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Sorry. Yes, Jirelle. S&S is new and I'm dealing with new Character overload...

Thanks for the responses. I figured it was the case but I wanted to see what other people thought.

I've found she's very handy with a rapier and cutlass despite the fact that they are basic. With the finesse and swashbuckler traits on the card She uses D10+2 as the base attack along with a D6 or 2D4 depending on the weapon. Then an additional dice if you discard it. Plus a re-roll. That is a min 3/max 18 with a re-roll just for revealing a Cutlass or a min 4/max 20 with a re-roll just for revealing a Rapier.

They say the Devil is in the Details.

What is some of your favorite subtle details about the game where the designers have done an awesome job mimicking gameplay. Here are two of my favorites: (And I'll paraphrase the text to emphasize gameplay)

Shopkeeper's Daughter:
Make a check against WISDOM 8 or else you're turn is OVER!

Cannibal Isle:
At the end of your turn any Allies you have in your hand get captured by the locals (bury them). If you defeat the cannibals you have rescued your friends (close location and recover allies).

I was playing solo on Rum Punch with Lirianne Jirelle.

I encountered Nefti Unwesha with 4 Allies in my Ally Pile.

Lirianne Jirelle has Charisma of D8 and with my four allies I have D8+4 to beat Nefti's Charisma/Diplomacy 13 check. I had a blessing so my final odds were 2D8+4.

Long story short I rolled well and defeated her, but I was nervous and was looking for any other way I could have bettered my odds. (one Ally was the Parrot so I was ready to re-roll everything if necessary)

I notice that Lirianne Jirelle is a Swashbuckler. Since I was using her base Charisma as a check, does that make my Charisma Swashbuckling? If so I could have used Lirianne's Jirelle's re-roll 1 die ability.

I didn't need to, but I did wonder if any of the Character's traits give bonus to their base attributes.

The moving shark seems like a bugger, but consider this.
Lets say Location A and B have one Shark Henchman. You spend an average of 5 turns to hit the henchman in Location A. But then defeating the Shark Henchman into the bottom of location B. Here it doesn't help your odds. The average time to get to the Henchman/Villain in Location B is still 5 cards. But say your first encounter is a monster and you evade or lose to it. It gets shuffled into the location. SHUFFLE!!!

Now you have 2 out of 11 cards that can close the location meaning you'll hit one on average in 2-3 turns.

I was thinking it would be neat to have something added to the game that would allow your character to do one superhuman feat per scenario. The move would come at a big cost but it would have the potential to alter the game in a crazy way. Of course this would have a risk to totally breaking the game...

What if Merisiel could do an assassin attack? Roll a D6, a 5 or 6 kills the enemy. A 1 makes her take 100% combat damage with no reductions. A 2, 3, 4 does nothing. No matter the outcome she can not move or explore her next turn.

What if Ezren could do an apocalypse attack? He calls a powerful spell that goes 5 cards deep into the location. Boon cards are immediately destroyed and bane cards are resolved (defeated or undefeated) but Ezren doesn't actually encounter them (no text goes into effect and he takes no damage). Ezren cannot cast a spell for the next 2 turns.

What if Kyra calls a phoenix? It brings back a character that has exhausted their draw pile and cant bring their hand up to the min. hand size. They recover half their discard pile randomly and place the cards in their draw pile. Kyra can no longer use her healing power the rest of this scenario.


What about playing Lem? Say you have one awesome spell and one "blah" spell. you play your awesome one.

It could better to fail your recharge and send the awesome spell to your discard pile then put it on the bottom of your deck, as you can trade it for your "blah" spell as part of his special skill.

Is it OK to purposefully fail a recharge?

I almost hate to bring this topic up because of an old thread where they beat this guy to death, but it's not the same question...

I was playing last night and Merisiel didn't have a weapon, only Caltrops as an item. Hermit Crab came up and we had the discussion... The Caltrops will defeat a monster with a combat 9 and under. Boom! Hermit Crab defeated... or is it...

