Mykrox43's page
Organized Play Member. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.
Try unconventional. Some travelers from Numeria pass through the city and behave strangely. One of them breaks a drinking glass and grinds the shards in his palm. Later when a cleric tends to him(it's what they do,right?) the wound is beginning to heal.
Long story short...they're infected with nanobots. The little critters become corrupted. They loose their link with program transmitter.
There was an episode of Sliders where people drank water with nanos in it and developed a link with each other. A plague where everyone acts like they drank the that's spooky. And what is the Nanos purpose or endgame? That,my dear GM,is your call.
Oh,FYI...they can also animate the deceased. The look on a paladin's/cleric's face when turn undead fizzles...ever see Home Alone?
Just an idea I had. Hope this helps. Regards,M

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I've been reading The Lightbringer series (ironic right?)by Brent Weeks. The capital city has a school with multiple towers that are connected and they each have elevators that employ weights and counterweights.
The pillars would have to be supported at points along their heights. Anchor stations and support structures built into the cavern wall (if your city is like Menzoberranzan).
The "Living City" would have residences and shops. A 'neighborhood watch' scenario would give the PC's a chance to interact with NPC's.
Also a good place to find a merchant to buy or trade for their exotic surface items.(a good equip drop for later encounters)
The "Noble Tear" would have the nobility from midway up to the to and servants and support staff from midway down. The PC's could pose as servants. They would be disguised? A human and an elf would stand out among the natives. A ballroom party of some sort.
"Vengeance"...sounds cool. Just a suggestion,but how about Vigilance?
The ever watchful Underdark police who even police themselves.Barracks' and training rooms. Armories with cool new toys.Maybe a rescue of a key NPC who knows where the trio are or where they're going.
Hope this helps...sounds well thought out and ambitious.I'll watch for updates to see where this goes. Regards,M
The outlaw Bandl and his men waylaid a caravan filled with a bounty from a distant kingdom.This treasure was to finance an evil baron and his plot to overthrow the ruler of this land.
Bandl was captured along with his minister and master-at-arms.He left a
strange stone inscribed with a riddle that was recently found. Given to
his long,lost heir; it remains a mystery.
"That which guards the way is the door, That which is the key
fits no lock"
The punchline is the treasure was taken to a cave and an Earth Elemental
was summoned to block the tunnel. The stone controls it.
Rest stops along the way could be former burrows where the creatures
sheltered before. Think cave drawings,but in blood.A symbol that will
appear again later( a reference to the alpha maybe?)
Also, I use maps from video games.Prince of Persia:Warrior Within has
such desolate looking places with challenging point A to point B
movement.You could have an encounter in an abandoned outpost built by the
Dwarves.Parts are near the surface with openings that let in a little
light from outside.Depending on the time of day. Could make for a
dramatic encounter...gotta make it 'til the morning.
They find a map that marks the locations to the light towers. Make
each on a checkpoint.A breather that lets them explore. Dwarven
library with an account of the beginning of the 'Devolution'
just some more ideas. Hope this helps,Happy Gaming,M
Good variety. You have the ingredients for some challenging adventures.
I had an idea about an island where primative elves live. They have no concept of magic or archery.
I also had an idea about a city built by scholars called Libris. I've played Metroid Prime on Nintendo Gamecube. I like the maps of the Chozo Ruins. It would be a good reference for such a place.
Also, a complex built by the dwarves near a volcano. The lava/magma is used to fuel the forges. Long ago they made weapons to assist the elves in their war with the hobgoblin invasion...etc. you get the idea.
But yeah! Big Map, Big Landmarks...lots of anchor points for potential adventures. I dig the civil war thing b/t the elves and drow.
What would a half elf/drow be called anyway? Is that even possible?
Some Sylvan Romeo and Juliet?
Hope this helps. Happy Gaming,M
If they discover clues or evidence of the creature(s) on the way,they'll be thinking about what may await them. Use narration,like your telling an audience how all this happened. As if this has already happened. It builds suspense and allows you to give important info or prompt them to make appropriate rolls as needed.
Hope this helps. I agree that some excitement and suspense is needed. You need to sell it. They're watching/listening to you. They taking their cues from you. If you invested in the moment,they'll follow suit.
Happy Gaming,M
I also had an idea for a homebrew adventure.It's the opposite of what
people expect of elves.
On a faraway continent there live a race of elves who have no concept
of magic. They're primative,using spears etc.
Strange things happen here. Lights and sounds. Arcane magic is running
amok here. It's not being used here and is in surplus .
Anyone of their number who show signs of this strangeness(sorcerer)
is shunned by the group or exiled. Don't know where to go with this but here it is. Enjoy!!
I'd say Charisma. The forest has beauty all around. But to maintain a sense of balance,there should be an element of the ugliness found in nature.
