Shield slam / spiked destroyer brawler


He is not the best in offence but has some tricks up his sleeve, is good at bull-rushing and has ok defenses.

Ulfen Shield fighter:

Human (ulfen)
Dual talent
Fighter (brawler) 3/Brawler (mutagenic mauler) 6

STR: 18 (14+2+2) DEX: 16(14+2) CON: 14 INT: 12 WIS: 12 CHA: 7 (15 PB)

- Shield bearer, Shield trained (gorum)

FB1: Power attack
L3: Improved Shield Bash
L5: Combat reflexes
BB1: Spiked destroyer
L7: Shield slam
BB2: Weapon focus (heavy shield)

For the two free feats I'm not sure yet. I might take iron will with one of them.
And I might change the race to something else that might grow up among Ulfen.

Advice is welcome.

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