Doctor Necrotic |
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As I've mentioned before, I run a blog dedicated to making Pathfinderized versions of various creatures (and sometimes races, classes, etc) I've already covered some of my stuff here.
In the spirit of Halloween, I wanted to share some of the scarier converted creatures I've tackled. As usual, feedback is more than welcome.
Animated Tank, Alexander 9000 (Deadlands Hell on Earth)
Battle Hound (Deadlands Hell on Earth)
Defiler Lich (AD&D Dark Sun/Ravenloft)
Roach Thrall (D20 Urban Arcana)
The Men in Black Suits (Alternity Dark*Matter/D20 Dark Matter)
Umlaut and Tokentakker (CarnEvil)
The Lich/Zombie Master (Gauntlet Dark Legacy/D20 Post) (The two were similar enough that I mashed them together.)
Undead Priest (TimeSplitters 2/Future Perfect)
Portal Daemon (TimeSplitters 2)
Elohim (Alternity Dark*Matter)
Luciferian (Alternity Dark*Matter)
Mirror Mage (Gauntlet Dark Legacy)
"Spooky Scary Skeletons" (Don't ask.)

Faust XIII |

I haven't looked at all of them but I like what I've seen so far. Especially the Oozer. One of my favorite/most hated enemies Darkwatch.
I was wondering, have you converted any Silent Hill monsters to Pathfinder? I want to use some in a campaign but haven't seen any and have no talent for making them myself.

Doctor Necrotic |

I've considered it, but there's a reason I haven't. Every monster is unique to the protagonist. It wouldn't feel too right, unless I have the PCs play as a main character from said game. Otherwise, I'd make up my own psychological horrors. But, if there's any specifics, I can add it to my list of creatures to tackle. (Plus, if I have the time, I'll write some fluff on incorporating it into Golarion somehow.)

Demiurge 1138 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

Doc Necrotic, don't take the radio silence personally. Homebrew monster threads don't attract a whole lot of chatter--typically people will just raid them for stats and move on. I'm at work right now (and the filter hates tumblr), so I can't comment on your beasties yet, but I'll do so once I'm home.

Doctor Necrotic |

Doc Necrotic, don't take the radio silence personally. Homebrew monster threads don't attract a whole lot of chatter--typically people will just raid them for stats and move on. I'm at work right now (and the filter hates tumblr), so I can't comment on your beasties yet, but I'll do so once I'm home.
Shoulda figures these kinda boards don't garner many views, but being inactive and still somewhat new, guess I didn't know. Also, I'd be more than glad to have feedback whenever you have the opportunity. Heck, I'd be more than happy to whip up some more! (Come to think of it, I may as well have posted on the other thread instead and use that as an archive of my conversions.)
And on a random note, we need more folks with the plague doc. avatar.

Sauce987654321 |

These are pretty cool. I didn't comment on this earlier because I didn't know this thread even existed. I always had ideas for a bunch of monster builds. I wanted to do Godzilla and all the other kaiju. I didn't before because I was waiting on Paizo's take on kaiju first. I never really got around to it in any case because I didn't think people were going to want to look at them, anyway.

Silke |

I second the comment by Demiurge 1138 but ok Doctor Necrotic, I'll bite and post. :)
I looked at just one conversion of interest Defiler Lich (AD&D Dark Sun/Ravenloft) and absolutely went-to-town on it. After days of work redesigning and creating an entire encounter around this creature, I present to everyone the first draft.
Download Lich, Defiler (CR 16).pdf.
I haven't had a chance to playtest the defiler lich or included scenario but if anyone does please PM me or post your comments here on how it went. Also mention any errors or improvement suggestions.
Trust me, the above download will be far more worthwhile than people are expecting. I recommend DMs take their time to completely read the scenario; it's dastardly nasty. I envisage it for four optimised 16th level PC's.

Silke |

Document linked in above post has been updated, had some play testing, and is ready for use by nefarious DMs everywhere.
Document contains...
* Defiler Lich Template (CR +3)
* Morbent Fel - a Defiler Lich Human Wizard (Universalist) 14
* Black Rock - an Advanced 12 HD Marrowstone Golem
* Desecrated Acid Shadow (Blast Shadow Variant)
* Desecrated Bloody Skeleton (Rock Troll)

Doctor Necrotic |

@Sauce I'm pretty sure I built them with corrected math, I could be wrong. Also, I did put CMD and CMB in there, it's just a bit hidden due to the way it was formatted.
@Silke Oooh! I love it! Thanks for taking the time to make this. If I had an active group at the moment, I would happily run something with this in mind.
Also, this beats my take by far. I'll admit, I sampled bits from my Psionic Lich, took bits from the Dark Sun/Ravenloft Monstrous Compendiums, and tacked them onto the PF Lich with some buffs and Dark Sun themed abilities.
If you're interested, here's some nasties from my previous thread. (The old links from that thread are an outdated URL)
Neogi (Spelljammer)
Psionic Lich Template (Dark Sun/Ravenloft)
Lich, Psionic (Dark Sun/Ravenloft)
Bogeyman Template (D20 Modern/Alternity Dark*Matter)
Walking Disease (D20 Into The Black)

Ipslore the Red |

The Spooky Scary Skeleton's 2Spoopy aura says 80ft in the initial statblock and 40ft in its description.
Auras 2Spoopy Aura (80ft., DC 18)
2Spoopy Aura (Su)
A Spooky Scary Skeleton radiates a 40ft. aura that will affect everyone entering or standing within as the ‘fear’ spell. This is a mind-affecting fear effect that allows a DC 18 will save to negate. The save DC is charisma-based.

Silke |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Silke Oooh! I love it! Thanks for taking the time to make this. Also, this beats my take by far.
Thanks for the kind words Doctor Necrotic. I like the presentation of your work. I've refined the encounter after further play testing (especially the acid shadows) and updated the file linked in my earlier post. For those who have already downloaded this encounter, I recommend you download it again.
A lot of thought and effort has gone into it. It's a pretty polished product now. Enjoy :)

Doctor Necrotic |
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Before the year is done, I figure I'd post some (mostly) converted and homebrewed monsters from the past couple months. Enjoy.
D&D Encounters - Dark Legacy of Evard (Nerath/Greyhawk)
Daemon, Ultroloth (Planescape)
Daemon, Arcanaloth (Planescape)
Daemon, Nycaloth (Planescape)
MORE Neogi (Spelljammer/Planescape)
Greyhawk 2000 - Alterations (Greyhawk/D20 Modern)
Alterations (Random Encounters) (Greyhawk/D20 Modern)
Living Dumpster (D20 Modern)

Doctor Necrotic |

I'm back once more! So, since I relaunched my gaming blog, the previous name won't work. Simply replace "docnecroticgaming" with "daemons-and-deathrays" to access my previous work. Anyway, here's some more goodies I whipped up since last time (mostly conversions of course)
The Siren (BioShock Infinite)
Faranth (Dungeon Magazine 83 - "Deep Freeze")
Deity: Loc-Nar (Heavy Metal Movie)
Various Magic Items (Gauntlet Dark Legacy) *
*This one was a lot of guess work to make it fit GDL style mechanics, so balance *MIGHT* be a tad off.
Also, I made my own House Rule for kobolds for a home game... nothing really interesting there.

Doctor Necrotic |

So, while I think the monsters are pretty decent (I'd like to think I'm not bad at generating creatures), I'm wondering if my Gauntlet items are that balanced? I tried to keep them true to the video games. So, anyone whose had experience with magic items and wands (which these basically are), any pointers are welcome.