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Organized Play Member. 28 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.
Zavas wrote: Kaouse wrote: This evoker arcanist uses a blessed book to cast spells through his golem familiar. He fights other arcanists who do the same. His best friends includes a transmutation arcanist, an abjurer arcanist, and an illusionist arcanist.
Zavas wrote: Tiefling bloodrager that wields a katana and has the Infernal bloodline.
Tiefling alchemist/gunslinger.
Human summoner with nature-themed eidolon.
Inuyasha? Good try, but no. Main cast of the anime "Blue Exorcist"?
With the ACG there is the perfect swashbuckler in form of a Cavalier archetype. The Daring Champion, it trades away all the mounted things in return for the best things of the actual Swashbuckler.
What is being used to play the game? By than I mean are your using text or voice?
I would be up for a game on non Friday evenings. Also I am only 1 hour behind.
The font of true evil: Comic Sans.
One idea may be to have the original founder of infernal healing, Asmodeus, (Or your stand in for him) grow more powerful.

Davor wrote: Damanta wrote: Davor wrote: Damanta wrote: Would any other character shift alignment for cutting down a burglar?
If the answer to above is yes, then the paladin might fall.
If the answer to above is no, then the paladin will not fall. Paladins have special rules regarding when they fall, which are separate from alignment shifting. A paladin who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who violates the code of conduct loses all paladin spells and class features (including the service of the paladin's mount, but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She may not progress any further in levels as a paladin. She regains her abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see the atonement spell description in Spell Lists), as appropriate.
Let's see: Paladin cuts down burglar who's approaching him talking in a harsh strange language and attempts to touch him.
Nothing there spells willfully commiting an evil act.
Now, as for code of conduct, I must have missed that bit in the conversation, but I don't think there is any deity that has paladins that has in their code of conduct that they must be nice to burglars.
That leaves ceasing to be lawful good, which makes me return to my question. So if someone walks up to you shouting obscenities and tries to put a hand on your shoulder, you should be totally justified, in fact, found in the RIGHT, by MURDERING HIM?! If the person looks like a demon, is saying a different language that sounds harsh, and is in your room in the middle of the night, then yes.

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the secret fire wrote: Aratrok wrote: ...flavor? You understand that flavor is mutable right? A monk (especially with archetypes) could just as easily be a bouncer, wrestler, or really any unarmed fighter, right?
Banning a class because you don't like their flavor is ludicrous.
What an interesting comment. Do you actually believe this...that every class/mechanic fits into every setting? Just fyi, all of the unarmed fighting classes are removed from my world, and all for the same reason: it's a corny cinematic trope that I don't much care for.
I threw the samurai out (to go along with the Cavalier and the entire Intimidate skill) because I hate the silly "non-magical buff/debuff" mechanics of stuff like Demanding Challenge and Greater Banner.
The ninja, I guess I just don't have for the sake of completeness, though if someone wanted to play a ninja as a sort of re-skinned thief/mage, I wouldn't have any problem with it. I'm not sure what to say to that.
I'm also going to suggest Bloodrager, so many bloodlines seem they could fit thematically. Benefits would be: Rage, mercy rage cycling,
more spells, and some Bloodline development.
Also you can claim to be the wrath of your god and go berzerk when evil doesn't back down.
If you are using traits, you can pick up Trapfinding from Mummy's Mask
Chengar Qordath wrote: ElementalXX wrote: Only 2 combinations can get dex to damage at level 1
Dervish Dancer via early dervish dance
Human Fighter via slashing grace (investing 3 feats) Human Swashbuckler can pull it off too, since they get Weapon Finesse from their class. There is also: Human Daring Champion
Human Kensai Magus, both use slashing grace. I'm also sure some other combination can do it.
Two levels of Slayer will allow you to get trapfinding. Or if you don't want to multiclass at all try asking your DM for traits and take the Trapfinder trait from Mummy's Mask.
taldanrebel2187 wrote: DrDeth wrote: Well, it depends. A single drow not hurting anyone? Then it's best to detain and question.
A drow warparty? Attack on sight before they attack you.
A single drow can be a warparty if he's a noble drow. They may be hiding their #s with invisibility or dark elven magic. Moreover the vast majority of them are evil. Best to kill him before he gets to his friends and alerts them to the presence of your civilization. Castle doctrine, again fully justified in slaughtering the 'innocent' drow before he even opens his mouth.
My 2 copper, naturally. I don't get why you keep posting in your own threads using another alias. If you have your own views and don't want to change them don't make a thread about it. As for your original question, I think killing on site even if something is evil is probably evil. I would say its a GM call.
taldanrebel2187 wrote: Popularity !== Core. Fans don't make the in-universe lore (at least in the traditional campaign setting), James Jacobs does. I'm assuming some of you guys are just trolling. DSP is most certainly 3PP. If you are going to call others trolls, don't use another alias in your own thread.
As for your first post, you have in the past claimed ACG is OP and no argument anyone has shown you has made you change your mind before. And DSP psionics are more balanced than some of the core rulebook, but you don't care about that as once you think something is OP you don't listen to reason. I'm not going to call you a troll, but you should listen to reason.
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MMCJawa wrote: hhhmm...people criticized the last blog post for only covering a negative change
Now people criticize this post for only showing positive changes
Man, Paizo can't win.
Bloodrager didn't have any negative changes. This however kept the most overpowered class in the play-test still ridiculous.

