Yanick Goossens |

Hey guys,
planning my Barbarian build I had a q about cyberfiber Muscles.
I am planning to get the Belt of giant strength to get the +2 on my STR. Would buying cyberfiber muscle stack with it or not?
Since they are not in the same slot (belt and body) I hope they do stack, but lately i noticed it often doesn't play out that way.

Claxon |

Yeah, both are enhacements bonus. In fact all the technology ability upgrades are enhancement bonuses and none will stack with the respective belts or headbands.
This is on purpose. They don't intend for you to have access to even higher stats. It was to allow you to use technology instead of magic to enhance your character.
It has the side benefit of not turning off in an Antimagic field also.
Of course, now they also added an AntiTech field to counter it, but hey. At least there are options.