Woodes didn't know was that his father had some pretty outstanding gambling debts to some very bad people. One day when Woodes’s mom was working and his father was passed on the cot in a drunken coma, Woodes was sitting in the floor playing with the toys that his mother had saved her money for a year to buy. Then, all of a sudden, the front door burst open and a pack of vicious bandits came barreling in. Woodes screamed and crawled back as quickly as he could, begging them to leave him alone, but the bandits only laughed as they kicked him in the head, knocking him unconscious. When Woodes woke up, he found himself in a cage, it was a little fuzzy at first as to what happened, but his vision eventually cleared enough for him to make out the scene of his father being held by the throat by a hulking orc bandit. Although Woodes couldn’t make out what they were saying, it was pretty clear it wasn’t going to end well. Finally the bandit sent Woodes’ father back to the cage. He had just passed through the entrance of the cage when a war hammer smashed into his skull. Woodes screamed as he was drenched in his fathers blood and brains. The bandits all howled with laughter as the body hit the cage floor. Woodes- whom the bandits kept alive as a slave- spent the next year sleeping in a cage with his father’s corpse. During the day, the bandits would spend their time doing unspeakable things to him and they took a great deal of pleasure by starting their mornings by torturing him relentlessly. For the first couple of weeks, he screamed and fought the bandits with everything he had, but he eventually lost all of his will to fight back, his spirit was crushed. As he slept in the cage with his rotting father, he felt like his soul was rotting away with the corpse. Eventually Woodes was nothing more than an empty shell, callouss to everything around him. Finally the time came when he was ready to escape, he had been planning it for months. When night had fallen on the camp and all of the bandits had fallen asleep, he picked the lock of the cage with a lock pick that he had stolen from one the bandit’s tent, (it had taken him a long time to figure out how to pick the lock, but he figured it out with practice) then he snuck out, holding the dagger that he had hidden under his father’s corpse. One by one he crept in a slit the bandits’ throats. Finally he got to the largest tent- the one that the chieftain was in- when he walked inside, the bandit was already awake. Woodes expected a surge of anger or fear or excitement, but nothing came. He was still numb. He stood there and stared at the bandit, “I was wondering when you would get the balls to break out.” The massive man stood over Woodes with his sword in his hand, and he watched the small boy, “Well you’re small I’ll give you that- makes you quick, and all that work you’ve done in the past year has made you strong for your age. You’ll have a good shot at killing me with a bit of luck.” The man eyed Woodes as if he was sizing up a prized pig. “Still, you’ve got to have a good reason to do it, otherwise you won’t have the heart.” This made Woodes laugh, ”A good reason?” The boy sneered, “How about the fact that you killed my father and made me your slave for the past year? He readied his dagger in anti caption for a fight, but the bandit didn’t move. A smile crept a across his face as he said, “What?” he said, “Do you think I have wronged you? Your father was more of a drunken brute than any of my men. There is no right and wrong boy, and the sooner you learn that, the longer you live.” This time there was no sarcastic retort from the young Woodes Rodgers. He could only stare at the bandit who had slaughtered his father. Woodes was surprised to find no malice in the bandit’s eye, only exhaustion, like the man had been ready to die for a long time. Woodes thought for a moment, then he looked into the man’s eyes and telling him “I don’t want to kill you out of revenge, or anger. I want to kill you simply because I decided I was going to when I walked into your tent.” His voice was completely bereft emotion, and his eyes did not hold a hint of fear. The bandit finally raised his sword and laughed, with a quick “Let’s get this over with shall we.” and with that he swung at Woodes with surprising speed. Woodes just managed to dodge the blow and the melee ensued. After a few minutes of close calls, Woodes finally got the upper hand, his small frame and light weapon allowed him more freedom to move around in the tent, eventually the bandits large sword got stuck in a post and gave Woodes the chance to move in, he stabbed his dagger into the belly of the bandit and watched as blood started to dribble out of his mouth. As the bandit was dying, Woodes decided that he needed something to say. As he thought about possible lines he could say, he also thought about the pirate captains he had seen at the camp a few times. Whenever they came around to do business with the bandits, Woodes was enthralled with their charm. He came to love the way they spoke and held themselves with so much class, so he had been practicing to be like the pirates ever since he first saw them. Whenever one of the pirates would do something to make the bandits mad they would smile and say, “Apologies lad,” like they new they were in control the entire time. After thinking about that for a moment, Woodes had decided what he wanted to say. He looked the dying man in the eyes and said with a smile, “Apologies Lad,” and then he watched as he died.