GreyWolfLord wrote: Alex Smith 908 wrote: GreyWolfLord wrote: It really depends on the player too.
No it doesn't. If they enjoy powerful builds what's the problem? If they're being a jerk and refusing to work with the party that's an out of game problem. Solve it by talking out of game like reasonable adults. Trying to solve out of game problems in game is always a bad idea, and usually a sign of extreme immaturity. Nerfing someone to make the game less fun until someone leaves is just passive aggressive cowardice. If the player was bad enough that they're making "everyone else miserable" talk it out and as a last resort ban them.
Also the idea that there is some level of rules mastery that make someone "deserve" to no longer have fun is toxic. That sort of attitude is the worst part of this community. It is just as bad as the idea that people who have difficulty with the rules need to "suck it up", and needs to leave just as badly if we are to have a healthy gaming community. There's a difference between a jerk and someone who optimizes. There's a difference between powerful builds, and powerbuilding for the sake of powerbuilding.
A prime example is a story someone posted of their group a while back. They were playing a roguelike who liked to steal. One evening, they waited for everyone to sleep, then started killing them while they slept, turned ethereal so it was harder to hit them when the characters started to wake, and abused a few rules to TPK the party.
Understandably everyone else was upset...but the player who killed them all didn't understand why. Afterall, they used the rules and roleplayed exactly what type of character they were...some jerk who would kill their fellow party members and steal their stuff.
Personally, if the DM started making houseruling such as, they get a roll to suddenly wake up if they feel some sort of threat, and then automatically hit ethereal creatures or some nonsense....as a player I'd probably be relieved.
It was probably obvious the rest... Except these are very different situations. One is a person wanting to play a class that's in the core rulebook. The other is killing the rest of the party.
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Skeld wrote: The best advice I can offer you is to not try and force another player in your group to have fun your way.
After all, your playing a Ranger with more HP and a better attack bonus, why don't you "drop the bow and grab a sword weapon"?
He has somewhat taken up the sword. Being a "switch hitter" means he is both melee and range. Also he doesn't seem to want to force the player to do this. It seems he is worried about making the other player feel inadequate due to his Ranger easily outclassing him.
The best advice I can give into the situation is to let him keep going with archery until he does want to switch. Then when and if he does offer him help with going melee.
I would just talk to him aside and show him the book and how it doesn't say anything about armor breaking. If he still says your armor breaks then you might just need to find another game or ask for another character.
No, this is a ruling that does nothing except screw you over. The mutagen has no size increase so your armor should still fit.

Simon Legrande wrote: Insain Dragoon wrote: Thought experiment
If someone wanted to run this they could feel free, but I wont be because I play with groups in person.
-Standard adventuring partyesque design of 2 full casters, a "rogue", and a "fighter"
- Traps actually matter
-dungeon that can not be left and has unlimited encounters and does not allow a 5 minute work day. The party is guaranteed to die at some point and the exercise is to see which party completes more encounters.
Optional rules
-Skill/non-combat challenges exist that can get the party additional resources, such as scrolls for spells like "lesser restoration" "Cure X wounds" "restoration"
Party with
*Archeologist Bard/Urban Ranger/ Trap Breaker Alchemist
Party with
*Archeologist Bard/Urban Ranger/ Trap Breaker Alchemist
*Paladin/Beast totem Barbarian/Wildshape focused Druid/Summoner/Warpriest/Magus/Battle Oracle
Party number two would likely last for more encounters than party number one because
** spoiler omitted **... How does a barbarian have better saves than a fighter? I just want to know what's behind that statement. I imagine he assumed the barbarian would be using superstition.
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Beacuse that's the flavor of the setting it was made for. No mechanical reason.
I second the idea of a nightmare. A creature pure evil who will be your mount/partner in crime.
Dragon78 wrote: I don't to "reflavor" classes, I want new classes.
While I like the idea of psychic themed archetypes, I still want new classes as well.
When I said I want psychic classes that are like wizards/sorcerers, I am talking about how they cast there spells not the way all there class abilities work. Though if all the psychic classes work like spontaneous casters with different mental stats as there caster stat, I would be fine with that. As long as they have a psychic class that uses int, one that uses cha, and one that uses wis, I will be happy.
An idea might be to take the Ultimate Psionic classes and adapt the power points to casting using progression of similar classes.
Dragon78 wrote: This was said a while ago but James Jacobs said if he they did psychic magic it would be different that the old psionics rules. He also mention the classes would be based on real world words and concepts.
Here is a list of the examples.
I would still like a class called an Esper.
For what you want I suggest you just reflavor classes as psychics and use these names.
Leadership if your GM allows it is always good. Otherwise I would say weapon focus: Ray to help hit.
An idea might be that most other NPCs and businesses not realated to the mystery wold be worried or give them the cold shoulder. If you are concerned with XP perhaps giving them experience from finding clues is an idea. And when they do find the cult have them able to bust the doors down on a safe house for it and kill a number (or arrest) members. This could serve to make them feel cool, give XP, and ramp up tensions.
Avoiding the poor attempt at philosophy, CN is as easy as any other alignment. Which means it varies person to person. Some players have different comfort zones, while one might be chaotic stupid with most characters another might enjoy being NG and playing the hero.
An easy way I can see to beat him is be a paladin or anti-paladin to counter which alignment he is. If neutral I would go paladin as to get a swift action heal. At 10th level a DC 20 Will should be easy with minimal investment. Half-Orc for dark vision and other items to see through the fog. And smite him in to the Abyss.