Terrible luck ruining my fun as a GM

Gamer Life General Discussion

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You've tracked your rolls and come up with the High/Low. A few years back I played with the idea of scripted roll play. It's just an idea but it might help you out of your slump.

Just a quick comment-On your next low roll,do the Major League thing.

Walk out to the 'mound' "You look tired"
"I'm rolling nothing but single digits,Skipper!"
"Go sit down,we'll get these guys"

Cue Sam Kinison's 'Wild Thing' signal the bullpen...etc. you get the idea.

But seriously...I rolled my d20 and wrote the result on a 3x5 card.I rolled a dozen or more times. On game day,every time you would normally make a roll,use the result on your card. Not every result will be an attack roll. The law of averages says low rolls will be followed by high rolls at some point.

Have someone your players trust be a witness to the roll and record.

Try it one time.If a high number is coming up in the rotation,try to burn a low number on a skill check. Plus it gives you an idea how combat will potentially ebb and flow....and get some new dice!!!

Shadow Lodge

Change the way you roll dice. If you normally do the hand shake and toss (like a craps player) change to the underhand flip, or get a die tower to alter the parameters. Anything to alter the pattern. The way you roll can affect the outcome.

Other than that, I recommend a demolition hammer for punishing dice. They have a head that looks like a meat tenderizer. If that won't make your dice behave get a slow cooker.

Edit: I also new one guy that would microwave bad dice while making the other dice watch. As I remember it they go pop after a while with quite and impressive bang. Not recommended if you use your microwave for actual cooking in my opinion, but different people have different standards.

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