Thassilonian Ruins


Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We're just beginning Rise of the Runelords, and I want to make it less linear, perhaps throw in exploration of some Thassilonian ruins around Varisia.

Are there any pre-existing examples of this sort of dungeon crawl in Paizo products? Or homebrewed ones? I'm sure I can wing it, but I'd love to have a look at some pre-prepared materials if such exist.

Thanks to the community!

Shattered Star AP, one of my favorites, deals exclusively with ancient Thassilon, Varisia, and the Xin himself.

It should be renamed "Rise of the Runelord", since Korzoug is the only runelord. If I were you, I'd also drop kick the skinsaw murders and the hook mountains massacre. They are just fluff for new players, and have sweet little to do with runes and Thassilion. This is a great place to shove any cool dungeons you find.

There are few Runelords in the material though. Zutha, the runelord of gluttony is locked up in 3 books. Collect the whole set, and he comes back. No dungeon or anything to go with though.

I think Krune, the runelord of sloth features in a pathfinder society mission. I can't find it though.

Also, Ditch the sin of pride in favour of the sin of Ignorance and Virtue of Knowledge. Make players remember facts from the story to earn knowledge points, and punish dumb mistakes with ignorance points.

It's easier and fun that pride/humility.

I know that it's an older AP, but there should still be spoilers on some of these posts - particularly when the thread itself is nowhere near the RotR or general AP section of the forums.

Which ap was krune ffeatured in? I never saw that.


Krune is featured as the bad guy in encounter 4-26 of pfs. He is the season 4 final boss. The encounter is a definite quality addition to the AP in terms of adding xp if running on normal track.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I wasn't looking for any spoilers, per se, just some pointers about where to look if there are any published adventures featuring Thassolionian ruins.

Any homebrew content? Seems like anyone having played adventures out of Sandpoint, Riddleport or Magnimar would have wanted to go in search of ancient secrets of this forgotten empire.

Go look up the "City of Golden Death", and add a bunch of runes and clues about a runelord to it.

Grand Lodge

From PFS again, at low level, you could drop in almost anywhere (very minor spoiler)

4-19 The Night March of Kalkamedes

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