Some more questions

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

What does the "Finesse" trait do?, seen it on a few cards but nothing else that goes with it. In PFS finesse allows for dex to replace str, but all the weapons I have seen only have str combat on them.

"Toxic Cloud" the turn it mentions is that only active for the person who play it, or does it last longer? If a barrier or something summoned in monsters with the immune to poison trait, would others be able to ignore using the 1d6 of poison or do attack auto fall because of the cloud?

"Fail" check, say someone was using the glaive vs Xanesha, would he get his re-roll than not be allowed to use weapons/spells on his 2nd attack or would he not be allowed the re-roll?

In Rise of the Runelords, finesse doesn't do anything. If you check out the characters in Skull and Shackles, you will see some can do the exact thing you mention when playing finesse weapons.

It lasts until the end of the turn it was played on, whose ever turn that is. If it is in play and a monster that is immune to poison is encountered, players simply don't get the benefit from toxic cloud, so just pretend it isn't there.

I have to check what Xanesha says, but the reroll means you pick up the dice and roll them again. You don't get to add more to it, but you do pretend the first result didn't happen.

Most rerolls have you reroll the dice as is. You don't have to worry about managing new cards, just roll the same set again and take that result (crab enemies). There are certain enemies that make you start a new check, if I'm remembering correctly, but I can't remember any specific villains that do so maybe I'm just imagining things.

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