By the time Woodes got home, he was starved half to death and dying of dehydration, he passed out on his mother’s doorstep and didn’t wake up again for three days. When he finally did come to, he was in his own bed being surrounded by his mother, a doctor, and the sheriff. When they all asked what happened, he just couldn’t bring himself to tell the truth. He claimed he couldn’t remember anything, he even went as far as to ask where his father was. In the next few years, it became obvious that Woodes was a different person. He no longer felt emotion, he lied through his teeth about even the smallest thing with surprising success, and he spent a lot of time killing stray animals (less heat than killing a human). Finally the time came when he had to kill someone, he was gutting some stray cat in an alleyway when the sheriff happened to walk by. After a short chase, Woodes was finally cornered, the sheriff moved in closer so he could subdue the boy, but Woodes took the knife in his hand and stabbed it into the sheriff’s belly. When the blood started to flow he thought about the bandit chief, there were a lot of similarities between him and the sheriff: they were both the top dog, and they had both been stabbed in the belly. So, Woodes thought, I’ll pay a tribute to my first real kill. Then he looked into the sheriff’s eyes and said with a smile, “Apologies Lad,” and then he watched as he died.

With the added heat of killing the sheriff, he knew he had to get out of town as fast as he could. He ran to his house and started packing his things, but then his mother walked in and started telling him to stay. There was a heated argument that was cut short by Woodes stabbing a sword through his mother’s belly. When Woodes realized what he had done, he felt no satisfaction, or need to be witty. In fact he felt, for the first time, what might be called regret. When he laid her to the ground he whispered to her, “My sincerest Apologies Lass, and with that, he ran to the docks and hid himself in the nearest ship. A few days into the sea, he was discovered. A gruff looking man leaned down and said, “What are you doing there?” Then, with a smile Woodes said, “Well,” he smoothed down his clothes and straightened the sword on his belt, “I’m your new captain.” After winning them over with his promises of gold, women, and rum, he now had a crew of pirates. The only thing he asked of them was that he got to kill the captain by stabbing a sword into his belly and saying, “Apologies Lad,” as he died, a tribute to his first kill. On one of the excursions on land, he met a beautiful girl. Long story short, they fell in love and he took her out to sea with him. After a few months she came to him, crying, as she told him she was pregnant. When he realized that his life of piracy was over, he stabbed her in the belly without a moments hesitation. As he watched her die he saw his mother’s face instead of hers and he felt the feeling of remorse for the second time in his life. Tears formed in his eyes as he gave her to the sea, and it was then that he decided that’s what his mother deserved. So he set a course for home and then snuck into the graveyard to dig up his mothers body. About halfway into the grave a dozen guards came out and arrested him. On his way to prison, he decided that he must follow two rules: 1) Never kill a mother, and 2) never love. He also decided that when he got out of prison, he must seek vengeance on his crew for not helping him. But first he needed to escape.

Getting into a Way of the Wicked campaign has become-to put it lightly- somewhat of an obsession of mine for the past few weeks ( 1-I'm dying to play evil an character, and 2-The overall story looks fantastic), so if there is anything that would make my character concept stronger then, if you feel like, let me know and I'll be happy to make any changes necessary.

Rather make it kitsune trickster/lotus geisha bard ;)

Will put up crunch hopefully tonight

the idea. Shes a fraudster and a cheat. Lie, cheat. Steal. Eventually master spy prc.

My thoughts on stats after racials

Str 10
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 18
Wis 8
Cha 20

Shadow Lodge

Hey blade,
I'd like to ask again if the warlock class I linked you was acceptable, with bard on the other side,
If not oracle works fine.
Backstory wise he sacrificed the soul/body of a priest and a virgin maiden to a higher power (eg Charon or Cthulu) but was caught and sent to the prison
He is incredibly afraid of death because he knows where he's headed, he's seen it and doesn't like it
He wants to be immortal because of that fear
But in addition to it he wants respect, he wants the adulation of the populace,
he wants to be worshiped...

Race: kitsune
Gender: male
Class: Bard/either warlock or oracle
Roll: healing, buffs and either ranged damage or melee depending on which is allowed. Plus party face as befitting a bard. he's very much a smooth talker, and as a kitsune a natural master of disguise
Character Image

Made this character for a WotW campaign. Anti-paladin with the lord of darkness archetype.
Adding rogue and fighter levels as gestalt to strengthen her anti-paladin capabilities through feats and skills. Might pick up an archetype like scout or thug and go towards sap mastery along the line.
She is more towards the manipulator than the tank role, but can certainly wield a big stick and hit people with it.

