cosined |
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So I've been playing Darago and Olenjack through Perils and it has been awful: Two fails for the first two scenarios, and a fail and a death (poor Darago is someone else's 1d4 in-hand).
Olenjack is a bit different from what I'm used to, but I'm enjoying playing him. The use of Allies for everything is a double edged sword (lots of +X to dice rolls, but apprehension using them for explores), but playing a less offensive character is a nice change. Dealing with his limited explores will be interesting in the larger group games starting in AP1, however.
Darago on the other hand has been a bit of a weak link. His d10-based Arcane recharges seem to fail more often than not so a number of his spells end up being one-offs. I started out with roughly the following: 2x Slings, 3x Attack spells, Arcane Armor, Phantasimal, Leather Armor, Wooden Shield, Codex, Caltrops, Fox, and 2x BotGs. I'm aware he's light on explores and heavy on Armor so a tweak is in order (good thing he's dead?)
Any thoughts on playing these two? I played Ezren, Lini and Harsk through all APs (died in AP6:5...) and I didn't seem to struggle finding play-styles for them that I liked/that worked.
Hawkmoon269 |
I think some of it might just be bad luck on Darago's part. He shouldn't have a harder time recharging then Lem. But definitely give him easier to recharge spells.
I might consider taking Magic Weapon as a starting card for him. It solves the Magic trait problem, and your two characters have enough weapons.
Also, notice that the power feat for using undead monsters to add to his checks works on any of his checks. He can use that to help with his recharge checks too, once you get it.
Looking at Darago (I haven't played him) I think you are going to have to do some careful resource management. You'll need to figure out what is the least risk you can take in terms of discarding cards to defeat what you encounter.
And one of the big problems in groups with no Divine player is that the discard pile is much more permanent, at least early on. I'm not saying it is impossible, I played a group of Ezren, Sajan, Amiri and Merisiel through all of RotR. But it presents a challenge that you might not have seen before with your earlier group.
And also, in a two person group (especially one with no healing) I wouldn't spend an ally or a blessing to explore until we were at least 15 turns into the game. And then I'd take stock of how many turns we had left and how many more open locations there were. If I felt it was necessary, I'd push some extra explores with allies or blessings. But try to avoid that if you can. Push the game to the last 5 turns if you have too. Because discarding a card to explore is the same as taking damage. Especially when you've got virtually no way to get it back into your deck.
Raynair |
Also, notice that the power feat for using undead monsters to add to his checks works on any of his checks. He can use that to help with his recharge checks too, once you get it.
The only problem here is that he doesn't even start with this power... you have to wait until your first power feat to unlock it. This, coupled with his extraordinarily horrible itemization (2 weapons and 2 armors... no way to specialize in either) and he has easily been the biggest disappointment for me in all of the class decks.
Hawkmoon269 |
So, the lower tier spells like Force Missile and stuff are a recharge of 6. With 1d10 +2 you should be recharging 70% of the time. I really think it might just be some bad luck.
But give him some easier to recharge spells too, like Detect Magic. If I had Detect Magic in his hand at the start of the turn, I'd play it. If the card I examined was something that would give me problems, I'd move (you can play Detect Magic before your Move step) and let Olenjack deal with it. If it was something with the Magic trait, I wouldn't encounter it. I'd put it back and then explore. That way, his "explore again" power would activate. And Detect Magic is an easy recharge, so it should cycle his deck. I might even give him two of them.
Give him a Sage for his ally to help with the recharge checks of higher cards.
I think he'll take some care to play until you get some feats, but I think it looks playable.
cosined |
But give him some easier to recharge spells too, like Detect Magic.
I was considering something like this.
Coupled with a Magic Weapon and 2x Attack spells, he should be able to engage monsters with a bit more preparedness/confidence. The fact that he has to carry 2x weapons really seems to beg for a Magic Weapon to make them a bit more useful.cosined |
Also, any chance you can replace arcane armor with something else? You already have 2 regular armor after all. (Don't have character decks on me, so genuine question.)
I could, and most likely would. The only counter argument is that Darago never gets the full benefit of Armor cards due to the lack in Proficiency. Arcane Armor has recharge potential. But its probably better to spend card slots elsewhere...
I think I'll end up trying, tonight:
- Lightning Touch
- Force Missile
- Detect Magic
- Detect Magic
- Magic Weapon
Ashram316 |
The lack of armor proficiency shouldn't be too much of an issue. Burying vs banishing a basic armor, especially with the OP upgrade system, amounts to basically the same thing. Just don't waste a deck upgrade getting a good set of armor (assuming there is one in the Wizard deck, I don't have that one on me at the moment).
cosined |
The lack of armor proficiency shouldn't be too much of an issue. Burying vs banishing a basic armor, especially with the OP upgrade system, amounts to basically the same thing. Just don't waste a deck upgrade getting a good set of armor (assuming there is one in the Wizard deck, I don't have that one on me at the moment).
I noticed that similarity too, recently. In regular play this almost is the case too, I'll just need to be mindful about my party picking up unwanted armors.