Werewolf coming-out problem


Shadow Lodge

So, in a campaign I just got infected with lycanthropy.

Consequently, at the next full moon I am going to turn into an insane were-something with no control over my actions.

Despite my LE alignment, I'd like to try and do something about that, and I could use your advice for how to lock myself down for that period.

Manacles and chains aren't going to work because I may become a Large or Small creature and thus they'll just burst open or fall.

A cage might work, but i'd need to know its break DC and d20pfsrd isn't forthcoming.

My current idea involves swallowing an Immovable Rod and get a friend with Unseen Servant to activate it, then come back in 12 hours and deactivate it after my character has returned to normal. Issue is that rods are a little expensive and I'd prefer to find a way to do it single-handed. Class is monk/inquisitor.


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What level/price range are we talking about here?

Have you tried.. not being a werewolf?

Shadow Lodge

Level 10 maximum, price- cheap as possible really, though if something really good is very expensive it will still be appreciated.

*blinks* I.... don't understand the question.... :)

Get a poison or spell effect that reduces one of the non-lethal attributes to zero, deliberately fail your safe. The transformation only lasts for one night, which is exactly how long it will take for you to regenerate the attribute back to 1. Afterwards, use restoration item, problem solved. This is a little expensive, but should be very safe. Ideally, work with your gm to get a custom item that can cast both spells 1/month. That should be significantly cheaper then 1/day, especially since the save-dc for the attribute-drain can be ridicculously low and therefore it won't have any offensive options. Would require heavy houseruling and customization though.

Its not a stretch that your lawful character doesn't want to loose control.

Is your dm playing the rules by the book? If so that could be more trouble for your melee character than what you're prepared for, because after the first full moon any time another full moon occurs or anytime you take damage you must make a will save or loose control.

In the past I've had a dm run a game that us contracting lycanthropy was part of the story, as such he relaxed the rules to where we only lost control the first full moon, afterwards we had full control. In that game we were able to find a tavern that going by clues was run by lycanthropes and had a history (in the underground that is) with helping new lycanthropes through their initial "loose control phase". It was set up with an entire room in the basement dedicated to keeping a lycanthrope in one place, silvered masterwork manacles chained to a wall inside of a cage with silver bars and a removable ladder leading up 20 feet to the only way in or out, a hatch in the ceiling of the basement lockable from the outside.

Maybe you might be able to find out about a place like this through some nice perception checks. I mean, curse or not there are always two sides of the fence right? Some people enjoy being lycans, some don't, but maybe there's a few that do enjoy it out to help others of their kind. Or maybe you can just rent a place with a basement and recreate the room yourself

Shadow Lodge

-Kalridian Actually, how about this- chug say 6 doses of Oil of Taggit, which give 1d3 hours of unconsciousness each, with the duration stacking. But your poison idea is great.

-Joegoat Huh; my reading of the Lycanthrope template was that there was only an uncontrollable episode the first time after you were afflicted. Afterwards you could shift between each form- after you make the DC check- and be fully in control the entire time. Have I missed something? Your basement idea is interesting but sadly my character's lycanthropy is secret and he doesn't have the resources to make a safehouse like that.

Lycanthrope Rules

Arkwright wrote:

So, in a campaign I just got infected with lycanthropy.

Consequently, at the next full moon I am going to turn into an insane were-something with no control over my actions.

Despite my LE alignment, I'd like to try and do something about that, and I could use your advice for how to lock myself down for that period.

Manacles and chains aren't going to work because I may become a Large or Small creature and thus they'll just burst open or fall.

A cage might work, but i'd need to know its break DC and d20pfsrd isn't forthcoming.

My current idea involves swallowing an Immovable Rod and get a friend with Unseen Servant to activate it, then come back in 12 hours and deactivate it after my character has returned to normal. Issue is that rods are a little expensive and I'd prefer to find a way to do it single-handed. Class is monk/inquisitor.


Not sure what spell levels you have access to, but the core rulebook says that you can find up to 8th level spellcasting services in a metropolis. Sequester can put you in a state of suspended animation for a few days until the period passes.

Alternatively, knocking you unconscious would work pretty good too. It would suck, but beating you half to death with nonlethal damage would render you comatose, lycanthropy or not.

Stuffing you in a metal box with holes in it and casting arcane lock on it would work (seriously ups the break DC as well).

Willingly fail a save vs charm person/monster or dominate person/monster or better yet both, and your caster friend can help to keep you on the leash, because he can force you to do something that you wouldn't ordinarily do with an opposed Charisma check, and if you willingly fail a command to remain put while under dominate person, after the initial save you get no further saves, so when you turn into a doggy you have to sit boy.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What you have to do is plan ahead. And you may need some help. Locking yourself up in a very strong room can still work especially if you strip yourself of your equipment before hand. And it is a classic trope for heroes struggling to keep their beast under control.

Ultimately though, you're going to need to find that high level cleric or sutiably learned oracle to break your curse.

Shadow Lodge

-Ashiel All pretty good ideas I admit; beating self over the head with a rock could work :) And the magic solutions could work. Sequester is interesting...

-LazarX Fortunately my character has a month until the next full moon, so he does have some time. Strong room could work...

Silly question, would you need to have moonlight fall on your character before the change is triggered? Or does itjust happen with the moonrise?