Background and old crunch is in background. Full blooded vampire might suit her later on.


Anti-Paladin 1
LE Medium Dhampir / Humanoid (Dhampir)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3, Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light Vision
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Resist Level Drain (PFARG 223), Undead Resistance (PFARG 224)
Spd 30 ft/x4
Melee Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+6) 20/x2 [PA]
Special Attacks Sneak Attack [1d6] (PFCR 68)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20
BAB +1, CMB +5, CMD +17
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM / HEAVY) (PFCR 118), Power Attack (PFCR 131), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +7, Disguise +9, Intimidate +9, Perception +3 [Find Traps +4], Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +9
SQ Vampiric Empathy (PFARG 97), Trapfinding (PFCR 68)
SU Smite Good (PFAPG 120)
Languages Common, Infernal

Well GM blade, have you reconsidered a my summoner idea?

you my have to dig deep into your old PM's

Liberty's Edge

I'm interested but I have a few questions before I pitch a character.

1) What characters/classes are currently in the party.

2) How heavily involved are vampires going to be in your take for this campaign?

3) Now that your health problems are in hand, what kind post pacing are you expecting?

Also, what's RVT up to? She reappeared and then went silent again. =(


Ok, time to answer some questions before bed!

Elara, that or a Swarmshifter Undead or possibly a Living Hive. All of those are possibilities. Now, you don't startout with templates when the game commences, but everyone has the opportunity to claim a template or a powerful boon of some sort later.

Seranov, I LOVE Dreamscarred Press PDFs! Anything they produce for Pathfinder is something you can automatically assume is permissible! What's an Oggr? Is that some subspecies of Ogre? And Graveknight is definitely doable. I will, obviously, need info on your chosen element if you are selected, because the ritual would be VASTLY different, depending on which element you choose. They're all agonizingly painful for your character to undergo, obviously.

Wivvy, as it just so happens, I have a book detailing a class called 'The Psychopath', which seems to match up with your character just fine. Want a look at it in Google Docs?

Wade, Warlocks are permissible.

To the people I haven't addressed, I am not ignoring you, I am just watching your progress. I generally don't reply as much in recruitments unless I am asked specific questions or I feel I can point out something fairly cool.

So_AMaven, glad Monkey and I could lure you to the messageboards, because it's where the cool people are! ;P


Feral, RVT will be posting soon. She was busy creating characters for my campaigns, but decided she was to busy to create one for all of them. Which campaign of hers are you in? You seem familiar, so it's either RC or CC. As for your questions: Veldrin- Male Drow Necromancer/Oracle, Jaq- Male Aasimar Inquisitor/Summoner, and Vincent- Male Tiefling Alchemist/Ranger are the current party members, vamps have a pretty good presence in ANY WotW campaign but mine especially, and I look to post 1-4/day, with 2 being more likely, followed by 1 or 3, but 4 being possible on days I don't have much to do.

Edward, I'm still a little squicky about having 2 Summoners in the party, all things considered, but I may consider it. Still waiting on Sophia in ZG, by the way.

Shadow Lodge

time to get on building the character.

I can post on and off through the day.

Any thoughts on character idea? Trickster/lotus geisha? If you have a face?

Liberty's Edge

I'm in RVT's Razor Coast game. I don't think we've ever gamed together.

Is the party leaning toward all turning into vampires?

Shadow Lodge

as for template, I'm trying to decide between whether I want to shoot for an animal lord to focus on his master of disguise shapeshifting ability, or whether I should choose one of the vampire types not harmed by the sun to focus on his pursuit of immortality

Update on my character. A Ratfolk who is a minion of some demon cultists who were hunted down. Most fought and died when the Mitrans came but he was found hiding and therefore carted off to be judged. Death by burning for the sin of witchcraft.

He will be an Sorcerer(tattooed)/Alchemist(vivisectionist) using melee, natural attacks and spells. I would like him to eventually become a Lich. Will post story later today.

Should i re submit everything here? Or do you still have the info

I will have do dig it all up and rework some of it.

Basic idea is sorcerer/summoner

Cole was in a WoTW game that got to level 3 and the DM disappeared. I would like to get in another so here goes.

Would love to be the Nosferatu. No level dips planned staying all Aegis and Cleric. Thanks for the consideration.