If the Hermit Crab is defeated reroll and use the second result.

If we treat the card as "try again", we could argue that the "roll" was the Caltrops which easily defeats him again. Rerolling simply applies the same method to defeat him.

If we treat the card as you have to defeat him twice, then we could argue that the first defeat was the Caltrops and now we have to defeat him again not using the Caltrops.

We played that the Caltrops got us past the first defeat, and then we rolled a regular combat to defeat him the second time.

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jones314 wrote:
MightyJim wrote:

I've always found the "after the encounter" damage quite odd - on the one hand the intent is clear: there are plenty of cards which say "if undefeated this character does X damage", so cards like the Enchanter which don't specify clearly intend you to take the damage regardless.

"After the encounter" or now, "after you act" damages are a pain but it would be worse if the two damage the Enchanter does were both before the encounter!

Thematically, it's a parting shot, kind of like when the Balrog got defeated and is falling but lashed out with its whip.

Fly you Fools!

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What we all need to take a moment to do is remember what kind of game you are playing. To make this game the most fun, play it like an RPG. When someone moves the blessing pile and a blessing get's misplaced, then make it part of the storyline instead of making it "fair".

I was playing a game and had 3 weapons for Merisiel. I was sorting my cards while the other guys were setting up the board. They announced that it was done and I gathered my cards and counted them... 11... 12... 13... 13??? Where are my three weapon cards? Noone knew... We then counted each location deck. 3 location decks had an extra card. someone had picked up my weapons and accidently shuffled them into locations for the scenario.

RULES were broken!!! I have 3 less cards - no weapons. There are more cards then legal in some locations!!

We could have gone through all the locations and found my cards then had to re-setup the scenario - rather than that...

Our scenario was altered to include that Merisiel was robbed the night before the mission. The party knew it must have been that slippery merchant they met the night before - furthermore he probably sold the items in the very region they were preparing to explore. She may need a little extra protection to get through this one alive - and hey if you find my stuff, please please try to get back my Long Shock Bow!

MightyJim wrote:

- don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to a free evade from time to time - Merisiel at the Guard-Tower, or generally any time when you have to summon a monster, but it doesn't matter whether or not you beat it.

Other than that though, the attitude seems defeatist.

I wouldn't carry a card for this either, but I responded to the original quote part that said it seemed like a defeatist attitude. But I think it has it's place in making a smart move.

I play Merisiel and use her evade ability early in a scenario if I have not picked up a ranged weapon. She fights with a combat of D8 (+D6 on recharge if alone). (max of 14) Not the best of odds.

But once you find you Returning Throwing Axe +1 she can fight with D12 + D8 + 1 (+D6 on recharge if alone). (max of 27) Big difference.

My group varies by night (we only play once a week). Two of us are the core and another 2 are hit and miss.

Since we don't play that often we don't want to slow down our progress by "practicing" when it's a 2 man night, and then playing the same scenarios when everyone is present. The other guys are also not likely to play solo or catch up when they are together.

Is there a homebrew rule that works will to Proxy players who are not there? I know we can plow on without them and they can always join when they can, but then they'll be weaker. I also don't want to be consistently replaying scenarios...


In the spirit of the game... 4 shadowy figures arrive out of breath at their rendezvous point and spill out their loot beside the campfire.

"Get yer hands off that crossbow" Harsk says gruffly, "I pried that out of the cold hands of a dead Goblin."

"Might I remind you" Merisel says as she sharpens her dagger, "That had I not called down the blessing of the gods, that Goblin would have sent you to your maker."

Ezren rolls his eyes and mutters his typical disapproval of any sort of god blessing mortal men.

"Besides", adds Merisiel, "You've already got more weapons hanging off your pack, belt, and sash. I doubt you can carry more than you already have."

Harsk simply grunts, "Fine, but don't come crying to me if you don't have the intelligence to use it."

