Myrmidarch Crossbow Arcane Archer


Just so I'm clear, I can make the following turn actually happen:

Rapid Reload
Intensified spell
Focused Shot
Vital strike

Standard action: Cast intensified Shocking Grasp (CL 10)
Deliver through a heavy crossbow Vital strike with Focused shot
2d10 +10d6+int

Move action Reload heavy crossbow.

This is before any of the fun that comes from arcane archer which is a significant boost to BAB in the end.

Is this legal? if so any other cheese I can add on to this?

You can't Vital Strike your Touch Spell delivery, as it's not an attack action-- instead it's a subset of your casting action.

So vital strike is off the table but everything else is legit?

Out of curiosity, why crossbow? Admittedly I have little experience with archer builds, but it seems like a composite bow might be better, especially going into AA later.

Had to look up Focused Shot. It requires a Standard Action, so also a no go.

Intensified Spell is fine. Rapid Reload is fine. But anything that requires a Standard Action or an Attack Action or similar language is out, because the shot you're taking is not its own action.

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