Gateway Adventure Path

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Ahoy hoy,
everyone comes to pathfinder for different reasons, and everyone has that very first adventure path or even just module, for me it was Kingmaker, i always had trouble finding adventures that started at first level and the guy at the local game shop suggested Stolen Lands, i was hooked right away.

so what was your gateway Adventure Path and what one kept you hooked after the first one?

also have a wonderful weekend:)

also if possible either use spoiler tags or keep it vague so players or what have you can join in if they want:)

Shadow Lodge

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My first AP adventure was Edge of Anarchy. It was also my introduction to face-to-face, as opposed to play-by-post, play in any TTRPG system, and it was an absolute joy.

EDIT: now that I really think about it, neither of those statements are true. My first TTRPG experience was a wholly unmemorable 4e oneshot, and my first AP adventure was the opening of Burnt Offerings, run by the same GM who would later run Edge of Anarchy for me and meant to introduce new players to roleplaying. Memory's a funny thing, huh?

I think I remember Edge of Anarchy as my introduction to APs and face-to-face play in general because it led into my first, and so far only, long-term face-to-face campaign that the group saw to the end. Not that that campaign was Curse of the Crimson Throne all the way through, far from it.

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Well I started playing PF coming from 3.5.

If I may say my first experience, before Pathfinder, with an AP/Module as a DM/GM, was Sunken Citadel. Since then I loved being the GM. Heck I still run the Sunken Citadel for new players! For Pathfinder my first AP as a GM was Jade Regent. Both have fond memories.

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I jumped into the middle of a Shackled City Campaign. We got to level 16 retired the campaign, rolled up new characters and played Red Hand of Doom. I don't remember what adventure we played to get into Red Hand of Doom, though.

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I came from 3.5 and my first PF exposure was Rise of the Runelords and I had a blast! Since then I'm in Carrion Crown and Iron Gods.

On the dm side, I'm nearing the end of Kingmaker and Jade Regent is up next.

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
so what was your gateway Adventure Path and what one kept you hooked after the first one?

Savage Tide. Once I bought into STAP, I started up a Pathfinder AP sub sight-unseen.


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I remember Shackled City being published in Dungeon Magazine and being heavily hyped. Back then, I wasn't impressed, but later it was released as a Hardcover, which I bought and fell in love with. Ran it for my group and we had a blast.

First Pathfinder AP I ran was Legacy of Fire.

Sovereign Court

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I had not been doing any TTRPG for several years after my hooplehead friends wore me out. I was playing MMOs at the time and it wasnt very satisfying. To spare myself the headache of playing with my friends again, I decided to try out meetup and PFS. Good choice met some cool people and got back into TTRPG where I belong.

After awhile I met some good folks and we decided to try out an AP. First I heard of them but I was down. CotCT was my first foray into the adventure paths. It was too bad our CotCT bombed out and had to make some readjustment. Got back into it with Kingmaker. Finished Kingmaker and moved into Serpent Skull. Serpent skull fell apart because of GM burnout. I am stepping in soon and running Mummy Mask.

Since starting my first group I got tagged for a second group. I ran Carrion Crown from start to finish 2.5 years. Now I have rotated out and am playing in Jade Regent. When JR completes I'll be taking over again for Iron Gods.

I think the thing that hooked us was having a nice campaign outline. The APs ending around level 14 was a feature becasue we dont like high level play much. The players guides are much appreciated since they really help with chargen.

My AP journey so far.

Liberty's Edge

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My first published AP was Dragonlance, which I ran in 1999 and was the real last AD&D 2E game I was in. Prior to that I had played or run several interconnected, narrative campaigns, but nothing that was published as such. After that it was a few years before I found another published AP when I got my hands on a large collection of 3E and 3.5 Dungeon Magazines and ran across Age of Worms. I looked closer and discovered I had all of it as well as Shackled City and the first couple issues of Savage Tide. I immediately devoured all I could about these new APs and ran Shackled City in 2008-2009.