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Barrier Villain? Maybe Shopkeeper's Daughter has an older sister?

But seriously they could have a villain that was geared towards Wisdom Class characters rather than Strength or Dexterity.

I think I see what you are getting at Hawkmoon. The part I'm seeing now is that say Merisel banished 2 items during the game and was 2 items short I would have pulled 2 from the item box with the "basic" trait. What I'm seeing here is that if Ezren had an extra item, and Lem picked up a bunch and had to get rid of 3, then I MUST pick from those 4 before hitting up the box.


I've been playing in a 4 man team and we have made our way through Adventure 0. During the first few scenarios you get to draw a random card from the box. After 90 minutes of play we were all greatly disappointed to only pull up BASIC cards. We toss 'em pretty quick since if we wanted them we always have the choice to get them at the start of our next game.

This really takes the prize factor out of playing.

We decided during the Black Fang scenario when we go to pick a random card from the box from a type of our own choosing, that we would pull out all the cards with the word "BASIC" on them. This basically gave us something random that we can't pick in the beginning of our game.

I understand this can always be a house rule (and probably will be for us) but I'm curious as if there is strong enough argument that we are "breaking" the game by doing this?

So what you are saying is that I could have done the same thing with Caltrops, which I wouldn't have immediately thought possible, but since you pointed out the fact that the Ancient Skeleton which is a Henchman does have the Type of "Monster", I can see it would work.

I flipped through a couple Henchmen... when is a Henchman not a type "monster". This kinda blurs the line between the "Red" Cards and the "Orange" Cards...

I've never given Holy Water much thought, but the other day I was playing Merisiel and didn't draw a weapon in my initial hand. This makes her more of a recon character until she finds a good ranged weapon to fight with.

My first explore I hit the Skeleton Henchman. Besides having no weapon this guy is resistant to my bow if I even had one. I immediately was about to go into Evade mode, when I looked more closely at my hand and saw that the Holy Water if banished will DEFEAT a BANE... I thought just MONSTER... but no this thing will take out an Ancient Skeleton.

Holy Water - Banish this card to defeat a bane with the undead trait who's highest combat value is 10 or lower.

Undead - Check
Combat value of 8 - Check
Card type bane - Check

the great thing was this occurred at a location that needed dexterity to close. I threw down a Blessing of the gods and had d12 + d12 + 2. Destroyed that location on turn one.

It all makes sense, but that just seemed too powerful.

Andrew K wrote:
Even then MMC, it wouldn't. It doesn't have a strength, and it doesn't defeat it with a number. It just beats it, no specifics. You could find a monster that has a check of 1, but shuffles unless you get at least 2. A card that defeats any card of difficulty 5 million or less would still shuffle it back in. You didn't get a 2 or higher. you got a nothing. That nothing just came with a caveat that the monster was defeated, nothing more.

I hear you. But I'm not convinced you can concretely make the ascertainment that it doesn't defeat it with a number. The swarm of rats if hit with an 8 will be defeated, scatter, and possibly regroup. If hit with a 12 will be vaporized. If we had a card like Super Caltrops that could defeat a card with a combat of 12 or less, then I would argue that it has the strength to vaporize the rat swarm.

My argument isn't based on some sort of logical ordering of concrete rules (I think that's not available). My argument is based on spirit of the law.

Anyone notice that in the Rogue Deck Merisiel now has the ranged skill (losing the Disable skill)?

This means she can start the game with a Light Crossbow hitting with:
1D12 + 1D8 + 2

If she gets a hold of the Returning Throwing Axe +1 she'll be:
1D12 + 1D8 + D6 + 3 if you are willing to RECHARGE it...
She's guaranteed to hit at least 6.
And her 50% mark is 18!!

And wait... there's more. Say you're alone! Recharge another card and you're guaranteed a 7 and 50% is over 21.

