Kazaan |
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A spell component pouch contains quantum uncertainty. You don't really know what is in it, nor how much, until you use it and force it into a state of existence. It "could" contain nothing but bat guano, or it could equally contain a myriad of esoteric items of various magical uses. It is Schrodinger's Component Pouch.

MrCharisma |

A spell component pouch contains quantum uncertainty. You don't really know what is in it, nor how much, until you use it and force it into a state of existence. It "could" contain nothing but bat guano, or it could equally contain a myriad of esoteric items of various magical uses. It is Schrodinger's Component Pouch.
Aww, you stole my joke!
Also, Schrodinger in the Pathfinder-verse was totally a necromancer.

Legowaffles |
A Spell Component contains Everything that is, and ever will be. Up to, and including, an Artifact designed to destroy the fabric of reality itself.
Unfortunately for good guys and bad guys alike, these things are only available for the briefest of moments: When you reach into it to cast a spell with a material component with no listed cost. Said thing is then gone for eternity after use.

Legowaffles |
Zhayne wrote:And this is why I don't use them in my game.Do you just handwave/house rule material components away? Or actually make casters take Eschew Materials or track every cobweb and pinch of sand?
Whose hand are we determining the size of a pinch of sand by? A pixie's? A 3 year old's? An adult human's? A Balor's?