next new thought

Rules Questions

Ok I got the answer about trip...thanks for the help.

new thought.

character is a fighter/alchemist.

can I have the conductive property on a weapon and use that property to add my bomb damage to my weapon damage?

conductive ability

bombs are Su. and require a ranged touch attack.

By the literal wording of the conductive weapon property, yes this works. However, given that it doesn't make sense on a conceptual level many GM's would likely rule otherwise.

Grand Lodge

Yes, but no splash.

I think the Goblin arsonist is gonna love this for a long time.

As long as it's a ranged weapon, yes.

did some digging on my own and came to the same conclusion as dragonhunter

my actual concept will not work as I wanted a pair of conductive gauntlets and be able to punch the enemy and BOOM he gets a little explosion along the way.

might just have to settle for flaming burst

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