Flaming Sphere, or how i learned to love the ball.

Rules Questions

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I am seeing Flaming sphere pop up more and more in my group, we have two casters who can use it and they enjoyed rolling out four spheres to set up lines of control. Today though a player pointed out that they only do damage on the caster's turn when moved so enemies should be able to move through them just fine and they cant sit on a cornered opponent and burn them. I felt odd about that, it is a giant ball of fire after all, you'd think people would treat it like one and it would burn stuff all the time. I feel the wording in the book is shortened to save space, how do others feel about it? Should moving through the sphere's space inflict burn damage? If you are forced into a space with the sphere should you have to deal with the damage even if it isnt moving?

Reading the PRD entry for it, I don't see anything to indicate that enemies are immune to it if both stay in the same square, although they should still be able to negate the damage with a Reflex save, as normal, provided that they aren't actually denied the ability to move. Thing is, an enemy that doesn't move away from the Flaming Sphere even when being able to move is probably just plain resistant to the fire.

Yeah, we would see a lot of spheres used to cut off movement though and the argument was that it can only cause damage on the caster's turn so it shouldn't impede anyone. I disagree, it's always fire so it always burns. As far as sitting on it, the group is good at cornering the BBEG with a sphere or two on top of them and using frontliners to block movement. The enemy gets their save but it's still a bad place to be.

Liberty's Edge

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PRD wrote:
If it enters a space with a creature, it stops moving for the round and deals 3d6 points of fire damage to that creature, though a successful Reflex save negates that damage.

Taking in account the bolded part I feel that the sphere don't fill the whole square and that a brief contact isn't enough to deliver the damage, so you can damage someone mowing the sphere against him, but someone moving around the sphere square can avoid touching it or at least reduce the contact to brief moments against protected areas, negating the damage.

To make a real life example: if I throw the coal and embers of a barbecue at you you would be burned, but if they were dumped to the ground you could step over them and beyond with minimal risk of being burned.

note that the spheres have a spongy consistency, so they have a physical structure. So it is not possible to pass through the sphere square, only move around them.

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PRD wrote:
A burning globe of fire rolls in whichever direction you point and burns those it strikes.

The sphere get a automatic hit when moving, but you need to strike someone to damage him. If you have commanded the sphere to move toward square A where is the enemy during turn 1 the sphere get adjacent to square A, strike the enemy and stop moving. During turn 2, if nod differently directed it resume moving toward square A and strike again the enemy if he hasn't moved, so a cornered enemy would be stricken by the sphere every round. Moving don't require moving x feet, a simple attempt to move toward teh square is sufficient

I think since it deals damage "if it enters a space with a creature", it should also deal damage if a creature enters the space of the sphere.

Perhaps if it were smaller you could make the case that the enemy can dodge around it without a save or anything, but we are talking about a 5-ft. diameter sphere.

Liberty's Edge

RumpinRufus wrote:

I think since it deals damage "if it enters a space with a creature", it should also deal damage if a creature enters the space of the sphere.

Perhaps if it were smaller you could make the case that the enemy can dodge around it without a save or anything, but we are talking about a 5-ft. diameter sphere.

Changed my post a bit after re-reading some piece of the spell. It has a spongy consistency, so it is not possible to enter the sphere square as it has a physical structure.

I see it as a large beach ball covered by fire.

Would it block the square or simply make it count as difficult/obstructed terrain in some way? 'Block' because it is described as having physical consistency and it's as large as a medium sized creature but as it appears to be immobile off-turn where as part of why a creature blocks is because it can actively impede, and it appears to be able to coexist in squares with other creatures by it's own rules, I'm curious.

If a creature can/does enter it's square though I do not think it attacks off the casters turn. RAW seems clear on that. The wording is "If it enters a space with a creature". Spells do what they say, nothing more nothing less. If it is the creature moving then the creature entered the space not the sphere. The spell doesn't say it attacks if another creature enters it's space, only if it enters the space. Also, "The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it (a move action for you); otherwise, it merely stays at rest and burns." so if the creature entered it's square it would simply stay at rest and burn, you aren't actively directing it and the spell tells you want it does when that happens ( stays at rest and burns).

