Holy Water

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

I've never given Holy Water much thought, but the other day I was playing Merisiel and didn't draw a weapon in my initial hand. This makes her more of a recon character until she finds a good ranged weapon to fight with.

My first explore I hit the Skeleton Henchman. Besides having no weapon this guy is resistant to my bow if I even had one. I immediately was about to go into Evade mode, when I looked more closely at my hand and saw that the Holy Water if banished will DEFEAT a BANE... I thought just MONSTER... but no this thing will take out an Ancient Skeleton.

Holy Water - Banish this card to defeat a bane with the undead trait who's highest combat value is 10 or lower.

Undead - Check
Combat value of 8 - Check
Card type bane - Check

the great thing was this occurred at a location that needed dexterity to close. I threw down a Blessing of the gods and had d12 + d12 + 2. Destroyed that location on turn one.

It all makes sense, but that just seemed too powerful.

Yup. And even if it did say "Monster" the Ancient Skeleton Henchman is a monster too.

It is banished, so it is a one shot card. And before too long you will out pace the 10 value of banes it can work against. But in the beginning, it can be nice to have a single card that will defeat something.

So what you are saying is that I could have done the same thing with Caltrops, which I wouldn't have immediately thought possible, but since you pointed out the fact that the Ancient Skeleton which is a Henchman does have the Type of "Monster", I can see it would work.

I flipped through a couple Henchmen... when is a Henchman not a type "monster". This kinda blurs the line between the "Red" Cards and the "Orange" Cards...

Poison Traps are a barrier henchman. I think the Stone Heads in one of the later adventures are barrier henchmen too.

That's right. Stone heads are barriers. There are also some barrier henchmen in Skull and Shackles as well.

Grand Lodge

There are quite a few one-shot cards that are recommended at early levels. Caltrops, Holy Water, etc. You'll soon find that they aren't as effective later in the adventure but early on, they're a lifesaver.

It'd be interesting to have a Barrier Villain, though the nature of the RPG means that Villains tend to be Big Bads and thus monsters. Though a Barrier Puzzle Villain would be awesome!

Is Pirate Council a barrier? I can't remember but it feels like it might be.

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Barrier Villain? Maybe Shopkeeper's Daughter has an older sister?

But seriously they could have a villain that was geared towards Wisdom Class characters rather than Strength or Dexterity.

Grand Lodge

They have henchmen that are geared towards Wisdom classes ... Botfly Swarm. They have a combat check but are immune to slashing and piercing so if you don't have a mace or hammer ...

They do, however, have a Wisdom/Survival check which is easier.

Grand Lodge

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Is Pirate Council a barrier? I can't remember but it feels like it might be.

No, they're labeled as "Monster."

ThreeEyedSloth wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Is Pirate Council a barrier? I can't remember but it feels like it might be.
No, they're labeled as "Monster."

Ah. Well ok then.

The Shopkeeper's Daughter barrier in the RotR RPG story was a very annoying sidequest. From what I've seen of the online RotR runthroughs everybody hates that encounter.

Lantern Lodge

Caltrops has gotten me out of the Ambush Barrier so many times it's not even funny.

I just have this image in my head of a bunch of local yokels easing out of the shadows to threaten my character who just reaches into a pouch, tosses out a handful of Caltrops, and runs off saying "So long suckers!"


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Mad Jack Deacon wrote:
I just have this image in my head of a bunch of local yokels easing out of the shadows to threaten my character who just reaches into a pouch, tosses out a handful of Caltrops, and runs off saying "So long suckers!"

You get ambushed by yokels? We keep getting ambushed by reefclaws, ogres, or other creatures that we have a hard time justifying why we might have blundered unwittingly into them. Unless they have levels of rogue, I suppose!

Worst is to get Ambushed by the Warlord--2 points less on each die rolled!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

zeroth_hour wrote:
The Shopkeeper's Daughter barrier in the RotR RPG story was a very annoying sidequest. From what I've seen of the online RotR runthroughs everybody hates that encounter.

Wow, really? I've heard from a lot of people who remember that encounter as one of the highlights of the entire *campaign*. Not only does it provide ample hooks for roleplaying during the scenario itself, it often develops into a continuing storyline.

A *lot* of characters have wound up wed to the shopkeeper's daughter, and not always by their own choice.

You can read the full text of the RPG encounter here.

I should have put in a disclaimer saying that's the impression I got rather than something that's universal. Hate is probably too strong a word - more like "dislikes" or "dreads in the sense that I have pretty much only one way out of this delicate situation".

I'm also reading the online RotR game threads and that can be a different beast than RL games.

The forcefulness of the encounter (regardless of whether or not the Shopkeeper steps in) irks me quite a bit. But I realize I may be in the minority.

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