I have eagerly followed the evolution of APs ever since.

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Skeld wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
so what was your gateway Adventure Path and what one kept you hooked after the first one?

Savage Tide. Once I bought into STAP, I started up a Pathfinder AP sub sight-unseen.


Minus the subbing (I don't use physical copies so a sub does nothing for me), this. Started with STAP, then moved on to Kingmaker. Will be trying a second attempt at STAP once KM is done.

Liberty's Edge

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First exposure was playing a session of the first adventure in Age of Worms online, I then went out and bought the Shackled City hardcover and ran it for my group (well, most of it, we finished with destroying the tree). Never did play all through AoW or STAP though.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My first attempt at running an AP was Shackled City, Life's Bazaar which I ran in Eberron and things rapidly went off the rails when the PCs left the dungeon to rest up and I had the Hobgoblins come out and track the PCs to their home where they used fire magic (illegal in Cauldron) to try and stop the blighters and the Paladin went to the local constabulary and had the PCs and hobgoblins all arrested at the same time.

I realized that I needed an AP that could be a little bit more adaptable to my group of insane people.

Then I discovered Kingmaker: A SANDBOX, I thought, this would be perfect since a Sandbox doesn't really assume any particular course of action. Let's see how this works out.

We're still playing it :)


Age of Worms: The champions Belt-
Up to that point, I had mainly bought random Dungeon magazines or inherited copies from others. When this module was recommended for its gladiatorial combat, I couldn't help reading into it and becoming enthralled with the over-arching plot of the AP, resulting in me getting every part of the AP and then running it twice. Since then, we're trying to finish Kingmaker (I play), and Carrion Crown (I DM).

Grand Lodge

I don't want to sound like a Grognard here (though I'm a very proud one) but for me, in the late 70s and I was like, 4 years old, my 15 year old brother started playing with his friends -- he DMed -- and he let me play with the dice & look at the pictures in the books while they played. I even got to roll the d20 for the monsters sometimes.

And I've been hooked ever since.

But more to the question of published adventure....

I do somewhat remember in the '80s a small few of the modules (bought them ALL later as an adult) but honestly, published adventures never REALLY became a thing for me until '94. I bought a year subscription each to Dungeon and Dragon magazines and immediately discovered I didn't much care for Dragon's content but absolutely, shamelessly and irrevocably LOVED Dungeon. When Paizo started doing Pathfinder after WotC killed the magazines I still had about a-year-and-a-half left in my Dungeon subscription and transferred it to what would become Rise of the Runelords.

I briefly cancelled my subscription for the Pirates are Stupid AP, of course, and I'm in the lonely doldrums now until February when the next AP starts -- can't wait for Giantslayer -- shame we don't have a current AP for me to subscribe to.

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i'm quite the fan of the new one, that you seem afraid to name;)
but to each their own, and for the record I was one of the people that said "pass!" quite emphatically in fact:)

Sovereign Court

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W E Ray wrote:

I briefly cancelled my subscription for the Pirates are Stupid AP, of course, and I'm in the lonely doldrums now until February when the next AP starts -- can't wait for Giantslayer -- shame we don't have a current AP for me to subscribe to.

Guess we get to swap places then cause I'm canceling for Fight giants?...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz AP.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Pan wrote:
W E Ray wrote:

I briefly cancelled my subscription for the Pirates are Stupid AP, of course, and I'm in the lonely doldrums now until February when the next AP starts -- can't wait for Giantslayer -- shame we don't have a current AP for me to subscribe to.
Guess we get to swap places then cause I'm canceling for Fight giants?...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz AP.

I'm not cancelling, but I'm going to use it mostly as beer mats and fly swatters.

