Kingdom of Federated United Communities of Middle Eastern Avistan (F.U.C.M.E.A) [Big Spoilers]


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I would just like to note that after 3.5 years of play (April 2011 to Sept 2014), my table just completed Kingmaker, after having torn Nyrissa's demiplane onto the material plane, cleared the castle of knives and slaying Nyrissa after pitched battle.

Near the end of the conflict things looked grim: the wizard was slain by a finger of death, the inquisitor stoned, the sorcerer cohort sent to another plane, the barbarian/ranger trapped in a maze, and everyone was blind.

Still, the combined summons of the druid, and strikes from briar, wielded by the battle herald/king laid the nymph low.

Along the way:

- the druid escaped a maze spell twice to rejoin the battle against Nyrissa

- the king slew a jabberwocky in single combat after the rest of the party fled

- the king slew an assassin disguised as an adopted child that hid in his household for an entire year

- the druid and wizard laid low armies by themselves

- the wizard slew her sister, and dumped the burden of her orphaned satyr nephew on the druid (kind of a jerk, the wizard)

- the male half-orc druid was reborn as a female dwarf

- the ranger found and lost love, the latter primarily due to the fact that he was reincarnated as a lizardman.

- And various characters died and were memorialized - the heads of their killers mounted in Oleg's tavern (a troll, a boar, a baboahan sith, an aurumvorax, and a bear to name a few)

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This sounds excellently epic.

My group has just about finished book 1 after about 9 sessions. I'd say one or two to go. That puts us on track to finish in 1.5 years if we keep our standard pace.

Hope your next campaign is just as epic.

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Jurgen Dark wrote:

This sounds excellently epic.

My group has just about finished book 1 after about 9 sessions...

And here my guys knife though it super fast... 2nd session and they are thinking about going after the stag lord, though they didn't encounter neither the mites or kobolds yet (they saw a few, know where they live, are spit on what to do about them)...

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Keydan wrote:
And here my guys knife though it super fast... 2nd session and they are thinking about going after the stag lord, though they didn't encounter neither the mites or kobolds yet (they saw a few, know where they live, are spit on what to do about them)...

If they are just thinking about it, give them a reason to deal with something closer to home. IMC I had Jhod searching for the temple to Erastil. He found it but was bloody and bruised returning to Oleg's and was unsure how to get back. This prompted more exploration of the Narlmarches to deal with the temple guardian.

Hah - after I'm not sure...but 2 - 3 years, we are just starting Book 3!
Needless to say, the characters are on SSLLOOOWWW progression, & I've
thrown one or two extra quests their way...

Same here, we started in May 2012 and have only just reached Armag.

Congratulations on completing the campaign! And good luck in your next endeavor.

Armag was one of the few "bosses" to actually kill a PC in my campaign, strangely. Charging power attacking vital striking criticals will do that, I suppose :)

You would have thought Vordakai would have taken one out!

Irovetti was a tough opponent, but mostly due to the fact that he was able to play divide and conquer games with the party with a confusion spell and greater invisibility. He felled a sorcerer companion, but the Naga (who has breath of life, but not see invisibility!) saved her for purely selfish reasons; i.e., to aid her vengeance.

Probably the MVP, at least for the first half, was the wizard. It is amazing how few critters have resistance to fireballs in this campaign.

As for the campaign, I would say book two was my favorite. Books three was a little out of theme, book four was a bit too repetitive. Book six was interesting, but my players bypassed a lot of the piece encounters and went straight for the House at the end of Time.

I also made a unique and scarier boss for the 2nd part. Epic battle!

Also, never let the Comedian be King, or name the kingdom!

Thus far, every "boss" encounter has killed at least one PC in my game, except the Stag Lord.

The big bad nasty thing I put in the expanded Candlemere dungeon took out the Oracle. She had a pre-arranged reincarnate though.

A troll gang leader leading a small army to attack Tatzylford took out the Warmage with a double greataxe crit. Likewise reincarnated.

The Cavalier got KO'd by the King of the Forest. Resurrection thankfully had just been acquired.

Hargulka's retinue (himself, a caster, Kargadd, two Trollhounds, and Rigg Gargadilly) managed to gank three party members - the Oracle, the Hunter, and the Samurai - but all of them got back on their feet thanks to breath of life fairly quick.

Vordakai nailed the Hunter with two spells in a row and took her out quick. She had a backup clone due to fey events earlier in the plot.

So I'm curious to see who bites it against Armag.

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