If the environment determines the development of traits,then how about Camoflauge as a racial trait.So in tune with nature that they blend.
The beautiful would be something like charm person as a spell like ability.
The ugly would be something like an aura effect- fear or menace. Lantern archons in 3.5 have aura of menace. AC penalties and like that.
Just some ideas, Hope this helps. Happy gaming,M
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I played with the idea of a 'first contact' scenario between humans from across the sea and savage elves.
It'd be an interesting homebrew with combat and non-combat encounters.
Like the pilgrims and natives of so long ago.Maybe incorporate another idea I had about the elves of this New World.
They don't know what magic is! Arcane energy is everywhere here.Lights and sounds manifest. Once in a while an elf shows signs of magical aptitude and is exiled from the group.A budding sorcerer who doesn't understand what is happening to him/her.
Lots of diplomacy checks.Opportunities to help or exploit this newly discovered race.The party could a scouting party sent ahead to survey/explore the building site for the colony.
Their actions or lack of action determine the future relations between these two peoples.
If there's an Elf in the party,...I don't know how to finish that thought. Just some ideas...Happy Gaming,M

You've tracked your rolls and come up with the High/Low. A few years back I played with the idea of scripted roll play. It's just an idea but it might help you out of your slump.
Just a quick comment-On your next low roll,do the Major League thing.
Walk out to the 'mound' "You look tired"
"I'm rolling nothing but single digits,Skipper!"
"Go sit down,we'll get these guys"
Cue Sam Kinison's 'Wild Thing' signal the bullpen...etc. you get the idea.
But seriously...I rolled my d20 and wrote the result on a 3x5 card.I rolled a dozen or more times. On game day,every time you would normally make a roll,use the result on your card. Not every result will be an attack roll. The law of averages says low rolls will be followed by high rolls at some point.
Have someone your players trust be a witness to the roll and record.
Try it one time.If a high number is coming up in the rotation,try to burn a low number on a skill check. Plus it gives you an idea how combat will potentially ebb and flow....and get some new dice!!!

The party gathers, with the others who were also summoned, in a courtyard and admonished not to wander too far. Beyond the courtyard is an alley where all manner of merchants have set up shop. They're doing business before the ceremony.
A 'beggar' makes his way from group to group until he reaches your group.If the party gives him alms,he gives a cryptic clue.
" the tempest comes,its' winds subside,and then returns.the secrets hide."
He's an unknown agent in disguise.His clue refers to a painting in the art gallery. portraits of storms line the wall from left to right.
In the middle,a portrait of calm skies. The 'eye of the storm'. Perception check for secret door.Hiden chambers beyond hold personal belongings ( the Oracle ) a pendant of some unknown deity/religious symbol.
At some point before,the party overhears a servant being scolded by a superior."...remember what she did to the last servant who displeased her..." Some of the guests get impatient with how long things take at the feast. The party learns the staff is short-handed. Why? what happened to that mystery servant? Who's the beggar and what does his cryptic statement mean? Just some ideas...Happy Gaming,M
In God of War there's one part where Kratos jumps on the back of a Titan who carries a fortress on his back.
Or have an enormous construct and the party has to find passages that lead within the creature's various parts and have battles inside at various stages.
These lead to other parts of the creature.i.e. battle in the air chamber leads to a stairway up to the chest near the neck and head.
The construct is submerged/buried in sand/dirt/liquid? it needs at least 2 of 4 limbs to rise. When it finally stands...bad stuff happens.
The party prevents it from standing or damages it from the inside and finally the outside.
Hope this helps, Happy gaming,M
The idea of exposure gives transformation or reversion some credibility.
Monster movies in the 50's played on this theme.But the question is about choice.
Does our dark elf become a light elf through exposure or is it deliberate?Does the change take place because of the distance from the Underdark?
It gives a GM a variety of directions to take this idea.
Intro..."Dr. Drizzt 'Bruce' Banner...Drow scientist trying to tap into the inherent good in all dark elves..." Cue cheesy violin music and scene...
How about Jack from 'The Shining'? His obsession makes him focus,but he ignores the possible consequences of his actions.
Chaotic is more about being unpredictable. The 'sudden' outburst of evil violence. The person can still be cunning,devious and enjoy planning these acts.
Just an idea.hope this helps, Happy Gaming,M
I had an idea for an adventure where a silver dragon was secretly the patron of a small town. For a twist,maybe the mysterious master is someone he' helped in the past. Or their child,Naomi and Karuun.
As for encounters,the rescue from the asylum hits a snag when the party realizes the twin brother is being held by a spelled gem somewhere in the depths of the asylum.
They also need to find an item that will help them find the Dragon.
The Arcane Compass. Put it in a medium dungeon with traps and magic puzzles/challenges. A Golem or construct of some sort for the end fight.Just some ideas. Love the story! Homebrewing is a lot of work but worth it. Hope this helps, Happy Gaming,M
I had an idea once for an adventure where the PC's play Drow characters.
