MMCC79 |

I've never given Holy Water much thought, but the other day I was playing Merisiel and didn't draw a weapon in my initial hand. This makes her more of a recon character until she finds a good ranged weapon to fight with.
My first explore I hit the Skeleton Henchman. Besides having no weapon this guy is resistant to my bow if I even had one. I immediately was about to go into Evade mode, when I looked more closely at my hand and saw that the Holy Water if banished will DEFEAT a BANE... I thought just MONSTER... but no this thing will take out an Ancient Skeleton.
Holy Water - Banish this card to defeat a bane with the undead trait who's highest combat value is 10 or lower.
Undead - Check
Combat value of 8 - Check
Card type bane - Check
the great thing was this occurred at a location that needed dexterity to close. I threw down a Blessing of the gods and had d12 + d12 + 2. Destroyed that location on turn one.
It all makes sense, but that just seemed too powerful.

MMCC79 |

So what you are saying is that I could have done the same thing with Caltrops, which I wouldn't have immediately thought possible, but since you pointed out the fact that the Ancient Skeleton which is a Henchman does have the Type of "Monster", I can see it would work.
I flipped through a couple Henchmen... when is a Henchman not a type "monster". This kinda blurs the line between the "Red" Cards and the "Orange" Cards...

Ron Lundeen Contributor |
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I just have this image in my head of a bunch of local yokels easing out of the shadows to threaten my character who just reaches into a pouch, tosses out a handful of Caltrops, and runs off saying "So long suckers!"
You get ambushed by yokels? We keep getting ambushed by reefclaws, ogres, or other creatures that we have a hard time justifying why we might have blundered unwittingly into them. Unless they have levels of rogue, I suppose!
Worst is to get Ambushed by the Warlord--2 points less on each die rolled!

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The Shopkeeper's Daughter barrier in the RotR RPG story was a very annoying sidequest. From what I've seen of the online RotR runthroughs everybody hates that encounter.
Wow, really? I've heard from a lot of people who remember that encounter as one of the highlights of the entire *campaign*. Not only does it provide ample hooks for roleplaying during the scenario itself, it often develops into a continuing storyline.
A *lot* of characters have wound up wed to the shopkeeper's daughter, and not always by their own choice.
You can read the full text of the RPG encounter here.

zeroth_hour |

I should have put in a disclaimer saying that's the impression I got rather than something that's universal. Hate is probably too strong a word - more like "dislikes" or "dreads in the sense that I have pretty much only one way out of this delicate situation".
I'm also reading the online RotR game threads and that can be a different beast than RL games.
The forcefulness of the encounter (regardless of whether or not the Shopkeeper steps in) irks me quite a bit. But I realize I may be in the minority.