huntsfromshadow |

I am curious about my subscription order #3226789
In a previous request post the shipping was delayed Till the 15th (due
to everyone in my household being at gencon).
It is now coming up on almost 2 weeks and their is still no update
on shipping status.
The shipping issue is frustrating as this weekend I put an order in for spell templates and that order has already been shipped, yet I'm still waiting on my subscription order.

Hawkmoon269 |

This is covered in the August shipment thread, but there are a ton of posts there. Here are the highlights:
1. The card game character add-on decks did not arrive at the Paizo warehouse. Some were shipped by the printer to GenCon, but the rest that were supposed to be delivered to Paizo HQ hadn't arrived as of yesterday. As of Friday the 22nd, they were hoping to still receive them so they could put orders out the door still.
2. They've given up on receiving them for now. They are going to put the card game character add-on and promos in your sidecart and ship the rest of your subscription (including the card game base set) this week.

Sharaya Customer Service Ray of Funshine |

Hi! Sorry for the delay in following up on this. We ran into some tech issues with getting the email out as soon as we would have liked. It looks like you should have gotten it on the 27th, and our order should have shipped on the 29th. Sorry for the delay!
If you have any further questions, please let us know.