Crypt and Trap Breaker

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Crypt Breaker and Trap Breaker archetypes for the Alchemist do not modify any of the same class abilities, and so could both be taken by the same character. Interestingly, both archetypes provide an ability called 'Trapfinding', which basically acts the same as the Rogue Trapfinding ability, with the Cryptbreaker version kicking in at 1st level and also applying to locks, and counting his alchemist levels as rogue levels, and the Trapbreaker kicking in at 2nd level and adding the bonus by alchemist level. If I combine both archetypes, do I get double the bonus?

I have seen occasions before of abilities provided by different classes that have the same name, and therefore being considered different abilities. In this case, the ability has the same name, gives the same bonus, but has slightly different mechanics. Does this make them stackable?

I would say no... they are both called Trapfinding and they both say "1/2 your level" so they are the same source, even if the text is slightly different. Also, even the Rogue only gets 1/2 level, so allowing, effectively, +level would be stepping way over the intended bonus.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It would certainly make it more effective, but then it also removes Brew Potion and all Poison Use and Poison Resistance class features. So, it is not without cost.

The bonus also just adds to your skill, not to the roll, and has no explicit type.

usaly when difrent calsses give the same ability the power doesn't stack but levels in classes stack. like improved uncunny dodge

and a lot of classes(or arch there of) that give trapfinding also include saying that if you get it from a difrent class you can add up the total of the levels to find out the final bonus.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Since both abilities are named Trapfinding, I'm pretty sure the ruling would be they are the same thing. Untyped bonuses never stack when they are from the same source. Still, it is certainly an oversight.

Grand Lodge

Are we saying level is a source, or the the Trapfinding class feature?

Shadow Lodge

How did I f~~@ing know you were going to ask that?

To answer, the Trapfinding class feature is the source.

Grand Lodge

How do you know it's not both?

Shadow Lodge

Because we don't have a FAQ on it yet.

Grand Lodge

Well, we can extrapolate.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Nah, Mark said the scope of that FAQ was limited to just ability scores.

Grand Lodge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Nah, Mark said the scope of that FAQ was limited to just ability scores.

For now...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hence my comment about not having a FAQ yet. :)

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