Play a Blessing of the Gods... Were rolling
D12 + D12 + D8 + D6 + D6 + 3

Hitting at least 8 and 50% is 28!

I think I'm gonna side with shuffling as well. But hinge the argument on the strength of the Caltrops. It defeats up to 9, which means it's strength is at most 9. In order to get rid of a swarm of rats you need to roll a combat of 8+4=12. Not possible with Caltrops.

If the rats were 5 to defeat/shuffle and 9 to defeat/banish then I would say the Caltrops could rid of the rats once and for all.

Harsk rolling 2D8 gives you a base outcome of:
+ Your Dice Bag Contains +
+ D4 | D6 | D8 | D10 | D12 +
+ 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 +
+ Statistics +
+check| #:total | >= | = +
+ 2 | 1: 64 | 1.00000 | 0.01562 +
+ 3 | 2: 64 | 0.98437 | 0.03125 +
+ 4 | 3: 64 | 0.95312 | 0.04687 +
+ 5 | 4: 64 | 0.90625 | 0.06250 +
+ 6 | 5: 64 | 0.84375 | 0.07812 +
+ 7 | 6: 64 | 0.76562 | 0.09375 +
+ 8 | 7: 64 | 0.67187 | 0.10937 +
+ 9 | 8: 64 | 0.56250 | 0.12500 +
+ 10 | 7: 64 | 0.43750 | 0.10937 +
+ 11 | 6: 64 | 0.32812 | 0.09375 +
+ 12 | 5: 64 | 0.23437 | 0.07812 +
+ 13 | 4: 64 | 0.15625 | 0.06250 +
+ 14 | 3: 64 | 0.09375 | 0.04687 +
+ 15 | 2: 64 | 0.04687 | 0.03125 +
+ 16 | 1: 64 | 0.01562 | 0.01562 +
Since Harsk has a +3 you get to shift these values down by 3 rows.
His 50% accuracy is between 12 and 13.

Merisiel's 1D12 1D8 gives you:
+ Your Dice Bag Contains +
+ D4 | D6 | D8 | D10 | D12 +
+ 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 +
+ Statistics +
+check| #:total | >= | = +
+ 2 | 1: 96 | 1.00000 | 0.01041 +
+ 3 | 2: 96 | 0.98958 | 0.02083 +
+ 4 | 3: 96 | 0.96875 | 0.03125 +
+ 5 | 4: 96 | 0.93750 | 0.04166 +
+ 6 | 5: 96 | 0.89583 | 0.05208 +
+ 7 | 6: 96 | 0.84375 | 0.06250 +
+ 8 | 7: 96 | 0.78125 | 0.07291 +
+ 9 | 8: 96 | 0.70833 | 0.08333 +
+ 10 | 8: 96 | 0.62500 | 0.08333 +
+ 11 | 8: 96 | 0.54166 | 0.08333 +
+ 12 | 8: 96 | 0.45833 | 0.08333 +
+ 13 | 8: 96 | 0.37500 | 0.08333 +
+ 14 | 7: 96 | 0.29166 | 0.07291 +
+ 15 | 6: 96 | 0.21875 | 0.06250 +
+ 16 | 5: 96 | 0.15625 | 0.05208 +
+ 17 | 4: 96 | 0.10416 | 0.04166 +
+ 18 | 3: 96 | 0.06250 | 0.03125 +
+ 19 | 2: 96 | 0.03125 | 0.02083 +
+ 20 | 1: 96 | 0.01041 | 0.01041 +
With no shift. Her 50% accuracy is between 11 and 12.

Caltrops reads as follows:

Banish this card to defeat a monster whose highest difficulty to defeat is 9 or lower.

Rat Swarm reads as follows:

If you do not defeat the Rat Swarm by at least 4, shuffle it into the deck it came from; the Rat Swarm still counts as defeated.

If I used Caltrops to defeat Rat Swarm should I shuffle it back into the deck it came from?