Stupid Question on removing cards from the game.

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Okay, I know it is somewhere in the rules but cannot seem to find it. (I only have a d4 perception.)

Starting with the 3rd AP you remove any basic cards from the game as they come up. Where is this cited? My home group of RotRL just hit the 3rd AP and I want to do this right, but cannot find it in either rulebook.


it's on the adventure path card.

Juergen got it in one. It also tells you to do the same with Elite trait cards starting AP 5.

Tim Statler wrote:

Okay, I know it is somewhere in the rules but cannot seem to find it. (I only have a d4 perception.)

Starting with the 3rd AP you remove any basic cards from the game as they come up. Where is this cited? My home group of RotRL just hit the 3rd AP and I want to do this right, but cannot find it in either rulebook.

To do it right make sure that you pay attention to which cards get specifically "banished" and not just put back in the box. For instance, cards in locations that you just temp closed for the final villain fight didn't get banished or leftover cards from the deck rebuilding characters do after the scenario.

jones314 wrote:
or leftover cards from the deck rebuilding characters do after the scenario.

Is that the leftover cards *do* get banished, or "nor do they"?

Left over cards are not banished. There is a worksheet here that can help you out.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks all. I knew the rule was soomewhere. Just couldn't find it.

Scarab Sages

Removing cards from the game is not a rule for the game at-large, just for the adventure path. There might be some adventure path, some day, where they don't do that...maybe. Perhaps they'd remove cards a different way, or at a different pace.

Hawkmoon's worksheet, which details when cards are actually banished (as opposed to "returned to the box") is actually part of the game's overall rules.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Calthaer wrote:
Removing cards from the game is not a rule for the game at-large, just for the adventure path. There might be some adventure path, some day, where they don't do that...maybe. Perhaps they'd remove cards a different way, or at a different pace.

Correct. In fact, Season of the Shackles in PFSACG Organized Play works differently; you'll (soon) find the rules for that on the season's Adventure Path sheet.

I decided to use a form of the "preparing the game box" rule from the PFSACG pdf for my home games :

Purge Basics and Elites by Adventure Deck : To make things more interesting and to help you remove the right cards faster, when you add a new adventure deck to your base set after adventure 3, remove all cards with the Basic and Elite traits with AD numbers at least 2 lower than the AD you just added.

I removed the basics after adding AD 3, and the elites after AD 5, as it states to remove them after these AD additions on the RoR AP. No more fighting a lowly difficulty 8 or 9 because they failed to be banished by the last scenario in the AP! Or finding a Wooden Shield for that matter...

Anyways, it seems to make the rewards and risks ramp up at a greater speed than to slowly weed out the basics and elites over time.

Just a thought ;)

kidray666 wrote:

Purge Basics and Elites by Adventure Deck : To make things more interesting and to help you remove the right cards faster, when you add a new adventure deck to your base set after adventure 3, remove all cards with the Basic and Elite traits with AD numbers at least 2 lower than the AD you just added.

Did you also remove all the Blessings of the Gods? Depending on player count, this might make some scenarios impossible to build with a 30 blessings deck.

It will be interesting to see how cards are removed in OP because you want each box to be about the same when playing, for example, the second scenario of the fourth adventure. This could also help players switching back and forth between different groups running campaigns out of the same box.

The one thing I did not include in my purge was the BoGs. I play solo with 3 characters for my RoR and have not run into any problems with running out of blessings , even with the few I did end up taking out via the normal RFG rules. I'm not really sure which way benefits characters more. It seems in more advanced characters, you may have removed all your BoGs in your deck, meaning that less in the blessings deck allows you to match up your specialized blessings for recharge more often. But perhaps some people would like to keep some BoGs for that random element of being able to duplicate the top of the deck stack. After all, you never know when you may need a boost from a blessing you wouldn't "main deck". And more importantly, how will that werewolf kill lower level adventurers without them?!!

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