Myfly |

Hi Vic,
I purchased all 7 Class Decks. They took quite a while to be available in Germany.
First the good news, i counted all the cards of the class decks. They are all complete. 55 cards per pack. Hurray! I read somewhere that some cards were missing... Puhh, i was lucky.
Now the bad news, in case you want to design playmats, the character images on the token cards are badly designed with the "class deck logo" on the top left corner COVERING sometimes some crucial parts of the character image....
Not well designed.... Could the class deck logo be somewhere else? Not covering any card information?
Our playgroup plans to play the additional PDF scenarios downloadable with the class decks... But my group asked to have their character available in my owned designed playmats. This is not possible as there are no character images for the class decks downloadable (full character image from head to heel)... And the character images on the token cards are covered by the logo :-(((
Could you PLEASE provide for everybody one download containing all character images for the class decks in the same format (PNG) as the iconics?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,

Myfly |

A few of the images are available on the Paizo blog.
"They are working on it"-link dates back to August... Quite long time past till then.
Just grab the 27 character images (available on paizos harddrive) and put these in a ZIP container. It takes maximum 5 minutes ;-))))Wow, what a fast response from you... Do you have some sort of MESSAGE ALERT if something new is published in the PACG forum?

Hawkmoon269 |

Wow, what a fast response from you... Do you have some sort of MESSAGE ALERT if something new is published in the PACG forum?
It is more of a super power as a result of falling in some radioactive waste while holding Valeros' token card and my laptop with the web browser open to the Paizo PACG forum.
Err... I mean....no.

Myfly |

How about the the ZIP file with 27 character images AND some design change to the NEW NExT class decks for Feb2015. So you need not to write class deck on every card. Just design a smaller logo, or use the abbrev. "CD" to save some space plus a logo for the class itself like rogue bow e.g....
What do you think?
I know it will be inconsistent from the design viewpoint to the now available class decks... But the new ones will look more pretty.
The token card is very IMPORTaNT for those who do not use miniatures/stand ups as tokens but the card itself. On the token card is the character image where its face is a very important factor of identifying with the character. Some faces on the token cards are covered by the class deck logo... So you are playing the complete adventure path with a HEADLESS character.... Not so nice feeling!!!
How can your character use the card "SPYGLASS" when headless? Come on!
I would VOTE for an UPDATE/REPRINT of the bad style token cards!!!
What do you think???

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I think you are overstating the issue rather dramatically. The vast majority of character art on the Class Deck token cards doens't even come *close* to the logo, and when it does, it's usually a tiny bit of a headdress or the top of a tall hairdo that gets covered. In the worst case, Merisiel's forehead jewelry is obstructed, and yes, she could have stood to be scaled a bit smaller, but that's a a far thing from MUST REPRINT NOWWW!

JBiggs78 |

I'm with Vic on this one. Not one token card jumped out at me as being poorly laid out, though I'm not a fan of Vika's outfit, but we can't love everything, right? Aren't they standard with the other token cards representing the adventure paths (Skull and Shackles and Rise of the Runelords instead of Rogue Class Deck?).
I do know I like the logos and their placement. It makes sorting very easy and I would hate to lose inherent functionality to cater to an extreme subset (those wanting to design their own playmats) when I imagine most will either use those that are made available by Paizo or use the cards themselves.

Myfly |

I think you are overstating the issue rather dramatically. The vast majority of character art on the Class Deck token cards doens't even come *close* to the logo, and when it does, it's usually a tiny bit of a headdress or the top of a tall hairdo that gets covered. In the worst case, Merisiel's forehead jewelry is obstructed, and yes, she could have stood to be scaled a bit smaller, but that's a a far thing from MUST REPRINT NOWWW!
Sorry, but ...
I know i was a little BIT overstating, but i was a little BIT frustrated as i hoped to find the complete character image on the token card for my special use of playmat generation.So finding out that some headdress/item/forehead was covered you cant cut the image out from the token card... And use it for a character image on stand ups or playmats e.g.
Could you please provide a .ZIP file with the 27 character images of the class decks...
Please PeAsLe PLEASE pLEASE where I Have NOWWWW ;-) your attention ;-)
Please... Vic ..

Myfly |

Hawkmoon269 wrote:A few of the images are available on the Paizo blog.
Since August of the year 2014 till ... ? ;-) any deadline in sight? ;-)
I was surprised as the character sheets for SS were downloadable before SS was released at Gencon... That was a great job. Amazing!
Must be hard to find 27 character images on a harddrive in these days and .ZIP these ;-)
In 2 months, so 40 workdays later ... Mmmh...
How about seeking for and employing an IT expert ;-) ?
... I know i am a little bit impatient, but i was already waiting SOO long until the class decks were available in Germany. These were already sold during GenCon (at my birthday) in August... And NOWW in October being available in Germany... This was so long waiting...

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To be fair, you got them no later than anyone else. Outside of Gen Con, they weren't released anywhere (including US) until October.
Also, releasing the images isn't as simple as "OK guys, copy and paste these into a ZIP, have them ready in 5 minutes". Especially when you're talking about mass distribution.