The Drider's lair has been the final stop for many an errant Drow male.
But in truth,the Drider doesn't kill them...he recruits them.
This is based on the 3.5 ed version. Outside the Underdark,the influence wanes and loses it's hold.
A Drow who changes back would do so gradually. The journey to the surface could be filled with discovery. A religious book dropped by a cleric of a good deity. It speaks of mercy and kindness.
The journey up is a metaphor from darkness to light etc. In R.A. Salvatore's 'Dark Elf Trilogy' Drizzt's evil possesions lose their evil power in the sunlight.
Maybe he becomes like a prophet and returns to free more of his brethren from bondage later. Just some ideas. Hope this helps. Happy Gaming,M
How about a Historian? Carrying books wouldn't raise questions. He/She would travel and return with artifacts and odd items. It wouldn't require regular office hours. The purchases would be confidential for research and catalogue purposes.
A magic user posing as scholar researching the arcane.It would give them some wiggle room.Magic users are in the business of learning about magic.They rely on knowledge from those practitioners who came before so in a sense they are historians.
The convenient lie that he/she is funded by anonymous benefactor is in fact true. YOU are the money and the reason for the mage's discretion.
Hope this helps. Happy gaming,M
Drunk clerics, mages practicing magic w/o a license. Rogues-well need I say more. Druids protesting the felling of trees. Just another typical saturday night.The usual suspects.
I'd say regular locks. A few master keys held by the head jailer and sets for the lower level guards.
That's all I got. Hope this helps. Happy gaming,M
Love the story. It's key to a good adventure.It's the details and how you work them that makes for interesting gameplay.
The loose ends...The Paladin KING! not by himself? who accompanied him into that lair? The party gets smaller as they progress and the dead become undead.
The wizard who sealed the lair...What's his story?Did he betray the King and seal him in the lair with the Lich?He's powerful,right?Why didn't he help the King?
How does the party come to know about the sword?The Lich King makes a bargain with a powerful outsider.Trapped,the party must make a deal with the devil(a devil) to be free of the lair.
Just some thoughts and ideas. Hope this helps. Happy gaming,M
MC Stab and the Perilous Posse'

I had and idea for part of an adventure once involving bandits or should I say 'bandits'?
A free company is in the area to deal with the sudden appearance of bandits(members of the company in disguise).
Think Die Hard 2. The fight takes place,blunted arrows are discovered. No one gets killed just injured.
Bandits rob people who travel. They must have scouts or someone in the know.In the movie Plunkett and McClane the aristocrat friend tipped them off to well to do nobles coming their way.
They would also know about adventurers and be aware to some degree that adventurers travel with money and items. A mixed party wouldn't be foreign to them and the concept of how to deal with one would be a matter for the leader.
Ex-military,escaped prisoners or career criminals.Solo practitioners
of magic or melee' like wizards and rogues. These would be the hubs for a
group of theives. Or monsters like Bugbears and a pack of goblins,an evil cleric and his followers or Derro.
A good,brief backstory for the badguys gives them some credibility.Maybe some new opportunity in the brings prosperity and those who try to take shortcuts. Hope this helps. Happy gaming,M
I played with a group once under a geas.
Or...King's Perogative. They have all been conscripted to serve in the
Royal Army. In a wagon on their way to the front.
Adventurers must register. On the way they are stopped at a toll bridge.
An outbreak has occurred and anyone on this side of the bridge is
considered to be infected.They meet under quarintine and must find the
source.Each one has a reason to get across that bridge.
Hope this helps. Happy gaming,M
This poor've tortured it so bad it had to make a savings
I had to have a raging barbarian standing by to fight it off.The cleric
just finished reading it the last rites.If I fed it to an Otyugh,it would
Your 'food' is the stuff of nightmares...seriously, Gnolls use it to
scare their children to sleep.
I went to MAGEcon last weekend. First co EVER...and I rolled a Cleric
for a game session. I've DM'd for 3.5 but haven't played PF. This weekend
I'm sitting in with a regular playgroup. I'm using the character I rolled
last week. So what kind of background would a Cleric of Sarenrae have.
I don't have the PHB for Pathfinder so any suggestions would be
appreciated. Thanks,M
Hey! new to the Pathfinder family. DM'd for 3.5 a while. I've kicked
around ideas from time to time. I also used to work at a carnival.
Try a dunk tank with ale instead of water. The bard is sitting on the
the platform(he's a halfling-how deep is it?) Games of chance or skill.
Rides-Water wheel like a ferris that needs to balanced to run right,etc.
Also an enchanted weapon-example fire blade. Any mention of it's property
i.e warm day,I'm burning up etc. causes it to build up energy.PC's must b
be careful about what they say. Hope this helps,Happy Gaming M