Product Idea: Settlement Builders Guide

Lost Omens Products

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I think an interesting Campaign Setting book might be a book with new options for statting out settlements in Golarion. It could be an addendum to the settlement rules in the Game Mastery Guide. Perhaps it could include some new Golarian-specific qualities and drawbacks for cities. Also random tables for encounters, city features and weather for given regions of the world. Maybe an appendix with some pre-made stats for some key cities that are just stat blocks and a paragraph or two; nothing as in depth as "Cities of Golarion".

Would anyone else buy something like this?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, I'd buy this book.

Additionally, I'd like a book (or section) that shows how to apply Kingdom-building & Settlement-rules to existing settlements & nations, which, let's face it, is more likely to see use in a politics-influenced campaign than the development of virgin territory. I understand why Kingmaker took that approach and I love it, but I'd really like to see this next logical step taken.

Campaign Setting book definitely, and yes i also would buy this without a second thought. The rules for building are pretty strong (we even used them for another game system), and tips, examples, guidelines, etc would surely help people to build better kingdoms :)


I'm totally for a book such as this.

I would definitely get such a book.

I think this is a very necessary book!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I would buy this book and get one for my GM.

Liberty's Edge

depends...I would like to just see Settlement Guides...Much Rather have cities planned out...Maps...Key Figures...Etc...of Various Sizes.

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