Wafflez the Baker


Silver Crusade

Hey guys, I want to make a character with profession baker. What would be a good class for this? I want to still be effective at something else, i just dont know what yet lol. I was thinking a halfling, possibly gnome. What would be a class for a baker backstory.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Witch. Cook people hex. EoT.

"My profession?! You know, now that I think about it, I've always wanted to be a Baker."

Definitely a fighter archetype in there.

The druid who makes excellent brownies is a classic.

Alchemist/investigator could be really fun; you could flavor text all of your abilities as involving baked goods.

Face of the party types (bard/rogue/pally/cleric) -- although there's less direct tie in to the class.

That's all that really comes to mind.

elemental(fire) sorceror. just cook everything

Silver Crusade

hmm some sort of halfling aid other investigator might be fun. He gives them baking. Lol.

I wanted to do a halfling swashbuckler but that won't be flavorful for a baker!

I'm imagining an old lady baker by day, who uses poisons by night to get rid of people. An alchemist with a bit of craft alchemy and profession(baker) seems perfect.

You can go all, Ms. Lovett's Meat Pies for an extra sadistic twist too.

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