Cole, Warpriest of Asmodeus:

Human Dual Talented Aegis 1 / Cleric Undead Lord 1
LE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
Traits: Sacred Conduit, Reactionary, Desertion
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16
(+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d10-1)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 30', 20' In Armor

Str 20(24), Dex 14, Con 8, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +6; CMD 18

Amature Swashbuckler

Autohypnosis +8
Perception +5
Acrobatics +6(+2)
Climb +9(+7)


Brawn (2pt), Darkvision (1pt)




Cole was born in the NE of Talingarde. His mother a beautiful woman and his father a loyal soldier and follower of Mitra. Cole was raised to believe in Mitra as well, but in his love of history he found out about how Talingarde used to be with temples to Asmodeous across the lands. He learned of the great purge the kingdom lead against these temples smiting them from the lands. Still curious of what Asmodeous was and meant he talked to his mother and father. Cole’s father comes from a long line of loyal servants of Mitra and the Kingdome, like his father before him and his father before him. He told stories to Cole of the triumph over these temples by his great grandfather, and to not speak of Asmodeous outside of the telling of these stories. His mother simply would smile and speak to how her family had nothing to do with either side really and Cole would be better focused on studying Mitra. Cole knew she was hiding something but couldn’t put his finger on it and she seemed adamant in keeping whatever it was hidden. To reinforce this Cole was sent to a monastic temple dedicated to Mitra.

Cole accepted the training but never fully bought into the belief of Mitra. It was here in his time of meditation and reflection that he received a vision. He shook it off at first thinking his mind was just playing tricks on him. The next week he was plagued with these visions in his sleep. Each one becoming more clear than the next. He saw men fall around him bearing the holy crest of Mitra, as he kneeled before a great horned demon receiving it would seem a blessing. He still didn’t know exactly what this meant, but it had seemed to open up the latent wickedness in his heart. He returned from the temple both bitter and resentful. He now felt contempt for his father and the others that blindly followed the Sun God. His father forced him into service upon his return. He was put under his father’s command. Now more curious than ever he tried to press his mother for more information on what she was hiding. He went as far as of accusing her of worshiping Asmodeous. She became very defensive and called upon his father to intervene. His father beat him into inches of his life, daring the boy to threaten his mother again. This was the final push the darkness in his heart needed.

Cole recovered and pretended to be the good boy his parents wanted. His father was quick to buy in and promoted Cole under his leadership. Cole used his new position to gather information on the patrols. It seemed an order had come down to his father to take his unit to aid a neighboring town that had fallen under raids from the goblinoids. Cole asked that he be allowed to go ahead and scout a day or two ahead. His father proud of the initiative allowed it. Cole went ahead, but he did so not as a scout. He had managed to steal a small supply of weapons and some light armor. He rode out with this in tow. He then arranged a meeting with a small raiding party. He offered up the weapons and armor and the time when the reinforcement would be coming. He even assisted in coming up with the ambush plan. All he wanted in return was to be alive and able to leave with his father who he wanted alive but bloodied and beaten. The deal was accepted and executed. The goblins did turn on Cole as well, but he expected this and was able to escape with his nearly dead father in tow. He showed up at home dropping the body in front of his mother.

Now you will tell me what I want to know or you will watch him die.

His mother now in tears dropped before him begging for her husband’s life.

I will tell you, just please don’t kill him. Not even your father knew of this. My grandfather was a high priest of Asmodeous. He passed the teachings to my father. He was killed in the purge and my father kept his worship hidden, trying to pass it to me. I am a follower of Mitra and turned against my father’s teachings. Are you happy now is that what you wanted to know?

Yes mother that will do. How dare you turn your back on the teachings. I will take up the rightful mantle.

With these words he embraced his mother and strangled her. He then slit the throat of his father. He covered the scene by hanging his mother with some rope from the rafters with a kicked over chair bellow her. She was clutching a bloody dagger. He then wrote out a note of confession of her secret worship of Asmodeous and how she finally was fed up of living with a follower of Mitra. She took advantage of him returning in his weakened state. She was then overwhelmed with remorse and decided to end her own life as well. Cole now had everything in place and was packed and ready to leave the next morning. What he didn’t know was his father’s unit survived and bested the goblins when the town militia came to their aid. The found the weapons and armor and got some of the goblins to confess in exchange for not being put to death. Cole was met that morning. He managed to convince the guards that he came home and went for a drink, his father still alive when he left. He returned to find the same scene. They bought this but he was taken in on the capital crime of desertion and supplying the enemy with weapons and information. He now has been taken to Brandiscar where he awaits his death, but he knows now it is his duty to bring the worship of Asmodeous back and follow in his great grandfathers path, though he knows not how yet.

A psychopath is certainly what I'm going for, so I would love to see the Google Doc. Thanks!