Myfly |

To be fair, you got them no later than anyone else. Outside of Gen Con, they weren't released anywhere (including US) until October.
Also, releasing the images isn't as simple as "OK guys, copy and paste these into a ZIP, have them ready in 5 minutes". Especially when you're talking about mass distribution.
It is just a download link they will provide. So they dont do the distribution itself.
If you have to ZIP 27 images and put these on your box.com account and share your box link with your friends... Will you be able to do that within 5 minutes?
No problem, even if you forgot the password to your box.com account...
May be paizo lost their password for the paizo.com-server-account... ;-) lol and thus are unable to upload the ZIP file onto the server ...
Since August all personell is looking for that tiny piece of paper were someone has written the server password on it ;-)
May be the IT administrator lost it at GenCon (which was in August, right time, see hawkmoon link above) during a very rough SS-boat trip with his class deck???
Anybody participating in the PACG-OrganizedPlay session found at GenCon some tiny piece of paper???
You may claim A BIG reward from paizo... ;-)

pluvia33 |

Or maybe updating the Community Use Policy file is a little more involved than you're making it out to me. Maybe they are thinking of adding more than just the Class Deck characters images and want to have that ready, too, so they're not making two or three updates to the file within a few months when they can get everything added in one new file.

Myfly |

Or maybe updating the Community Use Policy file is a little more involved than you're making it out to me. Maybe they are thinking of adding more than just the Class Deck characters images and want to have that ready, too, so they're not making two or three updates to the file within a few months when they can get everything added in one new file.
I can wait for the "Wrath" character images and new 7 class decks released with it till Jan 2015, but i would like to have the current class deck character images within the next two weeks... Hopefully....
Lets see if my wish will be granted... I would like to get the standups at least ready as the organized play with the class decks ALREADY started...
You may support paizo by looking for that tiny piece of paper ;-)

vagabondriot |
Remember, this is a small company. They have plenty of work to do designing, testing, producing, editing, and shipping the game (let alone deal with real problems when they arise, like the gencon shipping issues). PACG is just a small portion of Paizo as a whole, and they're doing a great job. I'd much rather they work on the game itself and future sets than on making a *few* minor changes to make things more aesthetically pleasing. As they are now, nothing's functionality is imposed upon, so there are no issues in my eyes. They are working on it as Vic and Hawkmoon said; just give them time. If they say they're on it, they're on it. They have shown themselves to be a reliable company, so just give them some good faith.

Myfly |

Remember, this is a small company. They have plenty of work to do designing, testing, producing, editing, and shipping the game (let alone deal with real problems when they arise, like the gencon shipping issues). PACG is just a small portion of Paizo as a whole, and they're doing a great job. I'd much rather they work on the game itself and future sets than on making a *few* minor changes to make things more aesthetically pleasing. As they are now, nothing's functionality is imposed upon, so there are no issues in my eyes. They are working on it as Vic and Hawkmoon said; just give them time. If they say they're on it, they're on it. They have shown themselves to be a reliable company, so just give them some good faith.
You are right... But i am trying just to optimize PACG from a consumer standpoint !!!
Before the release of SS, the character sheets were downloadable... Great!
But now SS organized play with the class decks already started, second PDF is for download and no character images are available for download for standups, playmats etc...
I just want to point this out ...

vagabondriot |
The token card included are perfectly fine for displaying where your character is. Any further customization is up to you. It is not as if the game is functionally hindered in any way with how things are, so I see no real need to change. I know you are concerned and would like to make your playmats or whatever, and Paizo has said they are working on it. Just give them some time.

Fayries |

But my group asked to have their character available in my owned designed playmats.
I'm not sure if you need the images for private use or for public redistribution. Assuming you need them to make playmats for your private group only, the images can easily (with Adobe Reader) be extracted from the NPC Codex PDF.
Taking the Fighter class deck as an example, Flenta is at page 89, Tontelizi at page 94, and Vika at page 82. I guess other characters from other class decks are available in the same book.

Myfly |

Myfly wrote:But my group asked to have their character available in my owned designed playmats.I'm not sure if you need the images for private use or for public redistribution. Assuming you need them to make playmats for your private group only, the images can easily (with Adobe Reader) be extracted from the NPC Codex PDF.
Taking the Fighter class deck as an example, Flenta is at page 89, Tontelizi at page 94, and Vika at page 82. I guess other characters from other class decks are available in the same book.
Thanks for that idea. Yes, private application... No need to share the class deck playmats.
First, the PDF is not free of charge.
Second, i owned the NPC codex in paper form, but sold it when i bought the prepainted miniature set from wizkids pathfinder battles... No standups required anymore, we now use the real miniatures... Best solution.
I would just need those characters from the class decks where the "class deck logo" interfers with the character...

cosined |

Adding emoji to the end of flippant and sarcastic statements does nothing to make them less caustic.
You are asking for what amounts to unpaid work and have the audacity to propose a timeline. Providing images and templates certainly does add value to their products, as does the community's (yourself included) homebrew/resource efforts, but let's not kid ourselves: freely distributed consumer-generated content does little to make PACG a sustainable and viable product line for Paizo.

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Vic Wertz wrote:They are on the web team's to-do list.Great.
When do you expect that these will be online?> 2 weeks?
> 4 weeks?
> I hope till at least christmas... Would be a cool free gift ;-)
Paizo Game Space is also on the web team's to-do list, and has been since July of 2012. And that feature would probably be far more useful to far more users than fixing a couple of images.
And this is not a complaint about the status of Game Space, it's just an indication of how busy the web team is.Your priorities are not the same as everybody else's.

Chris Lambertz Paizo Glitterati Robot |
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The iconics images are now part of the Community Use Package and are available for download here. :)

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The iconics images are now part of the Community Use Package and are available for download here. :)
Thank you!