NPC Cohort - Rogue Charlatan / Crit-Fisher


Hi pathfinders,

the GM of one campaign I'm playing asked me to provide a cohort for another PC who is going to take leadership soon. The PC will be at that time level 9, and the cohort will be level 7. The PC's class is a campaign-customized Brawler Archetype.
The GM asked me to provide him a flanker, but this NPC must also be useful in spreading information/false rumors and so on.. ('cause in the campaign the PC is one of the leader of a political faction, and the NPC must be part of the same organization too)

There are some restriction the GM have gave me:
- The cohort must be human, 15 points, NPC gear starting gold (6000 gp)
- no 3rd Party, only Paizo materials allowed.
- only 1 magic item in the equipment.

So, I'm thinking about a Rogue Charlatan archetype, but also some kind of Crit-Fisher build.

Here are mine thoughts, and were I need any possible advice:

Human, Rogue (Charlatan) 7
Str 10
Dex 14+2(human)
Con 12
Int 13
Wis 8
Cha 15+1(4th)

L1: Natural Born Liar, Sneak Attack +1d6, Skill focus (Bluff), Martial Weapon Proficiency: Kurki (Human)
L2: Evasion, Rogue talent: Weapon Finesse
L3: Grand Hoax, Sneak Attack +2d6, Two-Weapon Fighting
L4: Rogue talent: Combat trick (Combat Expertise), Uncanny Dodge
L5: Sneak Attack +3d6, Butterlfy Sting
L6: Rogue talent: Weapon Training (Weapon Focus (Kurki))
L7: Sneak Attack +4d6, Battle Cry

Skills (70 skill points):
Acrobatics (3 class + 3 dex + 5 ranks) +11
Bluff (3 class +3 cha +7 ranks +3 skill focus) +16
Climb (3 class + 0 str, + 3 ranks) +6
Diplomacy (3 class + 3 cha + 7 ranks) +13
Disguise (3 class + 3 cha + 7 ranks) +13
Escape Artist (3 class + 3 dex + 5 ranks) +11
Perception (3 class -1 wis + 7 ranks) +9
Perform (Sing) (3 class + 3 cha + 5 ranks) +11
Sense Motive (3 class -1 wis + 7 ranks) +9
Sleight of Hand (3 class + 3 dex + 7 ranks) +13
Stealth (3 class + 3 dex + 7 ranks) +13
Swim (3 class + 0 str + 3 ranks) +6

+2 Mithral Chain Shirt, Mwk Kurki (x2), Light Crossbow, 20 bolts, Cold-Weather Outfit, Courtier's Outfit, Jewely (worth 50gp), Dilettante's Outfit, Entertainer's Outfit, Pickpockets's Outfit, Traveler's Outfit, Disguise Kit, Rogue's Kit, 37 gp

Remember, this is a cohort build, and the NPCs doesn't have to shine, only to provide help to the PCs in combat and social encounters.

I've always wanted to play a Charlatan, but having one as a cohort is even better. Just to clarify, this dude has the Focused Study racial trait, correct? That'll give him an extra Skill Focus when he hits level 8.

Ehm I forget about it, and was considering Skill Focus as 1st character feat, and martial proficiency as human bonus feat...
But yeah, Focused Study is definitely something to take for this cohort and have a 2nd Skill Focus at 8th!
So swapping the feats: the first level will be Martial Weapon Proficiency (Kurki), meanwhile the human bonus feat is replaced by the 3 skill focus (at 1st, 8th and and 16th).

EDIT: Also, I'm starting to think of adding the Silver Tongued racial trait, replacing the Skilled one.
This means being 7 skill points shorter, but having +2 on Bluff and Diplomacy, plus the capacity of shifting the attitude of two steps instead of 1 with Diplomacy...

Yeah, Silver Tongued helps you do the one thing you NEED to do - spread rumors.

Do you know the size of the settlement that this character will be active in? That will determine what kind of Bluff bonus is necessary to hit the Grand Hoax DC.

There are a lot of settlements of our Nation were the party operates in this campaign, so the DC is not fixed.
But a +18 (including Silver Tongued) should be enough, at least for the first times.

So, the current build is now this:

Human (Focused Study, Silver Tongued)
Rogue (Charlatan) 7
Str 10
Dex 14+2(human)
Con 12
Int 13
Wis 8
Cha 15+1(4th)

L1: Natural Born Liar, Sneak Attack +1d6, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Kurki, Skill focus (Bluff)[focused study]
L2: Evasion, Rogue talent: Weapon Finesse
L3: Grand Hoax, Sneak Attack +2d6, Two-Weapon Fighting
L4: Rogue talent: Combat trick (Combat Expertise), Uncanny Dodge
L5: Sneak Attack +3d6, Butterlfy Sting
L6: Rogue talent: Weapon Training (Weapon Focus (Kurki))
L7: Sneak Attack +4d6, Battle Cry

Skills (70 skill points):
Acrobatics (3 class + 3 dex + 5 ranks) +11
Bluff (3 class +3 cha +7 ranks +2 silver tongued +3 skill focus) +18
Climb (3 class + 0 str, + 3 ranks) +6
Diplomacy (3 class + 3 cha + 7 ranks +2 silver tongued) +15
Disguise (3 class + 3 cha + 7 ranks) +13
Escape Artist (3 class + 3 dex + 5 ranks) +11
Perception (3 class -1 wis + 7 ranks) +9
Perform (Sing) (3 class + 3 cha + 5 ranks) +11
Sense Motive (3 class -1 wis + 7 ranks) +9
Stealth (3 class + 3 dex + 7 ranks) +13
Swim (3 class + 0 str + 3 ranks) +6

+2 Mithral Chain Shirt, Mwk Kurki (x2), Light Crossbow, 20 bolts, Cold-Weather Outfit, Courtier's Outfit, Jewely (worth 50gp), Dilettante's Outfit, Entertainer's Outfit, Pickpockets's Outfit, Traveler's Outfit, Disguise Kit, Rogue's Kit, 37 gp

Any other possible advice?

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