Female kitsune bard (lotus geisha) 1/rogue (kitsune trickster) 1
NE Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +0 (1d4)
Special Attacks bardic performance 9 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 15], inspire courage +1), sneak attack +1d6
Bard (Lotus Geisha) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +6)
. . 1st (3/day)—charm person (DC 18), undetectable alignment (DC 16)
. . 0 (at will)—daze (DC 16), mage hand, message, unwitting ally{super}APG{/super} (DC 16)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 20
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Realistic Likeness[ARG], Spell Focus (enchantment)
Traits charming, domineering, fraud
Skills Bluff +15 (+16 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Diplomacy +13 (+14 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Disable Device +4, Disguise +13, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Perception +3, Perform (dance) +9, Perform (sing) +9, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +9
Languages Aklo, Common, Elven, Senzar, Sylvan, Tien
SQ change shape, dragon empire native, fast shifter, gregarious
Other Gear 150 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Performance (standard action, 9 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Change Shape (Su) Assume a single human form.
Charming +1 Bluff/Diplomacy/save DC for a language-dependent spell vs. targets who could be sexually attracted to you.
Domineering (Charm Person) DC of selected spell increases by 1.
Dragon Empire Native You come from the Dragon Empires in Golarion, and so your starting languages are Tien and Senzar instead of Common and Sylvan.
Fast Shifter (Su) Using your racial change shape ability is a move action instead of a standard action
Fraud +2 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class kill for you.
Gregarious (Ex) Successful Diplomacy check causes target to take a –2 penalty vs further CHA skills for 24 hr.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Realistic Likeness Change shape can mimic individuals you've met, gain a +10 bonus to Disguise to impersonate.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Spell Focus (Enchantment) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.

Dark Archive

GM Blade of Heaven wrote:
Seranov, I LOVE Dreamscarred Press PDFs! Anything they produce for Pathfinder is something you can automatically assume is permissible! What's an Oggr? Is that some subspecies of Ogre? And Graveknight is definitely doable. I will, obviously, need info on your chosen element if you are selected, because the ritual would be VASTLY different, depending on which element you choose. They're all agonizingly painful for your character to undergo, obviously.

Fantastic. The Oggr is a new race from Dreamscarred Press' Bloodforge book. They're effectively half-ogre/half-humanoid hybrids. The race is pretty high powered (I'll link their abilities in a spoiler) but the concept is super neat. I was also interested in maybe forgoing my first level of gestalt and grabbing the Two-Headed template

As far as a Graveknight element, I think probably Acid. The character will be descended from ogres that had served under a black dragon, so it's probably the most thematically appropriate.

• +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity: An oggr is strong and tough, but awkward and imbalanced.
• Medium: Oggr are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties for size.
• Humanoid (giant): Oggr are humanoids with the giant subtype.
• Humanoid Heritage: At first level an oggr must choose from the dwarf, elf, human, or orc subtype. They gain the chosen subtype in addition to any other subtypes they possess.
• Leathery Hide (Ex): An oggr’s leathery skin increases its natural armor bonus by +2.
• Darkvision (Ex): An oggr can see in the dark out to 60 feet.
• Powerful Build (Ex): The physical stature of oggr lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever an oggr is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for a Combat Maneuver Bonus or Combat Maneuver Defense (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the oggr is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. An oggr is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s
special attacks based on size (such as grab or swallow whole) can affect him. An oggr can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
• Strong Back (Ex): An oggr’s body is built to carry weight and exert force. They treat their Strength score as 4 points higher when calculating carrying capacity, performing a sunder combat maneuver, or making a Strength check to manipulate an object.
• Surprise Whallop (Ex): A half-ogre faces uneven odds every day, either as part of an ogre clan or amongst human cultures, and they learn to hit where it hurts; they double their Strength bonus to damage when attacking flanked or flat-footed opponents.
• City Savage (Ex): An oggr gains a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (local) checks and Diplomacy checks to gather information.
• Languages: Oggr begin play speaking Common and Giant. Oggr with high Intelligence scores can choose from the ollowing: Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Halfling, or Undercommon.

So, like I said, this is all pretty-high powered, so I understand if you want me to tone it back a bit. I just think a charismatic two-headed half-ogre charging into battle and destroying all his enemies is really flavorful.


That is a cool race. If the DM ok's it I may consider switching to it for Cole and taking the Human heritage. If you check out Coles backstory we could maybe be brothers or cousins or something. If you want. If not thats ok too. :)

Dark Archive

Sounds good to me. Always nice to have ties to the other players somehow.

If the two-headed template gets okayed, I'd play it pretty much as two half-ogres with one body, but mechanically it'd only be one guy. But we'll see.

