Need help building a kasatha monk


The GM has let me pick kasatha monk for a reign of winter game and i have a 20 point buy and 2 traits. Haven't played pathfinder in a good while, but I want to go Qinggong and get blood crow strike eventually and maybe get Dimensional Agility line, but i don't know if thats good or not. Would prefer to be an unarmed monk, any advice or builds would be appreciated.

any tips or anything will help

Well, general wisdom is that you need to go Weapon Finesse to have respectable AC and skills, while the STR line is subpar. Considering your naturally high Dex and Wis, this seems pretty good. The exception to this is if you go Dragon Style, but then you don't get to use Pummeling Charge. Which leads me to...

The Blood Crow Strike thing is great, but honestly you are probably better off with Pummeling Charge (it's a new feat that allows you to Flurry on a charge). This allows you to Flurry every single turn pretty well. If you really want to use Blood Crow, it's not a problem though, you can focus on another style.

Regardless of those two choices, go Weapon Master for archetype. You can combine it with Qingqong. It replaces Stunning Fist, which is pretty useless to you since you probably won't have high enough Wisdom to really use it, for Perfect Strike, which is a god sent for the Monk's low attack issues. Plus it gives you a good boost to damage and attack to get you going until you get an amulet of mighty fists.

Remember the extra arms don't give the Kasatha any extra attacks.

I dont get why a monk would want weapon finesse? Pummeling charge does look cool.I want to be an unarmed monk so I don't know about Weapon Adept archtype.

alright what you think this
stats- kasatha Hungry Ghost Qinggong monk

trait:Heavy Hitter, Reactionary

bonus feat:Dodge
1st feat:toughness

The Weapon Adept doesn't need you to use a weapon!

Here it is. Basically you lose an ability that has a DC that scales off with Wisdom, your secondary stat (yuck) and become able to use on ability that scales with your own damage thanks to Perfect Strike. Plus, you get Weapon Specialization, which is a nice boost to damage.

Trust me, unless you heavily invest in Wisdom, those Punishing Kicks are going to land just only about 50% of the time, which is hardly ideal, and the number goes does as you level up.

A Finesse-based Monk only takes a penalty to damage during the early levels, but it can afford to have higher Wis and Dex (18 and 17), which not only means more accuracy but also more AC and higher DCs for your skills and more bang on your ki pool.

Of course, it's only ONE way to build a character, and the effects of going Finesse only feel better after level 4. Before that, you are a bit less useful than the regular STR Monk. After that, you will consider that the DEX Monk is the best idea ever.

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