Serpentine Bloodline; anyone done that?


Scarab Sages

Hi All!

I was hoping to try my hand at a character with the Serpentine bloodline. A Nagaji sorcerer, of course. Anyone out there had experience playing either that bloodline or race? Or both?

Thanks in advance!

The most common usage of serpentine is to cross it with fey, as they are both good for enchanting.

My point is that, even if the cross blooded archetype doesn't fit your concept, a good way to go with this character would be as an enchanter.

I think getting Eldritch Heritage for the bite can be worthwhile for some classes, like a Bloodrager.

Scarab Sages

Master of the Dark Triad wrote:

The most common usage of serpentine is to cross it with fey, as they are both good for enchanting.

My point is that, even if the cross blooded archetype doesn't fit your concept, a good way to go with this character would be as an enchanter.

I was planning to do Spell Focus (Enchantment) for that reason. That bloodline does have a really cool arcana: being able to use mind affecting spells to affect creatures and humanoids that can't actually speak the caster's language.

I thought the Nagaji would be a good choice because of the natural hide (which might help a bit sometimes) and having +2 to CHA would be useful for any sorcerer. The penalty to INT kind of sucks, but one has to take the bad with the good, eh?

I was thinking the Serpentine bloodline would be good against fighters with their lower WILL saves. The Serpent's Fangs look cool, even though sorcerers ought not be in the thick of the fighting too much. I think the Serpentfriend and Snakeskin powers are also cool. If one survives long enough to get them, of course!

Scarab Sages

Hawktitan wrote:
I think getting Eldritch Heritage for the bite can be worthwhile for some classes, like a Bloodrager.

That's true. Those fangs could come in handy for characters more robust than your average sorcerer!

I'll make a note of that one!

I never thought about that, hawktitan. Better for a bloodrager, though, who actually uses CHA.

Scarab Sages

Master of the Dark Triad wrote:
I never thought about that, hawktitan. Better for a bloodrager, though, who actually uses CHA.

Or maybe other races with a bonus to CHA: like Nagaji, Halflings, Gnomes, or others.

One of my PFS players has a sorcerer/cleric of Asmodeus with the serpentine bloodline. He uses it to good effect to pump the DCs of his enchantment spells, particularly Murderous Command and Charm Person. He's pretty effective and a fun PC.

SteelDraco wrote:
One of my PFS players has a sorcerer/cleric of Asmodeus with the serpentine bloodline. He uses it to good effect to pump the DCs of his enchantment spells, particularly Murderous Command and Charm Person. He's pretty effective and a fun PC.

Its always nice to hear about unorthodox multiclassrs actually working out.

Hawktitan wrote:
I think getting Eldritch Heritage for the bite can be worthwhile for some classes, like a Bloodrager.

The best part of it: The con increase from rage seems to up the poison DC. I just build a bloodrager as a replacement pc for an AP who uses this. From an optimizer's point of view it would seem better to use a magic item to get the bite attack over "wasting" two feats but I like the style.

Scarab Sages

SteelDraco wrote:
One of my PFS players has a sorcerer/cleric of Asmodeus with the serpentine bloodline. He uses it to good effect to pump the DCs of his enchantment spells, particularly Murderous Command and Charm Person. He's pretty effective and a fun PC.

I was thinking the improved DC for Charm Person would be useful versus tough fighters whose WILL saves tend to be uninspiring. That can sure make things fun if you can control one of their fighters!

Scarab Sages

Umbranus wrote:
Hawktitan wrote:
I think getting Eldritch Heritage for the bite can be worthwhile for some classes, like a Bloodrager.
The best part of it: The con increase from rage seems to up the poison DC. I just build a bloodrager as a replacement pc for an AP who uses this. From an optimizer's point of view it would seem better to use a magic item to get the bite attack over "wasting" two feats but I like the style.

That would be kind of expensive in the feat department. But it would be interesting for a Bloodrager. No doubt about that!

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