Name: Elara Korechilde
Race: Human Female (22)
Class: Aegis (Aberrant) 1/Psychic Warrior 1
Party Role: Front-line Fighter/Tank
Alignment: LE
Crime: Murder (Patricide)
Backstory: Born into a family of minor nobles, Elara early on displayed immense pride and arrogance. Her family however placed all power in its male heirs and members, and for attempting to claim rights and privileges and military training Elara was frequently and harshly punished. Locked in the darkened cellar that was her place of punishment, Elara taught herself to give a reflection of her mind physical form, a dark-grey crystal which spoke to her, empathized with her. Together the two learnt to twist and warp her body to grant unnatural strength. One day she challenged her father to an honorable duel in the family matter and slew him gruesomely, taking the household. Within a week however his friends discovered her deed and had her arrested and charged with murder.
Personality: Elara firmly believes in the sith code. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. My mind shall free me. She is honorable and lawful, recognizing that a secure and reinforced social structure is the only way the strong can survive and prosper, lest they be dragged down by the weak.
Description: Plain-looking young woman with short-cut black hair and brown eyes, strong and tall build, imperious tone and bearing, parts of her body are hardened into draconic scales. She possesses a Psicrystal named Tarvok.
Possible Future Goals/hooks: Regaining control of her family house and punishing her father's friends, attempting to understand the source of her power, joining the military

Ignore the stats in the profile, for an old game.

If two headed is a go for you and we do this you could be from the Fathers side. My mother could have been assaulted in a raid many years ago and Cole would be the result. When he found this out as well as his mothers bloodline it pushed him toward Asmodeus, b/c of this he betrayed the kingdome. His true father, your dad could have sent you to reach out to him and convince him to steal the supplies to aid in their ability to raid the lands. What do you think. Hope Blade of Heaven likes it.

Dark Archive

Sounds great to me. I've generally done the Attempted Murder route when trying to get into WotW games, but "Piracy" seems like it could get me what I'm looking for, while matching that background a bit better. Maybe calling it "Banditry" and giving my character (temporarily named Mek and Rek) a history as a highwayman(men?) and all-around bad guy(s?) in the eyes of Talingarde. With the intention to take Human as their "other half" and a liberal application of capes/hoods/assorted other sneaky disguise stuff, they should find ways to move about Talingarde without provoking TOO much curiosity!

A question, do these Character Creation rules from the original recruitment still apply?

GM Blade of Heaven wrote:

Character Creation Rules

2 Traits + 1 Crime Trait

Max HP per HD

Max gold (For confiscated equipment,)

Ability Scores: Pick a Focus (Set to 18 before racial bonuses,).
Pick a Foible (Set to 08 before racial bonuses,).
Purchase other ability scores with a 21 point buy.

If so:

Two-headed Oggr Aegis/Warder (Dervish Defender) - won't take the first Warder level until level 2, to pick up the template

STR - Focus (18) + 2 Racial = 20
DEX - Foible (8) - 2 Racial = 6
CON - 13 (-3 PB) + 2 Racial = 15
INT - 16 (-10 PB)
WIS - 13 (-3 PB)
CHA - 14 (-5 PB)

3 + 10 + 3 + 5 = 21 PB

Traits: Armor Expert, Seeker and "Banditry" (renamed Piracy)

Of course, this is just a rough idea. I defer to you, GM, and won't get started on this in earnest until you give me the okay. :)

Yay for WotW!

Hia TSP, I have a friend who I believe was in a game of yours, The Kommandar, who got me into this :)
Sadly hes not doing so well but I am trying to get into a game of my own, and this looks awesome :)

Now, i was looking across the different monster templates and i came across the Poisonous Creature template. Wowzers! That is a whole lot of poison power in one can. So much that it would be deadly to everyone around me, friend or foe, too much that you wouldnt be able to make a PC out of it.

But then i got thinking, at this point the PC has been captured and "neutralized" as a threat, locked up and imprisoned. Like any other creature with above-human abilities (teleporting, mind control, dragon breath, ect) the prison would need to be equiped with special means of holding said creatures (dimentional anchor, fireproof muzzle, ect).

In my case, i was thinking of a pair of handcuffs with a continous "neutralize poison" effect on them.

Neutralize Poison, 3rd lvl druid spell wrote:
This spell can instead neutralize the poison in a poisonous creature or object for 10 minutes per level, at the caster's option. If cast on a creature, the creature receives a Will save to negate the effect.

