Dela |
4 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Spell Conduit (Su)
At 5th level, as long as a blood conduit is wearing light or no armor, he can deliver bloodrager spells with a range of touch through bodily contact. When he succeeds at a combat maneuver check to bull rush, grapple, pin, reposition, or trip an opponent, or makes an unarmed strike against an enemy, he can as a swift action cast a touch spell on the creature that he affected with the combat maneuver, requiring no further touch attack roll. If this spell would usually require a successful touch attack, his successful combat maneuver check counts as this attack.
So, could you use metamagic with this? If so, Frostbite with Rime Spell becomes quite nice for a bloodrager debuff build ;)

Shane LeRose |

I want to bump this because I'm curious as well.
I also wonder if natural attacks work with the BC as well.
Can the ability be used with both melee touch and ranged touch? It seems to imply this, but would a ranged touch spell provoke?
I want to make tengu BC who eventually takes pummeling style. How would pummeling style interact with the BC's touch spell craziness?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Cold Fire |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
I am also wondering how that works. Given that most of the Bloodrager touch spells are normally standard actions, and this is effectively a free, though situational, quicken, I would think it would work, but would like clarification.
Additionally, I am curious if being able to use this ability as part of an overrun was intentionally left out, or just forgotten. I ask because every other maneuver type that involves touching/moving the opponent is included, and the types that involve only equipment (sunder, steal, disarm) were left out. I could see reasons to exclude it, but want to be sure it was not an oversight.

MongrelHorde |

Bump, anyone have any opinions on this? My thoughts are they would be able to apply metamagic feat, as the
Sorcerers and Bards: Sorcerers and bards choose spells as they cast them. They can choose when they cast their spells whether to apply their metamagic feats to improve them. As with other spellcasters, the improved spell uses up a higher-level spell slot. Because the sorcerer or bard has not prepared the spell in a metamagic form in advance, he must apply the metamagic feat on the spot. Therefore, such a character must also take more time to cast a metamagic spell (one enhanced by a metamagic feat) than he does to cast a regular spell. If the spell’s normal casting time is a standard action, casting a metamagic version is a full-round action for a sorcerer or bard. (This isn’t the same as a 1-round casting time.) The only exception is for spells modified by the Quicken Spell metamagic feat, which can be cast as normal using the feat.
My thoughts are because it's a swift action, you wouldn't increase the casting time.

Wonderstell |

You can use metamagic with it.
It doesn't really matter if swift action spells have their casting time increased or not, because Spell Conduit allows you to cast the spell as a swift action no matter what the original casting time was.
If you've decided on a metamagic'd Frostbite the casting time would normally be one full-round action. Then Spell Conduit kicks in and let's you cast it as a swift action anyway.