Making a PFS Techie - Advice Please


Liberty's Edge

Ok, I'm finally getting around to this.

I sometimes like theme characters. I want to make a character specifically to interact with the technological aspects of season 6. Yes, I know it won't be all that many and he will still need to be able to function in all the other 'more normal' scenarios. But I will try to get him specifically in all the season 6 scenarios eventually.

Note: I will be getting the tech guide next month. So I haven't read it in detail yet.

I've been in the earliest versions of the game, so to me, tech just screams gnome. Any other opinions on what PFS race would most fit?

So what fits most thematically with 'tech' in your minds. My first thoughts are the gunslinger, alchemist, or investigator. Those seem like the most 'modern-ish' classes that would be interested/fascinated about learning this new wondrous stuff. Any other ideas?

Factions? I can see the Dark Archive wanting to learn, catalog, and suppress the knowledge. I can also see the Exchange wanting to see if there might be some financial gain to made out of utilizing this. The others don't really jump out at me as applicable to tech.

What are your thoughts?

Scarab Sages

A technological Alchemist or Gunslinger sounds appropriate. Maybe an Alchemist or Investigator is looking for ways to incorporate medical nanotechnology into their potions.

Another idea that might be fun - A Wizard or Arcanist that believes that their magic is just technology or scientific processes that haven't been fully explained yet, and looks down on spellcasters who engage in "magical thinking". Could possibly work with a Sorcerer, too, if the character believed that the source of their Sorcerer spells was irradiation or mutation by hyper-technology (or maybe they got some nanites in their blood which has given them their "bloodline"), and was looking for more tech in order to grow their power.

Another random idea - A Witch who believes that their patron is a visiting alien who has taken the form of or is remotely controlling their familiar, granting the Witch the use of alien technology that looks like spells. This idea could work with a Cleric or Oracle too, I suppose, if the character believed that gods are actually visiting benevolent aliens.

Shadow Lodge

My techie is a Dark Archive Dimensional Occultist Witch. I think the whole "using science to augment magic" angle fits perfectly with Season 6.

The Exchange

My techie (this profile) is a Kitsune Savage Technologist with the Technologist feat. I dipped one level of Pistolero for some skill variation and so I could actually have a gun at low levels. I took a Trait to gain Disable Device as a class skill.

He's obese, gregarious, uses his Sleeves of Many Garments to emulate a mechanics outfit, and when he rages he invokes the power of the Schwartz.

He's Barf from Spaceballs =).

Liberty's Edge

Hmm... I guess to me, the nature boys as well as the witch (with the concentration on the familiar) seemed least applicable to tech. I'll think about it.

Wizard or arcanist, I can see. I'm not sure it is the direction I want to go, but it has possibilities.

The bloodline from irrational/mutation/nanites sounds to super hero-ish for me.

The patron, mystery, or power source being an alien civilization never occurred to me. Can we do that in PFS? Don't you have to use the limited list of gods? Could we say the power is coming from a standard god but the PC believes it's coming from aliens? That might be amusing. I suppose it would match well with Iron Priest.

The Savage Technologist and Technic Scavenger just don't strike me as a cerebral guy trying to learn about technology. That may be just me. I suppose that also means I won't be happy with a gunslinger for this build. Something to consider.

The Technomancer is what I really wanted, but alas, is not allowed. {sigh}

My techie Colt Steel is a Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger1/Churgeon Alchemist4 with the Technologist Feat, max ranks in Disable Device and Know:Engineering,Extracts of Resist Shock,a blunderbuss loaded with adamanitine blanched pellets, and precise, strafing, shock bombs. He witnessed the slaughter of his Kellid tribe by tech monsters and suffered a psychological breakdown. He now thinks he is a chemically enhanced super soldier sent back in time to stop the rise of the machines.

I have a picture of Michael Biehn from FarCry:Blood Dragon as his portrait.

Silver Crusade

I like a cleric of Brigh myself. Definitely a Tinker Gnome

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