Interesting interactions though.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Ive always run flaming sphere as occupying a space, but not restricting movement. Any character that enters the square makes a reflex save or takes the spheres damage.

SirGeshko wrote:
Ive always run flaming sphere as occupying a space, but not restricting movement. Any character that enters the square makes a reflex save or takes the spheres damage.

I agree. Its a freaking ball of fire. If you get in a hex with it, you suffer the effects of the spell.

yeah, it ends it's turn in a square, entering that square is a reflex save for damage.

Keep in mind that the designers COULD have written Flaming Sphere so that instead of Reflex Save negating the damage, the controller of the Flaming Sphere instead has to make an Attack Roll vs Touch AC with the Flaming Sphere, which would have the side effect of having it do no damage unless you also wrote it to act like a monster that has a passive damage ability that works against attackers. Mind you, that's not necessarily a bad idea . . . .

Liberty's Edge

The sphere has a 5' diameter, so it is way larger than a medium creature. There is very little space to pass in the corners of the square and for sure you can't move in a straight line from the square ahead of the sphere to the square behind the sphere. I wouldn't allow someone to pass through the sphere.

UnArcaneElection wrote:

Keep in mind that the designers COULD have written Flaming Sphere so that instead of Reflex Save negating the damage, the controller of the Flaming Sphere instead has to make an Attack Roll vs Touch AC with the Flaming Sphere, which would have the side effect of having it do no damage unless you also wrote it to act like a monster that has a passive damage ability that works against attackers. Mind you, that's not necessarily a bad idea . . . .

Exactly, the sphere don't require an attack roll, but it require to be directed to damage someone. That eat a movement action if you have to change the destination square:

PRD wrote:
Some spells allow you to redirect the effect to new targets or areas after you cast the spell. Redirecting a spell is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

There is a important question of action economy here, where allowing "free" attacks change noticeably the power of the spell.

Liberty's Edge


There is a important question of action economy here, where allowing "free" attacks change noticeably the power of the spell.

I think this is the reason the spell only states it does damage while entering a creatures square. Otherwise a wizard could place a flaming sphere at the end of a 5 foot wide hallway the party needs to get through. If you have 5 adventurers that's 15d6 damage in one turn which is more than a 2 level spell should do, and is more in line with the 4th level Wall of Fire.

I don't think I've ever noticed just how many things are left open to interpretation before though. Like the fact that it's a 5 foot diameter object, so does that mean that a creature sharing it's space should be squeezed? Or would they not be able to share the same square and after entering and dealing damage be pushed back to an adjacent square? What about the fact that it has a sponge like texture, does that mean that someone could, preferably with a reach weapon, roll the sphere back onto the caster dealing damage to them? It is a solid(ish) object after all.

I think it might be easier to just consider the spell a floating incorporeal sphere of flame that deals damage only when entering a creatures square, as I think that's about the intent for the power level of the spell, but that's not how it's actually worded.

Grand Lodge

The problem though is when your playing in PFS and you get used to several GM say make DC checks to move through it. (skeleton died from failing a save trying to move it). But then another game where the DM argues opposite saying it only deal damage when you move the sphere into a creature's square.

If it enters a space with a creature, it stops moving for the round and deals 3d6 points of fire damage to that creature, though a successful Reflex save negates that damage.

What's interesting is that phrase. Several things. First enter a space with a creature would that work opposite where a creature moving into its space also trigger the effect.
Second if say next turn a creature is still in the same square. Is it possible to attack a different creature. Even attempting to move should trigger the effect so the wizard would attempt to move it but since a creature is already in the square it would stop and do damage and not be able to target a different creature.
Note: My brain is in programming mode right now. I've had to deal with so much with loops and if statements glitching on me (-_-). that's my input. Good luck.

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