Shaman and Extra Hex Rules Question from ACG

Rules Questions

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Quick questions regarding Shaman and changes made to Extra Hex in ACG.

Here is the new explanation of extra hex:

Extra Hex
You have learned the secrets of a new hex.
Prerequisite: Hex class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional hex. You must meet
the prerequisites for this hex. If you are a shaman, it must
be a hex granted by your spirit rather than one from a
wandering spirit.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each
time you do, you gain another hex.

Question #1 - It appears that the Unsworn Shaman Archetype does not benefit from extra hex since it only gets Minor and Wandering Spirits? I'm I missing something here? If this is correct then unsworn shaman are basically limited to a total of 3 hexes by 9th level.

Question #2 - For the base Shaman class, this rewriting of extra hex seems to indicate that a Shaman can only take non-spirit hexes at granted class levels but could only use extra hex to pick up spirit (not wandering spirit) hexes.

I hope that I'm missing something here with extra hex...I had really hoped to create a shaman that played very similar to a witch for Society play but it doesn't look like that is a viable option with RAW.

Thanks in advance for any clarification or advice.

#1 - Correct. The Unsworn Shaman replaces the Hex class feature, which is a prerequisite for Extra Hex.

#2 - No, the Shaman's Hex class feature clearly states that he can choose from the list of general shaman hexes as well as from his spirit's list of hexes.
Extra Hex just states that the shaman can't choose from spirit hex lists other than his permanent spirit.

Also, this question better belongs in the rules questions forum, since it's not PFS-specific.

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