fishtory |
Hey All, I just thought I would post here for clarification I am the new VL. If you have a shop that is near you and would like to set up some events let me know where.
Recently asked by manager of local game store SETHS GAMES AND ANIME to contact pathfinder play society and get an active presence here in ventura.
I have downloaded most of the mats I have found on this site.What else do i do?
The manager and owner of Seths games and Anime both want a society chapter but neither have the time to maintain it, so it falls to me.
Do I request product, activate a program, post flyers, pray to Lord Orcu...er...ignore that last one (lol)
any way any direction and mentoring, would be awsom

Hawkmoon269 |

First, have the store sign up as a retailer here. When they do that the can say what they are interested in. If they want to run the card guild stuff, they can check that box.
Doing that will get them access to the guild scenarios for free. As long as they are willing to log on and print them for you, that will make things easier for you.
You can also send Frank Perkins a private message. He might be able to help you with some things.
Once you have the scenarios, you just need to setup your event, both physically and in the guild database. Grab the guide to organized play and follow the instructions near the end about setting up the event and reporting it.
Good luck.