Bend iron bars DC 24

Ultimate Equipment has cages with iron as an option. Does your werewolf form have an 18 or higher str?

The "have you tried not being a werewolf" is a play on X men's "have you tried not being a mutant?" when Ice man came out to his family.

Shadow Lodge

My human form has 18 str, sadly.

Dig a cave, put an iron door on it, and get "arcane lock" put on it. DC 38 to break it down.

Liberty's Edge

...find a cure? Does remove curse not exist in your game world?

Shadow Lodge

I said I'm evil, remember? :)

Grand Lodge

Evil can despise some evil acts.

What does Remove Curse have to do with being evil?

Your title gave me an entirely different impression of the content.

Arkwright wrote:

-Kalridian Actually, how about this- chug say 6 doses of Oil of Taggit, which give 1d3 hours of unconsciousness each, with the duration stacking. But your poison idea is great.

-Joegoat Huh; my reading of the Lycanthrope template was that there was only an uncontrollable episode the first time after you were afflicted. Afterwards you could shift between each form- after you make the DC check- and be fully in control the entire time. Have I missed something? Your basement idea is interesting but sadly my character's lycanthropy is secret and he doesn't have the resources to make a safehouse like that.

Lycanthrope Rules

What you're looking at is the inherited rules for lycanthropy, what you're explaining is you were bitten right?

The rules for being bitten are a little deeper in, if you click on the werewolf link in the lycanthropy section (or click here and scroll down to the "curse of lycanthropy (su)" section you'll see this

Onset the next full moon; Frequency on the night of every full moon or whenever the target is injured

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Ashiel wrote:
Not sure what spell levels you have access to, but the core rulebook says that you can find up to 8th level spellcasting services in a metropolis. Sequester can put you in a state of suspended animation for a few days until the period passes.

A Sepia Snake Sigil would be cheaper and more easily obtained. Plus you can have them put on the pages of a book, and carry a whole lot with you.

VRMH wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
Not sure what spell levels you have access to, but the core rulebook says that you can find up to 8th level spellcasting services in a metropolis. Sequester can put you in a state of suspended animation for a few days until the period passes.
A Sepia Snake Sigil would be cheaper and more easily obtained. Plus you can have them put on the pages of a book, and carry a whole lot with you.

And since you can voluntarily fail a save, the spell level and thus DC isn't an issue.

Arkwright wrote:

My human form has 18 str, sadly.

Well the environment section of the core rulebook has rules for improving the hardness/HP and I think break DCs of objects (it is mostly for improving the hardness of a 10 x 10 ft. section of wall, but I see no reason why you couldn't use the same magical enhancements to improve the structural integrity of a cage or box). Magically treated doubles the object's hardness, hit points, and adds +20 to the break DC. Honestly, if you're in a magically treated cage, it's pretty difficult to get out of.

VRMH wrote:
A Sepia Snake Sigil would be cheaper and more easily obtained. Plus you can have them put on the pages of a book, and carry a whole lot with you.

Hah, sure enough. I completely forgot about this spell. Good call.

Grand Lodge

Seriously, the thread title made me think there was some Homosexual Furry content.

Too much internet I guess.

blackblood: As a furry, I lol'd. Hard.

Actually, I thought it was going to be about roleplaying a werewolf who has to tell his/her allies/friends about a "monthly problem" that has absolutely nothing to do with being a girl. And how he should go about doing that kind of scenario. Although, TBH that seems a little silly now.

Grand Lodge

It just gets weirder.

Do you roleplay animal companions?

Does this PC worship Lamashtu?

I would say the best solution would be to get very stoic, then get in your van and drive away into the sunset and break our hearts. Then, reappear months later and claim that you've gotten control of your lycanthropy, only to have it prove not to be true. Then, get in your van and leave again and break our hearts a second time.

Then go do a lot of voiceover work.

Lamontius: I KNOW that's a movie reference. I just haven't a clue as to what movie...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Arkwright wrote:

Silly question, would you need to have moonlight fall on your character before the change is triggered? Or does itjust happen with the moonrise?

Whichever better serves drama.

Do you turn into the hybrid or actual wolf? I can't remember. Either way aren't both medium creatures? A collar will stay on, so I would put a metal collar on with chain. Lock your self to a large tree or to a wall in some room somewhere out of the way or in a dungeon. I don't think I would try and over think this. Cage, collar, locks, or spells... You should be good. Swallowing a rod... not so good, plus I don't think it is possible and if you did you might end up killing your pc whilst werewolfing out. Interal damage and all.

My 2 cp

Someone asked about what being evil has to do with not getting cured: the turning into a ravenous flesh eating monster that thirsts for the blood of the innocent is a mere trifling inconvenience for the various benefits of being a lycanthorpe in the mind of an evil character. Really, the main complication is that he is lawful, thus he finds the mess troublesome.

Although you might want to make sure you can work out the whole "save when you take damage" thing with you GM. Otherwise, a lawful character would have to get that cured, since he is turning into such a liability. Maybe talk them into having a much lower save when it is not near the full moon.

Last bit of advice: be sure to talk about "that time of the month" in the most confusing terms when in public. Speak loudly too. Maybe wait until you have gone through all the preparations for binding yourself, and let them have a "OOOOOHHH! So that's it" moment when you start growing fangs. Useless from a pragmatic standpoint, but is best from an awesome standpoint.

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