Undercasting for All Spontaneous Casters?

Occult Adventures Playtest General Discussion

How game-breaking, or special-snowflake-melting, would it be to rule that spontaneous casters of any stripe -- arcane, divine, whatever -- could undercast any numbered spell, and swap out any earlier numbered versions they'd learned, just as psychic types can?

Not game-breaking at all. They're already one caster level behind. This will just give some breathing room to their already existing spell retraining mechanic. I actually hope Occult Adventures will include a rule for that (not a trait, not a feat, just flat out a rule allowing spontaneous casters to do it).

I wouldn't like it, but it wouldn't break anything.

Makes me wonder what the hell happens to Draconic Sorcerers though-- do they swap out their Bloodline spells for whatever spells of that level they want, as Form of the Dragon I/II/III are all on their list?

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