When found in a cell, being processed, whatever, I am locked up in a pair of handcuffs, but when the group unlocks them, i insist that i keep them on, to their confusion. Then, for the vast majority of time i continue with the party handcuffed and without the use of my hands, because after being a literal being of death, its nice to have people around who dont know that, and just having people around in general :)

But for that guard that kicked you hard before? Let the rest of the party move on a bit, take off the handcuffs for a moment and breathe deeply down his throat.

So i would basically be a human with the big disavantage of being handcuffed and without the use of my hands 90% of the time and all the implications of that (try running downtown with a pair of handcuffs on, see what kind of reactions you get, or try to get dressed :p then again, we ARE branded already) and if the need/desire is strong enough, and there are no allies immediately beside me, i can let my true colours show, just for a moment. (with the added drawback being the more i use it, the more my enemies know about it)

If it needs to be toned down even more or additionally handicaped in some way, i can take only one class, start out with an NPC class for my first lvl, or something like that could we work with it?

More about him, Toxsidious (he prefers to be called Todd) is a human Monk (MoMS) with boar style on one side.
This means that he can still fight with his feet while he is handcuffed and when they are off... Impaling someone in the gut with your bare hands seems like such a good idea when you are infused with poison >:D
As for the other side of gestalt, i am unsure atm. Hunter can get delay poison as a 1st lvl spell, which might be nearly manditory. Fighter is the meat and potatoes to the monks gravy and i intend for him to be an unarmed fighter/grappler of sorts. Or something else to make him more rounded/versitle?

Just a recap
A human monk (MoMS)/something who fights unarmed with boar style and probably grappling.
He constantly is hindered by a pair of Manacles with a continous neutralize poison on them.
He has the poisonious creature template, that is held in check by him insistantly wearing his shackles.
I will only rarely take the shackles off (maybe more often later on in the game, if we are both comfortable with that).

Shadow Lodge

Undead are immune to poison
Not sure on half fiends and half dragons, I'll have to look it up
As for the other half, I'd suggest maybe alchemist vivisectionist or Blight Druid,
Druid keeps in with a wisdom focus, and adds disease to your poison, and wild shape to your grapple.
Alchemist gives a way you got in this mess, and just works flavorfuly, and gives you mutagen and sneak attack.
That said you don't have to do what I suggest, I'm just throwing ideas out there because doing such is fun for me.

There is a lot that are immune to poison, and lots more that are very resistant to it (dwarves anyone?) so im not too worried that there will be things to challenge me, rather blatiant and overuse of it has the potential to ruin (or at least make less fun) a good portion of the game unless some degree of restraint on my part, especially at lvl 1. Think of a witch using slumber hex on every enemy she sees...
Besides, i like the idea of having to take my shackes with me :) it will force me to think of creative sollutions to most problems, like wearing heavy clothing to conceal them and fighting with your feet, it is a unique feel :)

I thought about the alchemist but most of the poison related discoveries had pretty high lvl prereqs :( but ill gite it another look! I probably wont go disease, poison is enough :)
Feel free to throw MOAR ideas XD

Joke: Todd walks into a bar, everyone dies...
"Must have been the ale." ».»
bad joke but still...

Dotting for interest. Considering a Swashbuckler(Inspired Blade)/Inquisitor(Sanctified Slayer/Infiltrator).

Background is a rapier wielding pirate who, became fixated with pain, especially causing it.

What is the time for making decisions on this? I will try to have a background up in a day or two.

I have a Dragon Sorceror intended for Dragon Disciple written up for a WotW game that I had to duck out of like two years ago due to personal stuff, but all I can think of to mix her with would be Oracle of Battle and I see a Wizard/Oracle already, so I'll try a Bard/something. Probably Rogue; scoundrel-ey party face, whose crime was Sedition and who wants to get out into the world and right back to trying to stir a revolution.

Would you allow the Somatic Weapon feat? Class decision hinges on whether a TWF Rogue would be doable with a spellcaster. And where do you stand on Leadership, since Sedition grants a bonus to that and any self-aspiring revolution leader would definitely want to have underlings.

