Warpriest spell list

Rules Questions

I keep going over it but where is the spell list for Warpriest? Is it just the same as cleric?

Dark Archive

Same as the Cleric. Just don't get to cast spells of level 7 or higher.

Which makes it a pretty awful spell list too, unfortunately. (Cleric list is balanced around a 9th level caster, not a 6th level caster.)
It's a shame Paizo refuses to ever acknowledge that. :P

Scarab Sages

Eh, the really good self buffs are the lower level spells. And the Warpriest can swift action cast them.

The Cleric list has something useful every level and much of it scales. Having the whole list available to the combat-based Warpriest means they can fit themselves to non-combat situations when they have time to change their choices.

Dark Archive

I don't know about 1st level spells (all that Divine Favor!) but for every other spell level, my Warpriest will probably leave at least 2 of his slots open and memorize stuff during the day, as needed.

Grand Lodge

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I crit the BBEG in our PFS scenario last night with a scythe and ended up doing something like 52 points of damage at lvl 2. It turns out the secondary success condition was not killing her (thanks for the heads up Paizo!). Luckily the GM was nice and gave us the information we would have gotten from one of her lackies.

Point being that swift-self buffing is awesome.

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