Goblin Keelhauling

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Sovereign Court

Is the reward for defeating related to "current" hand size, or the character's hand size when he/she resets each turn (I've been calling it "maximum" hand size, but that could get distorted too).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I'm assuming you're asking because of the scenario Press Ganged!... the text on that cards defines your hand size for all purposes during the scenario. So if Press Ganged! is limiting your hand size to 1 card, and you fail to defeat Goblin Keelhaulin', draw 1 card and bury 1 card.

If you're talking about the RotR scenario Ravenous Crypts of Gluttony, that card adds 2 to your hand size while you are at that location, so if you run into Goblin Keelhaulin' while you're there, you do draw and bury the 2 extra cards.

I think the question is whether "your hand size" is the number of cards you have in your hand at any given point in time or is it the number printed on your character card as modified by power feats and other effects. I'm pretty sure it's the answer is that it's the latter.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Yes, it's the latter. If we wanted to refer to the former, we'd probably say "the number of cards in your hand."

Sovereign Court

Thank you very much. Borodino was correct. I was asking about the reward for defeating Goblin Keelhauling, which I didn't have in front of me so I couldn't give the exact wording.

Vic Wertz wrote:

I'm assuming you're asking because of the scenario Press Ganged!... the text on that cards defines your hand size for all purposes during the scenario. So if Press Ganged! is limiting your hand size to 1 card, and you fail to defeat Goblin Keelhaulin', draw 1 card and bury 1 card.

If you're talking about the RotR scenario Ravenous Crypts of Gluttony, that card adds 2 to your hand size while you are at that location, so if you run into Goblin Keelhaulin' while you're there, you do draw and bury the 2 extra cards.

Wait... can you stash plunder cards if you don't have a ship, like in RotRL? A bit of a weird interaction that isn't intended (it's a S&S barrier in a RotRL location), but I'm curious what you would do in this situation.

I was also going to ask how goblins even manage to keelhaul someone in a crypt, but decided I don't want to know.

Mechalibur wrote:
I was also going to ask how goblins even manage to keelhaul someone in a crypt, but decided I don't want to know.

If the keel is on a ship that's a parade float...


What? We're talking goblins here. They're silly - anything is possible. XD

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mechalibur wrote:
...can you stash plunder cards if you don't have a ship, like in RotRL? A bit of a weird interaction that isn't intended (it's a S&S barrier in a RotRL location), but I'm curious what you would do in this situation.

Given that "stashing a plunder card" means putting it under your ship, no, you can't stash a plunder card if you don't have a ship. (Other things with plunder cards, such as Kleptomaniac Ranzak's ability to put plunder into his hand, use the word adding, not stashing.)

So in RotR, Goblin Keelhaulin's "if undefeated" power works just fine, but the "after you act" power falls to the "impossible rule."

Goblin Keelhaulin' wrote:

Traits: Skirmish, Goblin, Pirate, Veteran

Check to defeat: Constitution/Fortitude 5 OR Wisdom/Survival 6

The difficulty to defeat this barrier is increased by twice the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any.

If undefeated, draw a number of card equal to your hand size, then bury that number of cards.

After you act, stash a number of plunder cards equal to your hand size.

The last sentence says, "After you act," not "If defeated." Does that mean you stash the plunder cards regardless of whether or not you defeat the barrier?

Johnny Chronicle wrote:
Goblin Keelhaulin' wrote:

Traits: Skirmish, Goblin, Pirate, Veteran

Check to defeat: Constitution/Fortitude 5 OR Wisdom/Survival 6

The difficulty to defeat this barrier is increased by twice the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any.

If undefeated, draw a number of card equal to your hand size, then bury that number of cards.

After you act, stash a number of plunder cards equal to your hand size.

The last sentence says, "After you act," not "If defeated." Does that mean you stash the plunder cards regardless of whether or not you defeat the barrier?

Assuming the text is written here correctly, that is correct. The power that lets you stash plunder is not dependent on whether the barrier was defeated.

Yep, you should get the plunder either way. Of course, that's assuming you didn't just die from failing the check (which is totally possible and perhaps quite likely depending on how much of the scenario you've gotten through at the point you acquire the goblins.) We should all pity Ranzak, whose hand size could be so large he might just die from failing that check for lack of being able to draw enough cards. AND the current version of this barrier is actually (sort of) easier than it might have been!

For me, every time I read the card is another reminder that I don't want to add it to the box. Ever. ;)

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