Does a combat maneuver used in an AOO provokes another AOO?

Rules Questions

I got a little confused about it cause if so it can create an infinite looping!

What is right, guys?


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I don't see how you get "infinite looping".

Eventually you run out of available Attacks of Opportunity.

What Nefreet said, but yeah, you can loop AoO's if both have combat reflexes and are both too stupid to stop using provoking combat manoeuvers when they realise their opponent has that feat.

Yes, AoOs can provoke AoOs themselves.

This is also why (in effect) two lv1 Swashbuckler, lv11 Gunslingers with Signature Deed (Opportune Parry & Riposte) and Combat Reflexes can, in theory, parry one another until both have expended all uses of the Combat Reflex-granted AoOs for the attacker's turn.

What Nefreet said.
And we already had this discussion two weeks ago. Just without restriction to AoOs from maneuvers.

Actually if you had mythic combat reflexes it would be an infinite loop... until they died or you missed

Thanks guys! Sorry I couldn't find the other thread!

Silver Crusade

chbgraphicarts wrote:

Yes, AoOs can provoke AoOs themselves.

This is also why (in effect) two lv1 Swashbuckler, lv11 Gunslingers with Signature Deed (Opportune Parry & Riposte) and Combat Reflexes can, in theory, parry one another until both have expended all uses of the Combat Reflex-granted AoOs for the attacker's turn.

This makes for a really cool and entertaining fight though!

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