Way for a Non Rogue to Get Trapfinding


Liberty's Edge

I'm playing a Hunter in a new campaign (and really enjoying it so far)

The one thing our party is lacking is a rogue - more specifically, someone who can disable magical traps, ala the rogue's Trapfinding ability.

Is there any way my hunter can pick up this ability? I don't want to multiclass.

I've been searching through feats to see if one grants Trapfinding, but so far no luck.

Any ideas?

Two levels of Slayer will allow you to get trapfinding. Or if you don't want to multiclass at all try asking your DM for traits and take the Trapfinder trait from Mummy's Mask.

Scarab Sages

There is the Mummy's Mask trait. Otherwise,you are looking at some kind of multiclassing. Easiest one is a one level dip into Trapper Ranger.

Sovereign Court

Well if you don't want to multiclass into rogue...there are 10 000 possibilities to get trapfinding with multiclassing.

A ranger archetype, many bards archetype, an alchemist archetype etc...trapfinding has been handed out to a lot of classes like butter.

Sovereign Court

Trapfinder trait from Mummy's Mask

1 level of Trapper Ranger
1 level of Cryptbreaker Alchemist
1 level of Sandman Bard
1 level of Investigator
1 level of Seeker Sorcerer
1 level of Seeker Oracle
1 level of Aspis Agent PrC
1 level of Pathfinder Field Agent PrC
2 levels of Brother of the Seal PrC
2 levels of Trap Breaker Alchemist
2 levels of Slayer and taking the Trapfinding talent
2 levels of Archaeologist Bard
2 levels of Detective Bard
3 levels of Urban Ranger
8 levels of Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor, taking the Trapfinding slayer talent

Aram Zey's Focus (spell)

And I'm sure there's a few others out there, that can disable magical traps but give the ability a different name.


I knew there were a couple of ways to get the ability. I didn't know it'd be THIS many ways.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Get a wand of Aram Zey's Focus (Pathfinder Society Field Guide pg 56) and Use Magic Device to activate it.

Liberty's Edge

All good ideas but, like I said in my original post, I'm not willing to multi class, so all those options are out.

The Slayer Trapfinding talent is pretty interesting though. I think I'll translate that into a feat and run it by our DM ...


Sovereign Court

I think the wand of Aram Zey's Focus is the best solution then. Give it to a wizard with skill points to burn on Disable Device and maybe a misspent youth trait to get it as class skill.

Or just detect traps with perception, then feed them summoned critters.

Or detect traps monk-style (high saves, evasion).

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