Living Sunder

Homebrew and House Rules

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I'm considering thoughts pertaining to the idea of allowing sunder to target natural attacks and unarmed strikes. Basically, if you succeed on a sunder attempt, the weapon gains the broken condition, which amounts to a -2 on attacks and damage. If you 'destroy' the object, you basically sever the limb, or cripple it in some manner; crushed bones, cut tendons etc.

The target CMD would include the normal CMD of the creature, plus any armor bonus or natural armor bonus the creature has. The hardness of the weapon would be equal to 2+ half the creatures natural armor bonus (rounded up). The HP of the weapon itself would be 1/10th the creatures full HP (same as the HP to cut yourself out if swallowed hole).

So, for example, to sunder the claw of the bulette, you would have the following stat block: CMD 40; hardness 8, hp 8.

It wouldn't be easy to sunder the bulette's claw, but it would be possible.


Cool. That is an interesting idea. Have you checked out the rules for called shots? It includes similar rules.

Yeah I've allowed this for some time, it works out well. Now when the players say something like "I aim to break the harpy's wing" there's a method to handling it.

What book is called shots in?

I really don't think an easily accessible maneuver should be allowed to cripple PCs to the point where a level 7 spell is required to fix it.

Also true, admittedly. I'd probably leave in-combat uses to breaking bones and other painful but recoverable injuries rather than straight-up severing limbs, now that I think about it. At least at low levels; later in the game, all bets are off.

I confess to playing softball on my characters at low levels in this regard, heh. I allow it, but I tend not to use it - or limit it to less-devastating injuries, as above - until we get closer to the levels where they can actually do something about it.

Called shots are an optional rule from Ultimate Combat.

Thanks =)

Sovereign Court

I've toyed around with this before, but abandoned the project when I realized what sundering a sword-wielding or spell-casting hand will do to either a PC or BBEG. I didn't like either.

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