
Rules Questions

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Can someone please help me out with this, I really want to get them in my game.

"All primary effects created by a haunt are mind-affecting fear effects, even those that actually produce physical effects. Immunity to fear grants immunity to a haunt's direct effects, but not to secondary effects that arise as a result of the haunt's attack."

Example: a haunt that triggers the room bursting into flames.

[1] Is the fire the primary effect?
[2] Presumably the room doesn't actually burn, it's an kind of an illusion? Do effected players take damage as though it was actually on fire though?
[3] If so would immunity to fear prevent that fire damage?
[4] What would people outside the haunt's influence see?
[5] What would be a secondary effect that might arise?

Grand Lodge

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1. The primary effect of the haunt is fire damage to the target creatures. A haunt can't cause the room actually to catch on fire, because rooms are objects and immune to mind-affecting effects.
2. It's an odd sort of spiritual effect. You might think of shadow magic as an analogy. Affected creatures take real fire damage.
3. Yes.
4. Nothing. However creatures affected by the haunt, but immune to fear, see all its effects but are not harmed by them.
5. Presumably something that an affected creature does or suffers in response to the haunt. For example, if the haunt affects a paladin's horse and the horse panics and bucks her off, the paladin takes falling damage, or if the haunt affects a dark stalker and does enough damage to kill him, he explodes.
edit: The haunt can probably also do things to an affected creature's gear. Any consequences of that would be secondary effects.

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