W E Ray wrote:
I briefly cancelled my subscription for the Pirates are Stupid AP, of course, and I'm in the lonely doldrums now until February when the next AP starts -- can't wait for Giantslayer -- shame we don't have a current AP for me to subscribe to.

honestly Skull & Shackles has provided us the best value of any AP, we literally have 2 campaigns going, same people in both and both are completely different campaigns, so gotta disagree here to:)

Liberty's Edge

Gorbacz wrote:
Pan wrote:
W E Ray wrote:

I briefly cancelled my subscription for the Pirates are Stupid AP, of course, and I'm in the lonely doldrums now until February when the next AP starts -- can't wait for Giantslayer -- shame we don't have a current AP for me to subscribe to.
Guess we get to swap places then cause I'm canceling for Fight giants?...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz AP.
I'm not cancelling, but I'm going to use it mostly as beer mats and fly swatters.

I intend to put Serpent's Skipped, Shattered Slog and Giantsleeper all in a big bin and see which one devours the other two for survival.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Awesome posts guys!

At least we can all agree Paizo rocks.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
W E Ray wrote:

Awesome posts guys!

At least we can all agree Paizo rocks.

Of course!

And that robotz with lazors are hawt! ;P

Grand Lodge

Gorbacz wrote:
And that robotz with lazors are hawt! ;P


Just like we all agree that robotz and lazors AREN'T D&D (aka Pathfinder).

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Alright, I have officially lost track of who's being sarcastic and who isn't.

Very first? It would be the Dragonlance Classics. (I was a player.)

The next published one we went through would be Shackled City (Dungeon Magazine then hardcover a quarter of the way through), and that's what really hooked us on published APs. (I was the DM.)

Grand Lodge


Hold up

Wait a sec, here.

When did Orthos change his Avatar?!

(Am I the only friggen poster on the Boards who's never changed his/her Avatar -- 2006-present and I'm still me. Or,... at least Asmodeus.)

When isnt Orthos changing his avatar;)
i also don't get it when people cycle thru a bunch of avatars, not for me thats for sure;) just an innocent little squirrel and nothing else!

Liberty's Edge

W E Ray wrote:


Hold up

Wait a sec, here.

When did Orthos change his Avatar?!

(Am I the only friggen poster on the Boards who's never changed his/her Avatar -- 2006-present and I'm still me. Or,... at least Asmodeus.)

I changed my original one to this back in 09 or so when everyone was using my old one (succubus from RotRL 5). There was another person using this one for a while who I would glare at every time he posted but he seems to have left the boards =p. My glares clearly worked.

W E Ray wrote:


Hold up

Wait a sec, here.

When did Orthos change his Avatar?!

(Am I the only friggen poster on the Boards who's never changed his/her Avatar -- 2006-present and I'm still me. Or,... at least Asmodeus.)

Right about the time Chris put in the latest batch of Avatars, up to book 1 of Iron Gods. So... about two or three months ago? Give or take?

Scarab Sages

The Shackled City hardcover was the first AP I ran. It took years, but I f&#!ing finished it :)

I think the Pathfinder APs are much tighter and coherent though.

I Just had a scary realization; I've GMed 5 APs, but I've never got to play in any :(

Macona wrote:

The Shackled City hardcover was the first AP I ran. It took years, but I f$*&ing finished it :)

I think the Pathfinder APs are much tighter and coherent though.

I Just had a scary realization; I've GMed 5 APs, but I've never got to play in any :(

I have a similar feeling. I've run Savage Tide halfway through and Kingmaker is about 2/3 done with plenty of steam left to finish up. But every AP I'm playerside in tends to die off.

My group's Council of Thieves game died at the end of Chapter Three due to the GM not having time to devote to running it and making all the alterations she felt were necessary to the plot.

Our Runelords game made it to halfway through Chapter Two (we just finished the Misgivings before it ended), then the GM quit due to burnout, also stepping out of his playerside role in Kingmaker as well.

We're in the catacombs in Chapter Two of Age of Worms now, which is further than our LAST attempt at AoW made (that one died at the end of Chapter One/beginning of Chapter Two, just after meeting the town mage but before we could even plan on where to try to investigate next). Here's hoping third time's the charm.

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