looking for a velociratpor mini for my elf druid (companion)


Grand Lodge

just like the title, im looking for a mini for my velociraptor companion for society. please and thank you!

Would either of these do?

Raptor Hatchling

Or these?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I used this for all of my raptor-like needs back when I played games at the table.

Guard Drake

Of those shown...this one: https://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/dinosaur/sku-down/14475

My personal suggestion is find the old Jurassic Park board game it had some FANTASTIC raptor and T-Rex sculpts.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Milton-Bradley-1992-JURASSIC-PARK-Board-Game-/33130 4405780?pt=Games_US&hash=item4d23480b14

Several dinosaur toobs by Safari ltd have rapters that would work nicely .Altbough most of the dinsaurs will be some what small

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