Name: Burns
Race: Ratfolk Male
Class: Alchemist(Vivisectionist) 1/Wizard(Illusionist) 1
Party Role: Scout/Flanker
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Crime: Witchcraft (Demon Worship)
Backstory: Burns gives himself this name. Burns be taken from family as slave for cultists. Family killed. But next Burns escape years later. Cultist chased Burns, but Burns catch him in trap instead. Sacrifice to demons for power. They approve Burns sacrifice and give magical power. Now burns go back to cultists and show them power. They let burns serve them but not slave anymore. Burns be in charge of prisoner transport. To the altars and away from altars. Sometimes burns pretend they are already dead and take them away to experiment. Burns likes to cut them open to see which parts are more acceptable to sacrifice. Cultist not find out about these experiments. He experiment more. A small rat joins him each time, drinking the blood. Burns binds the rat to himself. A further blessing from the masters. But then we are confused. Have our masters been defeated by mitra the false god? All the cultists were slain while we hid unable to fight. Then they found us. The soldiers took us and before a judge sentenced us to death for witchcraft. They said they will burn me in 3 days. I will burn. Burns. Me. Burning. It burns.
Personality: Burns is slightly crazy and likes to keep hidden before ambushing his prey. His experience with the cultists leads him to do what bigger people tell him to do as long as is does not harm him. His chaotic nature leads him to tackle problems in some rather strange ways but so far things have worked out for him. Except for the prison thing. That sucks. If his allies don't seek to destroy him he would not seek to do anything to them, rather he prefers to focus on the weak and the followers of the false sun god. Cutting them open and performing experiments on them.
Possible Future Goals/hooks: Becoming a Lich(or something else) would be advantageous. Improving his rat familiar to a Ratling at lvl 7. Maybe an undead Ratling that follows him to immortality?

As far as Leadership, here's the rub on that. The party will, at a certain point in book 2, communally receive the benefits of the Leadership feat for their Evil Organization. All of the followers from that communal leadership, as well as any excess undead creations, hired mercs, ect. will be added to the Minion Pool, which helps their Evil Organization grow in power and wealth. Also, the PCs can make minions go on 'missions', which works sort of like Assassin's Creed follower missions, where they disappear for a length of time, a roll is made wherein they succeed or fail, and the party either reaps a boon or bane (Treasure or those minions dying and being removed from the minion pool, for example,). If you take your own Leadership feat, all of your followers are added to this pool, save for your cohort, which becomes a Favored Minion, sort of like Grumblejack the Ogre. These can be given special missions with potentially big rewards. Not only that, but the party can take FMs with them (Usually this is restricted to 1 FM in the group per chapter, but in some cases, can be more,). Favored Minions can also be 'upgraded' by completing certain unique side quests that fit seamlessly within the campaign itself. It's a rather unique mechanic that I am quite proud to have made, because it makes the game feel very 'organic' (Not literally, that would be odd,).

Seth86, Veldrin and Jaq are both very diplomatic characters, though you can check with them and see what their thoughts on the matter are. I rather like the combination though!

Feral, oh I know, but I remember you from the recruitment! I have a good memory most of the time lol. It doesn't look like everyone is going to be a vampire, but vampires are a thing in WotW. I can't tell you more, due to spoilers, but if you want to play one, it's not out of the ordinary.

HighonHolyWater, nothing like a good pyromaniac lol! I actually have a Pyromancer class and the Elemental Lich template, if you would like to peruse those (Former for class, latter for future idea,).

Edward, I still have all the information. Summoner/Sorceror with lots of FIRE! Correct? :)

Cole, that is fine! So long as you don't post 10 characters or something, there shouldn't be an issue. Also, just curious, are you referring to the Paizo Nosferatu or the Highborn Nosferatu I was mentioning to the group? The former is the dirty, primordial vampire strain, the latter is basically Dracula (Regenerates in moonlight, is unharmed by daylight even though it strips the vamp of supernatural powers until they rest, ect.,).

Seranov, it's not too bad of a power level... about on par with a Drow, which I am fine with. The template in place of the first 1/2 of the gestalt at level 1 is fine! Also, if you get selected, I have an idea for the dragon part of your character's background. Also, let me dig through the character recruitment and make sure. I THINK it wasn't changed.

Cam, how fares the Kommander these days? I haven't spoken with him in a while. I'm sorry to hear it hasn't been the best of times for him. :( I THINK I've got a few other templates for poisonous creatures. I know that I have the Ermodenung template from Ravenloft, but am unsure of any others. Would you like to look at those? There's also the Fumigator archetype for the Alchemist, a toxin-based archetype from Pure Steam, if you want to give that a look-over.

Wade, unless it's not listed on the SRD, I'm sure people have seen it. I thought we had this conversation before? :P

Tirion, as of about half an hour from now, you will have 5 days. That's plenty of time for fluff! Also, I have a Torturer class you can look at, but it only uses a whip.

Nidoran, Somatic Weapon is fine as a feat.

Shadow Lodge

Are you talking about me being a warlock or giving advice?
I'm not sure about us having the conversation before but the version of warlock I linked you isn't but is free, but there is another version too and it is on the srd, and it would also work, though not as well.

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