Sir Arbok |

Alright so I am playing a Drow Noble Swashbuckler at level 5.
My Ability Rolls are 14,15,18,14,15,18 (Before Stat mods)which I can put where ever I need then.
Now I am looking into playing the Inspired Blade Archetype and my GM has let me use Fencer's Grace after seeing the posts with it and agreeing its not OP or anything.
So I can take Fencer's Grace as my level 1, and thinking 3rd level feat should be Combat Reflexes, thinking Weapon Specialization (Rapier) for 4th bonus feat
But not sure what to put into my 5th level feat slot?
Should I use my starting 10,500 to buy a +1 Fortuitous or Answering Rapier?
Or maybe Add some enhancements onto a Padded/Quilted Armor (Lets me use my full Dex)
Allowed 2 Traits, as well as 2 drawbacks (So long as they make sense and will effect my play in some way. I was thinking Vain and Pride)

Sir Arbok |

Steadfast Personality would sure up my lower Will Save. But with my neg into Con I am sitting at a 2 Fortitude save at level 5
Stoic (Local) from PFS would add Charisma in place of Fortitude, would that be a better option?
Weapon Versatility was one things I was considering due to Slashing DR or Bludgeoning DR

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Power attack isn't nearly as good when you're using a weapon in one hand vs two-handed.
I'd go with step-up of those choices. If you're playing with drow - likely there's a lot of magic users. Take step-up and you force them to cast defensively. (and aim for the later feats which are awesome)
I must say - those stats are almost stupidly good. Is everyone getting stats that high?

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Was thinking, perhaps have him TWF with a Small Rapier in his offhand thats a -4 Penalty to hit but well worth it because the small rapier would also benefit from everything my main hand would.
If you're planning to stick with swashbuckler - don't bother. Precise strike (awesome) doesn't work if you use TWF.

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Actually - I just noticed - you can't actually take fencer's grace at 1st level. It, like slashing grace, requires weapon focus & finesse. You'll have to take weapon focus:rapier at 1st level and wait for 3rd level to take fencer's grace.
Also of note - I don't think you can take weapon spec. - it's fighter only. (and even if you multiclass - it again requires weapon focus)

Sir Arbok |

Swashbuckler levels count as fighter levels, so Weapon Specialization is fair game.
Also, Inspired Blade gives him free Weapon Focus (rapier) which allows him to take Fencing Grace at level 1.
^ Pretty much this. Though he is right Precise Strike doesn't work if you attack with your off hand.
But I dont know what feat to put in that slot

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Swashbuckler levels count as fighter levels, so Weapon Specialization is fair game.
Also, Inspired Blade gives him free Weapon Focus (rapier) which allows him to take Fencing Grace at level 1.
My bad. I suppose that I haven't had a chance to give the archetypes a proper looking over.
Good to know about the hybrid classes counting as each class. (haven't gotten the book - just been looking at the SRD)

Sir Arbok |

Believer's Boon. Take the Trickery Domain to gain Mirror Image (2nd-level spell) as a Divine SLA. It's not that useful for you (since it will only last one round and is only usable once per day), but it qualifies you for Divine Protection.
Interesting and it stacks with Charming Life (Divine Protection) As it adds a bonus EQUAL TO not your Cha bonus to saves.

Athaleon |

Athaleon wrote:Believer's Boon. Take the Trickery Domain to gain Mirror Image (2nd-level spell) as a Divine SLA. It's not that useful for you (since it will only last one round and is only usable once per day), but it qualifies you for Divine Protection.Err Once per day, you can use all 1st-level domain abilities granted to clerics of that domain.
How do you see me getting a 2nd level from this?
If you actually look at the Trickery domain, its 1st level domain ability is to grant Mirror Image as a Spell-Like Ability. Mirror Image is a 2nd level spell.

RumpinRufus |

My bad. I suppose that I haven't had a chance to give the archetypes a proper looking over.
Good to know about the hybrid classes counting as each class. (haven't gotten the book - just been looking at the SRD)
There's no general rule that hybrid classes count as both classes. For example, Swashbuckler levels don't count as Gunslinger levels. But in the Bonus Feats section of the Swashbuckler class, it specifies that Swashbuckler levels count as Fighter levels for the purposes of prerequisites.

Sir Arbok |

Charon's Little Helper wrote:There's no general rule that hybrid classes count as both classes. For example, Swashbuckler levels don't count as Gunslinger levels. But in the Bonus Feats section of the Swashbuckler class, it specifies that Swashbuckler levels count as Fighter levels for the purposes of prerequisites.My bad. I suppose that I haven't had a chance to give the archetypes a proper looking over.
Good to know about the hybrid classes counting as each class. (haven't gotten the book - just been looking at the SRD)
I am glad for that, Weapon Spec for this is very good for this build.
But is 1d6+11+5(LvL)a good amount of damage for a lvl 5 melee character?

Athaleon |

- Muleback Cords determine your effective Strength for carrying capacity, not actual Strength. Also they take up the Cloak of Resistance slot.
- Your Dexterity bonus (+7) exceeds the Max Dex of your armor (+6). You're better off going with a +1 Haramaki, or save some money and get a nonmagical Haramaki.
- Give your Rapier a +1 Enhancement, and consider making it Adamantine. It's a big chunk of change now, but you can't go back and change its base material later. Maybe I'm just being pedantic, but I consider it a bit of a waste to put down 100,000 gold enchanting an steel weapon, when for just 3,000 more it could be Adamantine as well.

Sir Arbok |

I know the Muleback Cords do, but right now I feel so weak with only being able to carry 66 lbs and still be under a light load (my weight right now is 46.
Very true I know my Armor doesn't let me do my own dex, but 18 is lower then 20 (+1 from Nimble)
So a 5000 GP Rapier (Basically half my Starting Wealth at lvl 5)
2003 GP +1 Haramaki (+2 Armor +7 Dex +1 Nimble = 20)[What I have now is 21 AC]
As far as the Cloak of Resistance well if I get Divine Protection and Charmed Life

Athaleon |

+1 Armor only costs 1000g. It's not all about the AC, but again, not enchanting something you'll eventually get rid of.
Saving throws can never be too high (unless you're already passing on a 2+), you won't have Divine Protection until Level 7, and Charmed Life is an Immediate Action, meaning you can't use it in the same turn as you used Riposte, and it locks you out of next turn's Swift Action. So you might as well use the 1,000g on a Cloak of Resistance.
As far as carrying capacity, Haversacks are cheap.