extra card feats

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

the adventure path card that list all six paths and the path card for 6 both give a card feat as the reward. What is the point, you have won the game. While I will most definitely replay this game, I see no reason why those two feats are where they are. This is for runelords

Two reasons:

1. You should get a reward of some kind for winning. Whatever it is will be unusable in RotR. (You also get a bunch of loot by completing the final scenario that you can't use in RotR.)

2. And this...

RotR Rulebook p19 wrote:
If you’re playing an Adventure Path and you successfully complete all of the adventures, you earn the reward on the Adventure Path card. At this point, you can build your own adventures using the cards you have, or you can create new characters and start over.

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